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Goodbye Jesus

Is Atheism Logical?


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I am starting this to ask those who are atheist how can being an atheist be logical and explain why to me your reasonings?

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Goodbye Jesus

Because, I don't believe in an infinite, eternal, omnipresent, omniscient, supernatural being who created the universe. It kind of becomes the default position. Not saying that I know for a fact, but I don't believe there is on, but rather, I think and believe the alternative option, no god, works just as well (or better).


So then, why are you an atheist?


You don't believe in Allah or Zeus, so in regards to those gods, you're an unbeliever, just like I am towards your god. So is Christian belief logical? Considering that it excludes 99.9% of the gods in the world, but only keep one! (or was it three? Very logical 1+1+1=1.)


To be consistent, it's easier to un-believe them ALL, instead of un-believe ALL but ONE/THREE favorite(s).

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It's because I believe in one less god than you do.

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I am starting this to ask those who are atheist how can being an atheist be logical and explain why to me your reasonings?
I think this quote from Douglas Adams pretty much sums up why I'm an atheist.
Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?
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I am starting this to ask those who are atheist how can being an atheist be logical and explain why to me your reasonings?


I'm an atheist for the same reason you are. There are thousands of gods you don't believe in and probably hundreds of variations of Jesus you don't believe in either. Why don't you believe in them? I guess because you know they don't exist, right?


See it is not really that hard to fathom.


Edit: Oops I forgot to address the logic bit. Would you consider it logical to believe in Santa, knowing that Santa doesn't exist? Well of course not. I don't think you are stupid, misguided perhaps, but not stupid. I find it logical to not believe in God, because it is illogical to believe in things that are not there.

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Guest Zenobia

"Yes Captain," As Mr. Spock would say, "It is logical."


Belief in no god is logical to me because the universe is logical. Science continues to reveal just how logical it is, how it formed, how long it has existed, etc... and there is not one shred of evidence that there is a god.


The kind of evidence christians site are not empirical evidence but circumstantial evidence. To trust in that is illogical. To believe in a magic being living in the sky is illogical.

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If the question of whether or not Atheism is logical is even valid and logical in itself, then is it logical to select ONE god out of tens of thousands, both past and present, and believe in it with any level of exclusivity?

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I am starting this to ask those who are atheist how can being an atheist be logical and explain why to me your reasonings?

I suppose the logic would follow like this: Everywhere we look in the natural world to understand how it came into being we find answers that have natural causes. Therefore, it follows logically that since no miracles are required for life to exist, we don't need to make a leap up into the realm of magic to explain it. Therefore it seems logical to not suspect a God exists when it's unnecessary to have one to explain anything in the universe as it presents itself to us.


Simply put, is it logical to believe that at invisible snork exists when there's no evidence beyond someone claiming one exists?


Question for you. Do babies and young children believe in God, or are they atheists until their parents tell them about God? Do they believe in Santa from birth? Which is the natural position, believer or non-believer? Which of the two seems more logical to you in that light?

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I am starting this to ask those who are atheist how can being an atheist be logical and explain why to me your reasonings?


I'm an atheist for the same reason you are. There are thousands of gods you don't believe in and probably hundreds of variations of Jesus you don't believe in either. Why don't you believe in them? I guess because you know they don't exist, right?


See it is not really that hard to fathom.


Edit: Oops I forgot to address the logic bit. Would you consider it logical to believe in Santa, knowing that Santa doesn't exist? Well of course not. I don't think you are stupid, misguided perhaps, but not stupid. I find it logical to not believe in God, because it is illogical to believe in things that are not there.


Just to be a little smart, here... :close:


There was a Santa Claus... or, at least, a basis for the legend.


In the third century or so, there was an archbishop of Norway, named Nicolaus. He was canonized as a saint not long after his death. In honor of Christ's birth, he would go around leaving small children toys and candy in their shoes (which they would leave outside)... if they were good. If he found out (usually through confessionals) that they had been bad, he left them lumps of coal to warm their cold hearts.


