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Goodbye Jesus

Really Fucked Up!


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A few nights ago a very old friend of mine who was 19, got involved in a shootout and ended up shot and dead. On occasion he showed up at church because of his dad, but was never really a christian and everyones knew it. He was a thug in everyway and owned many guns. I won't pretend to defend him but what's becoming of this I can't bear. I even don't know how it all happened but what's fucked up is all the reactions from the christians at the church, so far.


I texted my friend and he said, "he disobeyed the word of god." WTF??? What the hell is up with these people fuckin up an already fucked up thing? I know that the church is going to make one huge "come to jesus or get shot" sermon over this. Better yet they are going to make an example out of him. You can bet they won't be preaching about him "being in a better place." I'd rather have them fuckin preach that than the bullshit they will probably end up saying. Him getting shot is all they are going to need to justify every mean and evil thing they are going to do to scare all the youth into "obeying god." I can't believe a person can't just die these days without having a bunch of people ruining the remaining of what's left of his memory. How wrong is this??

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First of all man I am sorry for your loss.


Second what did you expect? From what I've seen churches are very adept at using loss in order to win souls. It only differs in how they pervert someones death to do it. This is actually very frustrating to think about so all I'm going to say is that is seriously fucked up but not at all uncommon.

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Oh no doubt its common and I've seen it happen before; what really ticks me off is how they make it work for them.. And in the worst fashion too. The fact that it is common is what's the problem. What they do is disgusting, and incredibly mean, especially when they think they have special rights to make an example of a person. They are retarded to think god had anything to do with this.. How many gangsters live long lives and never get shot up? I don't understand, as if god had anything to do with this. Bullshit! I don't really feel sorrow for his loss but more for his family. I personally didn't know him well but we went to church together so you know how that is.

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I am truly sorry to hear of this tragedy. Sadly, I'm not surprised by the self-righteous, sick fucks who responded to you. I went to see the new Batman movie tonight, Heath Ledger was brilliant in it. I went to IMDB to check out what people were saying and some disgusting asshole was saying "If he killed himself, he's in hell". I get angry when people are judgmental, I get even more angry when people judge the dead. Do they think they are God? It almost makes me wish hell was real so these judgmental assholes could be sent there...almost.

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Yeah me too and I can only imagine what his family is going through. His family is really commited in the church and they always thought he would sorta come to god. I think its sad that he's gone because his family will probably have to hear a few really painful sermons.. I've talked to a few more people from his church and one of them said he hoped that god gave him a split second to ask for forgiveness (because of the hell part).


You know, i'm sure this is exactly what he was thinking.. Seriously who are they kidding? He never expected to die and as i've recently learned, it was quite sudden and unexpected. These stupid christians don't even like their own religion; I mean they have the audacity to threaten hell while we're are alive but as soon a someone die's they change their tune entirely. They simply cannot "imagine" or even admit that by the standards of their religion "that" person is in hell. They think god is a "all-loving" god who gives everyone a few seconds to repent before he takes their lives. What a self destructive system.

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I texted my friend and he said, "he disobeyed the word of god." WTF???


Well, so much for the "all have sinned and fallen short" bit, eh? Your buddy should be anticipating his imminent demise.


Sorry your old friend is gone.

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That sucks royally.


As for the morontheists exploiting the opportunity, well, nothing else to be expected. They can't use reason for reason proves their dogma wrong, completely and mercilessly. They can't use themselves as role models because morontheism is simply a way to justify bigotry and sadism, and no sane ethical human would ever think she should follow in the footsteps of a hatemongering sadist. What's left? Of course - exploiting the weaknesses of others every chance they get. :repuke:

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Bloody parasites, feeding upon tragedy to raise fundamentalism and funds in their own church. How pathetic.


Not only is this a tragedy, but the fact that shootouts is a common reality for many young people all over the world is appalling. I wish people had more sense than to give in to such tribalism and bigotry.

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I think this falls at the top of the list of bigotry found in my church.


Today is the first sunday service since the incident and I almost had to go...almost. My folks don't know about what happened and they're at the church right now; I had to get in an argument with them as to why I shouldn't have to go. Right now I'm anticipating that as soon as they get back they're gonna feel a duty to preach about god's wrath... I don't even know what to tell them but there's basically no reasoning with them on this one. I'm already feelin the heat and man I need a break from this all this bs!


