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Goodbye Jesus

How Old Were You?

Guest Zenobia

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Guest Myers

I was six (male). I immediately voiced my opinion, only to be viciously ridiculed by my peers and grounded until I re-converted to Christianity. I'm still mad about it.

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I was never really comfortable with Christianity. I went back and forth a lot of times on the basis of guilt. However, by the time I turned 21 I came to the conclusion I did not need a deity, and that Christianity really was the loathsome pile of feces I originally thought it was.


P.S. I'm Female.

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Hard to remember exactly...


I can remember that at nine years old I was annoyed with people saying "god bless you" when someone sneezed and always being uncomfortable with praying.


I think at the age of thirteen I started doubting the whole thing, but kept quiet becuase where I was it was not safe to have that kind of viewpoint. I finally realized I was an athiest when I was fifteen, after saying I was catholic when a teacher asked the class (rather agressively) what our faiths were, and I was too scared to say otherwise. Right after that I left to go to the bathroom, so upset I was almost crying.

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I had doubts pretty much forever. Became an agnostic around 11, fully atheist last year (13). The 'rents are pretty much liberal Christians (I have inklings that my dad is agnostic or atheist, being a chemist and all) who are only that way for the social life, so leaving was pretty easy for me. I've pretty much always been an unknowing agnostic. I cringe to think of all the times in elementary school that I said I was Christian because I didn't really understand the labels or I just assumed I was because everyone else was. That's why I always get annoyed as hell at people who say things like "Christian Child" or "Muslim Child." They need to make that decision them self, when they're old enough to understand what it entails.


You are 14? I never would have guessed. It is nice to see someone in their teens who writes in full sentences, spells correctly and is articulate. I was beginning to lose hope. ;)


I was beginning to lose hope too! Do you realize how awful it is proof-reading other people's papers before they turn it in? Or looking at bulletin boards on MySpace?




Anyway. I was 13 when I left the church. However I remained Christian, but then since I had more free time I started seriously questioning. At 12 I was very, very religious, to the point of being a fundie. By the time I'd left church I'd done a complete 180 and I was getting uncomfortable with what my church taught about the world. I was a bit "worldly" by their standards. Then once I'd left I started seeking out fellow Christians online, and met a few atheists. The atheists made arguments that were quite convincing, and before I knew it I was pretty much a Christian just because I'd been raised Christian. Then I read The Da Vinci Code when I was 14... some of the "history" in there sounded eerily correct (to a point) so I did some research and what I found was... troubling. Within a few days I considered myself agnostic. Afterr a few weeks I went Pagan (not Wiccan, though I did do some research) but then I went back to agnostic. By October I was an atheist.


By the way, I'm female and 16. My deconversion process was really fast compared to other people's, I'm always reading that so-and-so took 5 years to deconvert, had doubts in teens and slowly deconverted and were atheists by the time they were 40, etc. My deconversion really only took a few months.

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I had doubts pretty much forever. Became an agnostic around 11, fully atheist last year (13). The 'rents are pretty much liberal Christians (I have inklings that my dad is agnostic or atheist, being a chemist and all) who are only that way for the social life, so leaving was pretty easy for me. I've pretty much always been an unknowing agnostic. I cringe to think of all the times in elementary school that I said I was Christian because I didn't really understand the labels or I just assumed I was because everyone else was. That's why I always get annoyed as hell at people who say things like "Christian Child" or "Muslim Child." They need to make that decision them self, when they're old enough to understand what it entails.


You are 14? I never would have guessed. It is nice to see someone in their teens who writes in full sentences, spells correctly and is articulate. I was beginning to lose hope. ;)


I was beginning to lose hope too! Do you realize how awful it is proof-reading other people's papers before they turn it in? Or looking at bulletin boards on MySpace?


Oh flying spaghetti monster, don't even get me started. I'm constantly proof reading. I make corrections in already-published materials. I have no patience for hicks who slaughter the English language (and the French and Spanish language, on some occasions). I stay the hell away from MySpace.


My deconversion took a year or so. I guess things take longer when they're more firmly ingrained, as I was never a fundie in any sense of the word. I was orthodox Jewish for a short time, though, if that counts for anything.


Literate teen heretics, unite!

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