Over the years, many different legends were attributed to him. He did ride around from house to house on a horse. The legend was changed to involve a sled, drawn by eight reindeer. Then, they said he had a house of elves working to make toys for him (like their god of the winter season, before they became Catholic). They said he would fly from house to house (their way of explaining why there were no hoof tracks on the ground... never mind that he usually was delivering toys and candy in the driving snow, which would cover all tracks). And then, eventually, he gained the powers of an elf as his own (how this happened, we can only guess). Thus, a canonized saint went from being Saint Nicolaus, to Father Christmas, to Papa Noel, to Sainchter Claus to Santa Claus (over a period of several centuries).


Having a little fun...



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Is A-santa-ism logical?


Everyone knows there's only one true God: the quadrinity of The Cute Easter Bunny, Santa, the Jesus Baby and the Halloween Witch.

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I am starting this to ask those who are atheist how can being an atheist be logical and explain why to me your reasonings?


Because pretending to know the answers to questions that one does not know the answer to is always illogical.


You claim to know a god exists, we are merely pointing out that no evidence exists to support that claim. Heck, no one can even give a clear, logical definition to the word "god." How could I claim that a thing exists, when I don't even know what that thing IS.


Until you can give a reason why I should view the following sentences


God exists.


dalkasfdoiawjefl exists.


as logically distinct, then you don't even have a conclusion to argue for, much less supporting evidence.

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I am starting this to ask those who are atheist how can being an atheist be logical and explain why to me your reasonings?



A better question is how can you, believing in an invisible sky man, be logical? What proof do you have that gives your beliefs any more credance over any other religon?

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In the third century or so, there was an archbishop of Norway, named Nicolaus. He was canonized as a saint not long after his death. In honor of Christ's birth, he would go around leaving small children toys and candy in their shoes (which they would leave outside)... if they were good. If he found out (usually through confessionals) that they had been bad, he left them lumps of coal to warm their cold hearts.

I thought that St. Nick was from supposed to be from Turkey? Whatever the folks in Norway call their Santa would be the one leaving candy in shoes since I think that they were likely wearing sandals, if that, in third century Turkey. Since this would have all happened prior to Constantine making the religion mandatory I'm just wondering who canonized him a saint when he died? Probably the same guy that first wrote about him two or three hundred years after the fact I bet. In reality there's no good reason to think this guy ever did anything if he ever even lived at all. But whatever it takes gets to get the Santa (and variants) adherents on board with yet another xian connection I guess.



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In the third century or so, there was an archbishop of Norway, named Nicolaus...

*Ahem* Christianity barely existed in southern Europe in the third century or so. There were certainly no archbishops running loose in my heiðinn ancestors' homeland at that time, let alone one with the rather un-Scandinavian name of Nicolaus. In the eastern Mediterranean region, perhaps...


I am atheistic regarding singular, omnipotent, universe-creating personal gods. My reasoning: Where would such a god come from? How could it interact with matter and energy in the physical universe without leaving traces of its presence? In fact, if it possesses no material form, how could it possibly have any energy to do anything?


If gods exist at all, they evolve from simple origins just like everything else in the universe and are neither omnipotent nor immortal.

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I am starting this to ask those who are atheist how can being an atheist be logical and explain why to me your reasonings?

Logically, we atheists contradict ourselves.



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I am starting this to ask those who are atheist how can being an atheist be logical and explain why to me your reasonings?



Because I realized that for all these years, what I was calling God was just coincidence, warm fuzzies and talking things through in my head. I don't like arguing against the existence of God, but have been known to do it. I can no more prove that he doesn't exist than I could prove that he did exist when I was a Christian.

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I am starting this to ask those who are atheist how can being an atheist be logical and explain why to me your reasonings?


Maybe Agnosticism is the truly logical position.


There is no evidence. Nobody really knows. All opinions about God are just the babbling of human beings.

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So basically no one so far has given me a direct answer, I have only seen reputes to Christianity but no proof that there is no god. Show me a basis of what you believe, I want solid evidence and proof about what you believe not refutes to what I believe. Please with some intelligence will someone answer my question?


