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Goodbye Jesus

Rants About Religion


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Ok, I'm just about sick of Christians, who think they're persecuted. Especially in the U.S... Damn, this is so goddamn stupid. They're like 80.. something percent of the population. They should just get the fuck over it.


I also hear, that mandatory school prayer is banned for being unconstitutional and Christians raving about how "Oh, now we can't pray in school!"


Goddamn morons! You're allowed to pray wherever the fuck you want! The fact, that you're a majority doesn't give you the right to make OTHERS pray when they don't want to.



I'm just about sick of creationists attacking evolution without knowing what the fuck it is. Here's an example.

The creationists:

"You think everything came from nothin'?"




"You think everything assembled all by itself purely by chance?"




Uhh... Jesus Christ.. Need more be said?




I'm just about sick of being told to sit up straight. I like to slouch. Fuck you.


I'm just about sick of this "war on drugs" bullshit. People should be allowed to put whatever the fuck they want in their bodies.


I'm just about sick of conservative Christians who censor the fuck out of people who criticize them.


I'm just about sick of religious people confusing freedom with fascism.


bla bla bla... I'm done... have a nice.. whatever.. fuckin' day

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Guest Zenobia

I feel your pain...


Just the other day I had a conversation with a Christian who actually confided in my that she is "afraid" to tell people she is christian. Are you fucking kidding me?? She went on about how it just isn't popular to be a christian these days and she doesn't want to be "hurt" or have people "judge" her...




Understand... this is especially humorous to me because I happen to be a Pagan Jew. Do you feel the IRONY?

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NEWS FLASH! Brilliant insight! Whatever.


When Christians say something it doesn't have to be true. It does have to make them feel good.


It makes them feel oh-so-good to be "persecuted." Jesus said whoever follows him would be persecuted. So they HAVE to be persecuted. If it's not real they have to make it up. Otherwise they don't feel good--they get salvation doubt. I understand salvation doubt is an intolerable malady and people can go to hell for it.


Such a crazy fucked up religion!

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Welcome to the club, Odin. The things you mentioned are why most of us are here, and why the 'RANTS' section is so full. I too have to smile and nod so as not to cause waves when listening to an xtian, but in my head I'm quoting the wise sage Walter, as voiced by Jeff Dunham: "Dumbass!". :lmao:

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