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Goodbye Jesus

To Zeitgeist "debunkers":


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Wait a minute. Jesus was the rock, the rock is the virgin, the virgin gave birth to Jesus... Eeehh... Jesus gave birth to himself? :shrug:

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Care to save us the effort and tell us where it's bullshit?


Well here's a few I can tell you off the top of my head:


- "Sunset" has nothing to do with the Egyptian "Set"; "set" comes from from the common Germanic word for "to drop down"


- I've never read anything saying that Horus was sacrificed for anyone's sake, and I've been reading about Egyptology since I was a child. There IS a story about how Osiris was chopped into pieces and stuffed into a sort of coffin and floated down a river, but that was no atoning sacrifice at all.


- Krishna was never crucified. He was shot in the foot by accident as he was walking in a forest.


- Mithras had 2 disciples, actually, and as of now there's no reason to believe that he was sacrificed and risen from the dead. Apparently he was born fully formed out of a rock (not of a virgin), and he himself sacrificed a -bull-. He himself wasn't sacrificed.


- In the video, there's a list that scrolls up the screen, which features other supposed "gods" who were exactly like Jesus. Some of these included Zoroaster (who was a prophet whose life had almost nothing to do with Jesus: the only real similarity is that as a baby he was threatened with death but survived), Thor (whose legends again had no similarity to Jesus), and Odin (who did crucify himSELF on the World Tree in order to gain knowledge of the runes; but if you want to see a similarity there you really have to be stretching things)


There are a host of other "facts" that are debunked on this website (which, unlike the film, actually contains references you can look up yourself):




Just don't let Zeitgeist become a replacement for the Bible. It's just as untrustworthy and unscholarly.


These are excellent!


I would like to tag on to this list that the movie implies that the "son" of god is somehow related to the actual sun, because the words sound similar. Also, the way they link the name Moses to other gods/people seems borders on comedy. Just because the modern english version of these words sounds similar doesn't mean much. I didn't need a bible or an encyclopedia for those two examples.


@Grandpa Harley:


Thanks for the clarifications. I was only familiar with contra being used as a prefix, and should have known nova, but I wasn't aware they sponsored scientists. I was hoping the clarifications would help, but I still don't quite follow what you're getting at. :shrug:

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Basically the same the Hrothwulf is saying... Skeptics are not above rabid intellectual dishonesty when their articles of faith and bones of saints are challenged... and Nova don't sponsor scientists, but they do pay for bullshit experiments with protocols that are insane to prove a point...


BTW, Hroth


Krishna wasn't crucified, you're right, but (if you read the Mahabharata) he'd gone to the place he knew he'd die to meditate and wait for the , having killed all of his family to prevent the insanity that would overcome a family of incarnate gods in the dawning Kali Yurga to wipe out all of the earth. So Krishna did allow himself to die to save mankind, but the crucified thing comes from Kersey Graves' book "The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors". See Richard Carrier's excellent critique of that book here...


In terms of Mythras - if you notice the 'stable' of the nativity is actually a cave, and the Bull was Mythras in a similar way to Jesus being God the father all at the same time...


As tot he other gods mentioned. The syncretic nature the Early Chrisitan faith (coupled with stuff that DID contribute to the popularity of Christianity in late Pagan Antiquity, but didn't make Canon) means that most of the mythic elelments of the Chrsitian faith are NOT unique...


Krishna - Willing sacrifice to save all mankind in an age of 'sin'... was seen post mortem as a spirit by Arjuna and his family, and finally welcomed them to heaven.

Wotan - Hung from a tree, over hell

Mythras - Resurrecting god, visits the 'Underworld'

Zoroaster - Fled to survive - probably influenced the Moses legend, which was deliberately leveraged in the myth of Christ

Osiris - murdered and dismembered, but had to be ressurected to save the world


I'd agree that Zeitgeist is overstepping the bounds, but a little research does actually show their pointing finger is pointing at something; if not a moon, certainly a Space Station...

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Basically the same the Hrothwulf is saying... Skeptics are not above rabid intellectual dishonesty when their articles of faith and bones of saints are challenged... ...


We are in complete agreement here, I just think that the producers of Zeitgeist are an example of skeptics guilty of intellectual dishonesty.


I'd agree that Zeitgeist is overstepping the bounds, but a little research does actually show their pointing finger is pointing at something; if not a moon, certainly a Space Station...




Also, thanks for this link, I can see that I will be spending some time on this site. Richard Carrier appears to be someone who has done some actual investigative work on the subject.


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