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Christianity Isn't A Religion?

Guest peavy

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"Christianity isn't a religion, it's a personal relationship with Jesus Christ." That one, is that the one you're talking about?


Or the Muslim version, "Islam isn't a religion, it's a way of life according to God's will."


Adherents.com actually has a disclaimer about this shit, for all the people who write in and claim that their religion isn't really a religion.

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Christianity Isn't A Religion?


Nah, it's more like a cult.



Anyway, personal-relationship-with-God type Christians scare me the most.


They actually think they have a personal relationship with the creator of the Universe.


Arrogance or what?

So. Let me get this straight.. "god" sends and angel to speak to the virgin mary but he/it talks to these people personally? :lmao:

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Guest recoveringXchristian

Okay, I skimmed through this and here are my thoughts:


I go to a conservative christian (seventh day adventist) university and I have never heard anyone here ever argue that christianity is a relationship more than a religion. And oh my god, the theology students here will argue you into the ground over the dumbest little things..it's freaking ridiculous LOL. They will pull Bibles out and everything. Students live and act as though they feel a close relationship with god and feel this is their lifestyle, but they seem to very much believe that christianity is a religion, as well.


Just my 2cents.

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Guest eejay
He really enjoys watching me have sex with my same-sex partner.

Of course he does. If god is always watching everybody, he's watching us all have sex in however many different ways we take part in. Wow, what a voyeur! Like a peeping Tom.

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Well, if they don't like it to be called a religion there's always the option of labeling it a death cult in service to zombie worship and symbolic cannibalism.

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