Yup, this is 100% exploiting.

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I texted my friend and he said, "he disobeyed the word of god." WTF???



Sheesh! I can think of all the xtians I knew who wound up dead at an early age, and they were the ones who were actually the most fanatic about following every rule in the Bible. It didn't keep them from dying a long painful death from a terminal illness or getting their heads blown off by some wierdo. I remember there were three kids, who used to go to the same church I used to go to, who got killed by their father in a murder suicide. The pastor didn't take it as the kids had sinned ( the youngest was around five years old when he died), but he ranted on how they died as saints because the dad "Wasn't a xtian." and we had to be good xtians as we might die as saints like those kids did. I don't see how come the fuck he could take advantage of their deaths to get people to convert it just seemed so sick.

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I texted my friend and he said, "he disobeyed the word of god." WTF???


Sheesh! I can think of all the xtians I knew who wound up dead at an early age, and they were the ones who were actually the most fanatic about following every rule in the Bible. It didn't keep them from dying a long painful death from a terminal illness or getting their heads blown off by some wierdo. I remember there were three kids, who used to go to the same church I used to go to, who got killed by their father in a murder suicide. The pastor didn't take it as the kids had sinned ( the youngest was around five years old when he died), but he ranted on how they died as saints because the dad "Wasn't a xtian." and we had to be good xtians as we might die as saints like those kids did. I don't see how come the fuck he could take advantage of their deaths to get people to convert it just seemed so sick.



Man that story cuts deep.


A few years ago three young guys I knew left church during service in a speeding car and all three died in an horrible accident. I actually went to that funeral, it was so sad I had to leave. I remember the speakers made it an obvious point that this is why it is important to obey god's word; to not be a rebellious, and other BS. Of course it was a tragedy and none of them should have died that way; most christians I think realize how messed such a death is but what's more messed up is that they think they need to draw some kind of religious lesson or moral from a tragedy like this. How about don't fucking speed?

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I remember the speakers made it an obvious point that this is why it is important to obey god's word; to not be a rebellious, and other BS.


It seems to be different where I went to church. If someone died it was as if they had died a saint because they either were very young and died a long painful death ( like the pastor's nephew who died at the age of six after battling leukemia since he was a year old), got shot and killed, or was old and suffering the expected wear and tear of their body that all older folks get.


When I was going to community college there was a young xtian guy who died of bone cancer and my theater professor, who was friends with the guy and was a xtian himself, broke down and cried in class because the guy was so young and innocent. This had happened just a few months after 9/11, and I remember thinking that all the xtians who think that someone dies young "Because they didn't obey Gawd's word" were a bunch of assholes. I was thinking to myself "This guy never hurt anyone yet he suffered and died from cancer while those fuckers Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden still walk the earth though they killed thousands (or even a few million) of people!" I stayed xtian for a while after this guy died, but the questions were planted in my head about the existence of deities at the time. Maybe you should ask such a question of all the xtians who do things "right" and still suffer somehow at church next time they blame someone for their bad luck because they had sinned somehow.

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I mean they have the audacity to threaten hell while we're are alive but as soon a someone die's they change their tune entirely. They simply cannot "imagine" or even admit that by the standards of their religion "that" person is in hell. They think god is a "all-loving" god who gives everyone a few seconds to repent before he takes their lives. What a self destructive system.


That pisses me off too! I'm so sorry for your loss.

My former pastor was a real ass about being judgmental and preaching about God's Judgment often. When he preached the funeral of a man whose death involved drugs, he told those in attendance that he was in hell and it was their fault.


Then guess what? Tragically, the pastor's own son was driving drunk and killed instantly when he ran off the road. It was aweful. Lucky for him, the minister who preached his son's funeral wasn't as judgmental. He preached that he believed the pastor's son was in heaven.


I've always wondered if my former pastor ever changed his tune after his sons's death. I haven't been there since before the accident so I don't know. I wonder if he started believing in a merciful God or if he continues to preach judgment.


It's very convenient to preach someone into hell when it's not your kid.

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