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Should I follow a non-theistic religion?


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I've been looking into religions that I may become. I've been interested in LaVeyan Satanism, Jewish Humanism, Secular Humanism, Wicca, and Druidism. Is this a good choice to follow a non-theistic religion? What do you think of the 5 above? I know more about LaVeyan Satanism than all the rest and have thought about joining the Church of Satan. Thoughts?

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From what I've read, in order to join the C.O.S. all you have to do is pay a fee, then your in.


Of course, that's all you get since, I'm pretty sure that they don't meet or actually have a congregation or anything. :shrug:


Could be wrong though. :mellow:

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From what I've read, in order to join the C.O.S. all you have to do is pay a fee, then your in.


Of course, that's all you get since, I'm pretty sure that they don't meet or actually have a congregation or anything.  :shrug:


Could be wrong though. :mellow:

They meet at grottos, and now I've got the 3 I'm considering joining, CoS, Wicca, and Jewish Humanism, I can't make up my mind which one to join yet.

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Guest Priapus

Gonna have to go with the Saviorforsale on the "Why must you join any church" option. You're free from the Mystical Shackles of Myth and Legend. You would once more surrender to them under a new guise?

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Don't be too hasty in joining anything. It isn't good to make such decisions when one is tired. I'd spend a bit more time researching, were I you.

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I don't think you NEED to join anything. But that's my opinion. I would be careful about joining anything though. These people are right. You don't need to. And you don't want to trade one heep of myths and problems for another bunch of myths and problems. If you aren't sure what you believe or if you even believe anything... then just give yourself time and space to figure that out. Don't try to fit yourself into another round whole if you are oval, square, triangular or whatever. Give yourself time to heal from all of this. You don't NEED any faith to give you a set of rules. And I think if you are selecting between 3 or 5 faiths, you might be looking for a teddy bear. Please, don't let the need of something comforting suck you in again. You ARE strong enough to get through this and not follow anything you don't really believe just so you can have something. You ARE enough just the way you are. You ARE ENOUGH without another faith or belief system with more myths or whatever. You are going to be fine... you just need some time. *tight hug*

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Secular Humanism isn't really a religion. Most secular humanists are atheists. I second Darkenmoon's opinion; be careful of what groups you join. You don't need to join anything.


If you're trying to find ways to meet people and replace the social aspects of Christianity, I'd consider looking in your area for secular organizations that interest you -- like book clubs, non-religious-based volunteer groups, etc.

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I've been looking into religions that I may become.  I've been interested in LaVeyan Satanism, Jewish Humanism, Secular Humanism, Wicca, and Druidism.  Is this a good choice to follow a non-theistic religion?  What do you think of the 5 above?  I know more about LaVeyan Satanism than all the rest and have thought about joining the Church of Satan.  Thoughts?

Take your time to figure out what you want to do. I felt like that in the beginning to, that I needed something to belong to and go to, meetings etc. And I didn't know of anything. That made it hard.


But you're here, and that is a belonging too.


This is the Church of Apostates you're in, and you are already a member, and your peers in the Church House are here. And most of the time there is someone online. That's better than any other church I've belonged to.


We have no pastor though, which is good, only a webmaster.


And we have lot of preachers, and we even allow non-apostates to join and argue and have discussions. We are more open and freeminded than any church you'll ever find.


So, don't sweat it. You will figure something out. And only join things that doesn't bind you to a commitment of any kind (like yearly fees etc), just take the simple route for now, and you'll get there.

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Han, that was so beautiful, makes me wanna give you a big ole'  :kiss:

I'd love that. Here's one :kiss: back!

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This is the Church of Apostates you're in, and you are already a member, and your peers in the Church House are here. And most of the time there is someone online. That's better than any other church I've belonged to.


Now if only there was a church like this in RL.



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Now if only there was a church like this in RL.



Maybe just need VR Goggles! The Virtual Church! :)

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I don't think you NEED to join anything.  But that's my opinion.  I would be careful about joining anything though.  These people are right.  You don't need to.  And you don't want to trade one heep of myths and problems for another bunch of myths and problems.  If you aren't sure what you believe or if you even believe anything... then just give yourself time and space to figure that out.  Don't try to fit yourself into another round whole if you are oval, square, triangular or whatever.  Give yourself time to heal from all of this.  You don't NEED any faith to give you a set of rules.  And I think if you are selecting between 3 or 5 faiths, you might be looking for a teddy bear.  Please, don't let the need of something comforting suck you in again.  You ARE strong enough to get through this and not follow anything you don't really believe just so you can have something.  You ARE enough just the way you are.  You ARE ENOUGH without another faith or belief system with more myths or whatever.  You are going to be fine... you just need some time.  *tight hug*

I can be an atheist and practice either of the 3 religionsm Wicca, LaVeyan Satanism, and Jewish Humanism and yes, I've researched them. Judaism appeals to me a lot, I could even become a Rabbi if I became Jewish Humanist. The dark side and philosophy of LaVeyan Satanism also appeal to me. The magical spells of Wicca appeal to me, I'm sure I will become one of those sometime soon though, just not sure which one yet.

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Wicca isn't nontheistic.  I'm not sure about Druids. 


Why not just make up your own path?  I don't get why you have to pick one.  I mean if it really appeals to you...take what appeals to you from wicca, satanism and judaism, smoosh them together, make your own salad bar spirituality.


I've got such a big mix of philosophies and ideas both scientific and religious/metaphorical in my personal construct that I've stopped labeling it.  I shy away from the label "pagan" now as well.  I started out comfortable enough in that label because it said: "This is what I am."


But it's not what I am.  It's just a small piece, and all it does is make it convenient for other people to prejudge me.  I mean...have you SEEN some of the fruitcakes at the pagan gatherings? 


In the end, I had so many views that might fit into one path but didn't fit into another that I figured, fuck it.  I'm an individual, I don't have to try to fit into a "group"

Good idea, but I want to have some type of leadership in the org. I choose, like a priest or a rabbi or somerthing like that. I may try all 3 and see which 1 is the best or do what you did.

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Fuck'um all and stand on your own ground and upright on yer own two feet..


Who needs a "group'? For jebusfuckingmoosballs you can go to the Elks, Toastmasters, Lions, etc for non-denominational "meetings" of like minded clubmembers..


Freedom means free from entanglements like organizations and membership driven groups..


Don't excape xtianity and religious insanity and then exhange that Freedom for a more snazzy looking velvet lined set of leg irons..


Fight to stay Free..


k, Freeman, L

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May I suggest you look into choosing a philosophy and not a religion?


All of the fufillment, half the calories...

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Wicca isn't nontheistic. 

It can be though....



Question/comment: I didn't realize Humanists met on a regular basis or that it was a religion? I thought it was more of an outlook on life.....

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