Question for you. Do babies and young children believe in God, or are they atheists until their parents tell them about God? Do they believe in Santa from birth? Which is the natural position, believer or non-believer? Which of the two seems more logical to you in that light?


Antlerman it seems to me you take small truths and only distort them to your likening. There is a time when everyone is able to understand and make a choice whether to be with God or not and as children if they are not at that age ad die I believe they will go to heaven but there is no set age it all depends on the person and there heart and this is why I am not the judge but God is.


Remember this thread is not a thread for ideological attacks against my beliefs, but I am looking for truths about yours some actual evidence that you are right please, prove to me your belief is true and prove to me there is no god and everything came from a bang. I am only looking for logical proof. And for those of you who only reply with attacks on Christianity then I will say that you are just an unintelligent person having n reply to my answers.

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So basically no one so far has given me a direct answer, I have only seen reputes to Christianity but no proof that there is no god. Show me a basis of what you believe, I want solid evidence and proof about what you believe not refutes to what I believe. Please with some intelligence will someone answer my question?

You just don't get it, do you.


It's not that I "believe" in a No-God, but rather "I don't believe." in a God Just like you, when it comes to all the other God's you don't believe in.


And the logic is, if I don't believe in Zeus, Ahura Mazda, Thor, Allah, Shiva, or Mithra, then why should I believe in Jesus or YHWH?


It's logically inconsistent to believe in one, but not the others. You're the one who is inconsistent. I am consistent in my faith. I don't believe in any of them. It's very simple logic. And that you don't get it, proves you have lost too many marbles over the years. Most likely the result of too deep studies in religious fantasy.



Remember this thread is not a thread for ideological attacks against my beliefs, but I am looking for truths about yours some actual evidence that you are right please, prove to me your belief is true and prove to me there is no god and everything came from a bang. I am only looking for logical proof. And for those of you who only reply with attacks on Christianity then I will say that you are just an unintelligent person having n reply to my answers.

No, no, no. Big Bang, Evolution and all science in the world has nothing to do with Atheism. The majority of the atheists on this site didn't become atheists because of science, but rather of the inconsistency and irrationality of belief, and especially the Christian kind.


To be a Christian, you have to maintain a high level of cognitive dissonance. The only way to satisfy the dissonance, become whole, and get some peace in your doubting mind, is to realize it's all bull.


Atheism is just the result of resolving the illogical stance of religion. That's it. There's no Big Bang, Abiogenesis or what-else, it's just the ground you land on when you stop falling.

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Christianity but no proof that there is no god.


Why should anyone answer? This is so stupid. We'll provide you with the proof you are looking for right after you prove there is not a tiny invisible elephant living in my apartment.

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I am starting this to ask those who are atheist how can being an atheist be logical and explain why to me your reasoning?



I think atheism is more logical than theism...simply because starting off with the assumption that a god exists is not logical...the illogic of belief makes disbelief much more logical.


As an atheist, and newly so, I can confidently say that science will eventually explain the unexplained, as it has been doing for the past few hundred years...Atheism is making gains while belief systems are constantly losing grounds to the scientific method...an assumption that this trend will continue also seems logical. :grin:

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Why should anyone answer? This is so stupid. We'll provide you with the proof you are looking for right after you prove there is not a tiny invisible elephant living in my apartment.

But there is! I bought it last week from the invisible man, and secretly used the governments slip-stream transporter to beam him over to your apartment. You just didn't know... and only if you believe can you avoid being stomped to death by its large feet!

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Why should anyone answer? This is so stupid. We'll provide you with the proof you are looking for right after you prove there is not a tiny invisible elephant living in my apartment.

But there is! I bought it last week from the invisible man, and secretly used the governments slip-stream transporter to beam him over to your apartment. You just didn't know... and only if you believe can you avoid being stomped to death by its large feet!



WHO told YOU about the slipstream transporter????

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Read the Bible. If that's logical, I'll eat the damn thing with ketchup.

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