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Goodbye Jesus

Full Of Doubt


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Just wanted to share that I could relate to alot of what you posted, as I am going through a similar stage right now. If you are far enough in, Christianity affects every single aspect of you life, every part of your day. It is very hard to let go of that. I have the same anxiousness, and guilt and worry, and emotional highs and lows, and extremes of thinking on the opposite side. Hopefully others who posted are right, and this is a transitional phase that won't last long!

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Hello, jdog and welcome!


Like you, I also have a spouse who is still a Christian, and I don't see that changing. She has Christian decor in our home, including a verse from Joshua that proclaims "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." That's not exactly accurate these days!


Things were sometimes a bit stormy (but much more often tepid) for us when we were both christians, so who knows what the future holds. We've already talked about the possibility of divorce.


Like you, I have freethinking children. My 16-year-old sometimes goes to church, but he's very secular in his attitudes, ideas and lifestyle. And my 13-year-old hasn't fully formed her opinions, and that's fine. But she knows where both of her parents stand on the issues, and she likely won't be one to blindly accept dogma.



As for holidays, many of the christian ones have pagan origins anyway.


Christmas was a pagan holiday before the church "stole" it. There is plenty of info. on the web about that. But Christmas trees, yule logs, holly, mistletoe — many of the things most commonly associated with Christmas, reflect pre-christian Yuletide celebrations.


Likewise, Easter, with its focus on spring fertility rites (hence the eggs and bunny) is strongly rooted in pagan tradition. Again, the church combined that holiday with what they claimed was the resurrection of Christ.


As for Thanksgiving, you can be thankful without directing that gratitude to god. There are many things for which I'm thankful, but I don't give credit for those things to an imaginary sky king.


Anyway, glad you found your way to this forum.


I hope you find fellowship and thought-provoking conversation here.


All the best,


Alpha Centauri

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Thanks Alpha, LIS, everyone, I appreciate all the support.

Since posting in this thread, I am progressing forward, it is getting better and things have lightened up at home alot!! LOL I think my husband is relieved. He considers himself a Christian and did get 'saved' a few years back, but he has no compulsion to get immersed in the religion or the church in a big way, put it this way he was quite happy to not go to church on Sunday and he had no guilt over it whatsover, in fact he was helping me to chill out. We had a lovely day.


My husband will read the bible now and again, he never preaches to me or anyone, whereas I have been a complete tool at times, I don't know if a woman can be a tool, but that is my favourite word just lately., anyhow he is a kind hearted soul and will do anything for anybody. And the things he was doing in the church, like ushering periodically and attending the bible studies, I think that was through encouragement from me and the men at church. They have a strong fellowship of men at church, and my husband is an ex-military guy, just served 20 years, and I think he misses that comradery, so the men really welcomed my husband into the fold.


I actually was the one that put up the christian decor in our home, I too had the Joshua script over out doorway, I recently took it down amongst all the other items around the home, no one at home has said a thing to me or questioned it. It's fantastically very freeing indeed.


I definitely have checked out of xianity, but am still having residue of the religion hanging on the walls of my mind, songs keep coming into my mind, certain scriptures, prayer was a daily aspect of my life and yesterday I felt inclined to say a prayer for my son, but I thought about it and really what I was wanting is a good outcome for my son as he is facing a difficult situation, so it was more of a hope for him and not a prayer, because I don't believe prayer changes the outcome of any circumstance. Once things are set in motion, they just have to play out, whether the results are deemed negative or positive. Anyhow that's my thoughts for the day...and it is good to be thinking again that is for sure.


'as for us and our house we will serve no one in particular'

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