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Guest Zenobia

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I never understood people who come up with these bizarre conspiracy theories. If the moonlanding was fake and some government-planned conspiracy plot, wouldn't it have come out by now if it was? I can't imagine our current government being intelligent and competent enough to keep something big like that a secret for very long without screwing up somehow unless the government is only feigning their incompetence which I find highly unlikely.

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Conspiracy theories have great appeal for a certain type of person. What is interesting about these people is that they are simultaneously skeptical and credulous. They believe something far more incredible that that which they deny. These folks are not only paradoxes, they are often quite paranoid. Many of them are misfits, outsiders. Their marginalization by society is somehow assuaged by their belief that they know something few people know, that they see truth hidden from others.


I don't think there is much one can do to help these folks. I've had students who said the moon landing was faked (this often comes up in the Fact vs. Opinion lesson). I have never been able to convince one otherwise. I don't even try any more, because their classmates turn on them if the debate goes on too long, and then I've got a classroom management problem and the poor delusional kid has a harassment problem that might spill into the hall or bus.

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Conspiracy theories have great appeal for a certain type of person. What is interesting about these people is that they are simultaneously skeptical and credulous. They believe something far more incredible that that which they deny. These folks are not only paradoxes, they are often quite paranoid. Many of them are misfits, outsiders. Their marginalization by society is somehow assuaged by their belief that they know something few people know, that they see truth hidden from others.


I don't think there is much one can do to help these folks. I've had students who said the moon landing was faked (this often comes up in the Fact vs. Opinion lesson). I have never been able to convince one otherwise. I don't even try any more, because their classmates turn on them if the debate goes on too long, and then I've got a classroom management problem and the poor delusional kid has a harassment problem that might spill into the hall or bus.



I think Mr. Bear has touched on a Truthâ„¢.


Most of us are both skeptical and credulous to at least some degree. Case en point - Creationists. They can deny scientific proof of evolution, yet are credulous enough to vigorously defend one of the old tribal myths of how it all began. We probably all have our own little irrational pet beliefs.


I also think believers (not limited to Christians) share the trait of taking great comfort and pride in the "fact" that they know something most are not privy to. Everyone wants to feel special.


Anyway, if we didn't go to the moon, what happened to all that money? Pentagon toilet seats?

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Guest Zenobia

test - sorry not a real reply


edit test


full edit test


testing "quotes"




***sorry was trying to figure out why the word "truth" in your post (florduh) errored out, think maybe its a glitch but dont know for sure.



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