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Revelation 'end-times' Prophesies About A One World Government


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And this is why they do it:


8And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.

Hey! I said that in my super brilliant and equally long post. I'm crushed you guys don't hang on my every word.





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2 gallons of milk, produced at a farm somewhere in Riverside County, California?

We've replaced our cows with people and tract homes.



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I hated end times crap even when a Xian because none of the shit made any sense. Oh sure, you can MAKE it make sense in some fashion, but there are dozens of ways to disprove any of it. Just look at the multitude of theories out there...there simply isn't just ONE interpretation of it all.


Plus, the whole idea of ruling and reigning with Christ forever and ever in a universe where entropy is pretty much inevitable is completely ridiculous. I suppose everyone will start planet-hopping as stars begin to supernova?

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entropy is pretty much inevitable

Entropy is just "god" getting Alzheimer's. And it wouldn't be inevitable if he'd just change his mind on stem cell research before it's too late.



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I wouldn't say that I believed in "end times" prophecy so much, yet I think there are two things to be observed. Firstly, as technology becomes more sophisticated, especially such technology as is related to surveillance and communications, one could reasonably predict that the misuse of such technology might well be on the cards. The Enabling Act (oops, Patriot Act) lends itself as a case in point I think, especially having been enacted as it was after the Reichstag Fire (beg pardon again, meant 911).


The other is simply that, as no one can deny, the advances in technology have also meant great advances in the control of every nation's monetary system, and, indeed, the world monetary system. Now if you care to put these two facts together, and project things far enough, we all might indeed be living in almost the equivalent of a feudal system. I've no doubt that would suit certain people down to the ground. However, what need do you Americans have of Revelations to warn you of these possibilities? Did not your own Founding Fathers warn you of very much the same things?


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As far as if Revelation meant the "mark" to be a physical mark on the body, to me it is pretty obvious that that was the original intent. The Greek word translated 'mark' and its underlying root word have to do with a physical mark, a scratching or engraving. As this mark would be required to buy or sell, it would be difficult to enforce if it just meant that you had to worship or believe the "beast." The mark would be a physical sign that you worshipped the beast. The Bible is also clear that the mark must be the name or the number of the beast. So, Christians, allay your fears of barcodes, implanted chips, etc.


It's clear to me that Revelation was talking about things that the author thought were about to happen. They didn't. Preachers will try fear-mongering in order to fill their pews and their coffers, but they have to really stretch things to make Revelation or Daniel or Ezekiel or any other "prophecy" fit today's events.



Franciscan Monkey

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's a substantial and evidential push for a global government. But what does that have to do with Revelations? There have been megalomaniacs since the first monkey swung a stick. Everything in Revelations could play out, excepting the supernatural bunk, to a letter without it being any evidence of the bibble's accuracy.

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End of the world, one world governments and all that? Well, I hope nobody nukes anybody but apart from that, the chances of a biblical apocalypse is very very low, indeed.


As for one world government, have you seen how many countries there are in the world? 190 plus countries! Some are arguing about possession of a tiny country right now, some are warring, some are obscure, some are well known. The point is, there are too many different nations to ever suggest a world government. If there ever was one, the government will face immense resistance, more resistance than the Roman Empire ever had. A small nation could possibly shatter the government just as well as a big country could. And there is too much infighting in the UN ever to suggest an impending one.


Mark of the Beast? That is the stuff of hysterical people scared of reality. Grow up and be brave. 666 is NOT a scary number! It is just a number, a lovely one at that. If I had 666 (or 616) somewhere in my life, I would be proud to have that number.


Ah shit, don't worry about these nutty theories. The currencies, on the other hand...

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