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Goodbye Jesus

Bob Larson


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I discovered Bob Larson a few months ago and I'm now a huge fan. This guy is hilarious! He would of scared the shit out of me if I heard him as a kid but as an adult atheist, I see him as one of the funniest people around.


It started a few months ago when I started listening to Boyd Rice's music. Rice was a representative of the Church of Satan for a while and in the early 90s, he went on Larson's show a bunch of times, all of which are on his website. I listened to all the clips and it was some of the best radio I've ever heard! Larson talks about driving demons out and asks for money every 10 minutes, while trying to push a number of goofy products, including accounts of "Satanic ritual murder" and blessed prayer shawls. Rice, a self-proclaimed Social Darwinist and more than slight wingnut, spends the show basically calling for the end of civilization. It was the most hilarious and disturbing radio, at the same time no less, that I've ever heard.


I've expanded my Bob Larson audio collection from there. There's dozens of debates floating on the net from the 80s of him debating against metal bands and self-proclaimed Satanists. He's also done shows on the "evils" of Dungeons and Dragons, Zen, and any number of other non-dangers. There's videos on YouTube of him performing exorcisms and several newscasts of him being exposed as a fake but denying it.


Tonight, I found this great clip of him debating a 13 year old over her love of that ultra-evil band, The Cure:

http://blogfiles.wfmu.org/DP/2003/05/365-D...-mandy-1990.mp3 (This is actually pretty tame for him if a tad absurd.)


He lives in Scottsdale which is a day's drive from me. I would love to meet him, maybe I should go up sometime. I want him to sign some book by someone he's had a guess, perhaps Boyd Rice's when it comes out or a book on the history of metal I have. I wonder if he'd do it? Interesting experience waiting to happen at the very least.

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Bob was on a fundie radio station here in Dallas for a number of years. He eventually got so whacked out that even the fundies pulled his show (probably despite his good ratings).

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"Compassion? From a computer?" That is one of the lines from his endless fund raising for his Compassion Connection ministry back in the 90's. I own several of his books and back then used to listen to him obsessively. If I couldn't be near a radio when he was on I would set up my stereo to record it. I'm sad to say that I actually gave him money.


Note: Compassion Connection should not be confused with Compassion International which is a ministry that actually does help people, unlike Bob's BS.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I wonder if he'd do it?


For free I dunno? If you paid him for sure!

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