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Goodbye Jesus

Do Humans Have A "soul"?

Mike D

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Reminds me of the joke about the guy that have a brain disease and he's going in for a brain transplant... (yeah, I know, crazy concept - it was a long time ago I heard the story so I'm just giving the short version - to the point as a true technocrat.)


This man gets the option to choose between the brain from a politician, an attorney and a preacher.


He doesn't want the politician because of all the lies it contains, and he doesn't want the attorney because of all the cold and shrewed attitude, but he picks the preachers brain because it has never been used.

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Maimed soldiers could get the unmaimed bodies of draft dodgers, while the dodgers would get the maimed body they sought to avoid. It would be a brave new world.


That's a very 'Starship Troopers' view there...


Indeed, Starship Troopers was one of the the bits of propaganda that led me to soldierdom. (Geeze I just wrote that soldierdoom -- possibly more to the point.)

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