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Goodbye Jesus

Here's A Great Bit Of Religious "tolerance"


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**PS though, in the future please try not to compare christians to neanderthals... that's an insult to neanderthals everywhere :P

LOL, you're right, and I thought ab out it after I already had posted...


To any Neanderthals out there, I offer my deepest, most sincere apologies, and I will strive to be more considerate in the future.



Oh, and I do love the Coexist sticker too, and thought about ordering one. I'm to a point, though, that I have to be choosy about the decals because I don't have a ton of available room left on the rear glass... Hopefully they get here soon so I can show pics!

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If stickers were stolen from me at a regular interval like you seem to have happen, I would get a lawn chair and park myself within eyesight of the car and sit and wait untill someone decides to touch your car. Fuck em up right there!

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I recreated the Coexist one in Adobe Illustrator so that it can now be scaled to any size. I also made the cross into the Celtic variety because I've always liked those more.


Here it is:



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Hooray, the forums are finally back up!!!


During the "break," my replacement materials for my car arrived. So, without further ado...





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