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Goodbye Jesus



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Very true.


Fellow ex-catholic here. I get mad at the chruch ALL THE TIME. I was not angry when i first deconverted, but over time I felt increasingly that I had been tricked into so much, some examples include being anti-choice because I was fed prolife propaganda from all sides and anti gay rights for the same reason - both of which i am fortunately now long past.


They don't know and won't unless someone tells. If you ask me its the perfect example of xtian hypocrisy.

I knew a guy who helped pay for his gf's abortion, told his priest some time later during confession thinking he'd be forgiven, but the priest had him excommunicated practically on the spot.



Glad to know that I'm not the only angry ex-catholic...I thought the whirlwind was over but I'm still steaming!!! Thanks!

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One more thing that has me steaming...I live in Texas and the state of Texas obligated me to go through a phone counseling session as well as wait 24 hours before I had the surgical abortion. This is outrageous!!! I am a 40-year-old married female with two masters degrees, fully employed, tax-paying, citizen of these United States and the government has to counsel me on my choice???? The paternalistic attitude is incredibly insulting!!! Sorry, I had to get that off my chest.

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The thought did cross my mind of picketing their church with information on pedophile priests or hiring prostitutes to hang out in front of their church...LOL.... :D


The protesters were from a Catholic church (I noticed the rosaries) and one nutball was actually chasing people up and down the sidewalk and screaming at them. The women entering the clinic are already in a heightened emotional state and the situation could have gotten extremely ugly. I carried a bottle of Tilex cleanser and threatened to douse the protesters with the spray if they touched me. :D


The religious nutjobs were writing down license plate numbers which scared the living heck out of me; it was more of an intimidation tactic.


I appreciate your responses...glad this forum exists...Thanks! :D

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The protesters were from a Catholic church (I noticed the rosaries) and one nutball was actually chasing people up and down the sidewalk and screaming at them. The women entering the clinic are already in a heightened emotional state and the situation could have gotten extremely ugly. I carried a bottle of Tilex cleanser and threatened to douse the protesters with the spray if they touched me. :D


The religious nutjobs were writing down license plate numbers which scared the living heck out of me; it was more of an intimidation tactic.

Harassing women outside of abortion clinics is thoroughly contemptible.


And imagine what a contrast you'd see comparing the Texas good ol' boy police's reaction to standing in front of a church and behaving EXACTLY like the abortion protesters, including stalking the church-goers between their car and the church door, screaming at them, and taking down their license plate numbers.

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Here in Fundyville churches have special protections...I would be in serious trouble! LOL!

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Guest Nixy

Hi Barbie,

I was also raised catholic, and have been an atheist now for about 5 years. I can relate to the anger that springs up becasue at this point one would figure that the emotional issues are all put to rest, but every once in a while I can't help but get angry. Some event triggers all the old resentment, and then later I feel foolish in that way that adults feels when a child is acting bratty just to get on your nerves and you give in. Perhaps we all just wish to be rid of our emotional attatchments to the churches we left and are somewhat disappointed when the church strikes a raw nerve in us. Sometimes the nerve is almost irrational, like simply walking by a nun these days make me cringe. But your trigger is completely rational, how can a group of people so condescending and hypocritical look down at the choice you felt you had to make for your well-being? Would any of those nutjobs who were standing out there at the abortion clinic that day help you feed and clothe that kid? It's so tempting for people to wag their fingers at someone who didn't have a happy ending way of getting out of a shitty situation



You're better off for not being associated with half the members of NAMBLA anyway...

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Thanks Nixy! You are right...there was no happy ending in the choice I made and the circumstances that I was in. The decision was extremely difficult.


One of the protesters kept screaming at me that "she was there to help". I don't understand how someone in such a crazed, hostile, state who is chasing people and writing down license plates is in ANY position to help anyone.


As I reflect on the whole experience, I don't think the protesters cared about "babies" or "women" or much of anything...I really believe that they are satisfying a sense of substitute "righteousness". They won't protest the deaths in Iraq or Lockheed Martin or lift a finger to combat illiteracy or hunger or anything that moves them beyond their comfort zone. It is much easier to please their Jesus/gawd by harrassing patients outside a clinic and then taking the Eucharist and telling Jesus how much they suffered for him. This is truly revolting! Plus, many of the women going to the clinic were getting information on birth control, having mammograms or papsmears...The protesters have NO idea WHY each woman is at the clinic and they certainly do not have a right to snoop through trash cans for medical information.


Sorry about the rant...but I need to get this stuff off my chest!


Thanks again! :D

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None of my business but I'm wondering why a brilliant woman like you choose a name like barbiebrains. You're anything but an empty-headed plastic doll, my lady. Here's one woman to another. :beer:

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I go by Barbie Brains because for the longest time I suffered from the stupid doll syndrome: RCC/Opus Dei parents who primped me for a life of doilies, flower arrangements, manicures, marriage, kids, church and home. I grew up in a very conservative Mexican family...nice Mexican girls were not supposed to leave home and strike out on their own. I did. Barbie Brains is just a little reminder of what my future looked like when I was 18 years old....LOL!!


And thanks!!! ;)

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I go by Barbie Brains because for the longest time I suffered from the stupid doll syndrome: RCC/Opus Dei parents who primped me for a life of doilies, flower arrangements, manicures, marriage, kids, church and home. I grew up in a very conservative Mexican family...nice Mexican girls were not supposed to leave home and strike out on their own. I did. Barbie Brains is just a little reminder of what my future looked like when I was 18 years old....LOL!!


And thanks!!! ;)


No wonder I felt a kindred spirit in you. I, too, suffered from feeling stupid. And I too come from a very strict religion, and finally struck out on my own and got an education. Thanks for sharing.

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