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Goodbye Jesus

Which Religion Is Most Annoying?

Guest Zenobia

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As a Christian, I always harbored a special disdain for liberal wishy-washy new-agey strains of Christianity. Today, I can't say my opinion of them has changed much! Even Sam Harris blasts them for being mere "cherry pickers" while giving the fundies credit for accepting their own scriptures whole hog, warts and all, while taking atheistic standpoints* about all religions other than their own.


*Well, Harris might not realize that many such Christians believe that gods like Allah, for instance, are actually powerful demons in disguise that are tricking everybody. So that's not exactly the case.

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Maybe I just don't understand moderate xtianity because I was raised as a fundie and we come from completely different backgrounds, but it just seems so pointless and flip-floppy to me and moderate xtians can be just too unpredictable to debate with that it can be frustrating at times.



You and me both Neon. I have a fundamental disconnect with liberal xtians. I can't get where they are coming from and they flip flop around with no convictions. Don't mean to be offensive, that's just how I see it and I am sure it comes from being raised fundie

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As a Christian, I always harbored a special disdain for liberal wishy-washy new-agey strains of Christianity. Today, I can't say my opinion of them has changed much! Even Sam Harris blasts them for being mere "cherry pickers" while giving the fundies credit for accepting their own scriptures whole hog, warts and all,


This is nonsense. The bible contradicts itself. Even fundies cherry-pick.

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I can't get where they are coming from and they flip flop around with no convictions.


it's like wrestling a dying grand-daddy catfish...

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This is nonsense. The bible contradicts itself. Even fundies cherry-pick.
True, the bible does contradict itself and fundies cherry pick as well, but what I meant is that liberal xtians seem more cherry pickish when it comes to things like "God is love and loves everyone!" But maybe I'm still sort of annoyed that the other day when I was in another chat room, some of my friends who are moderate xtians were talking about the effects of prayer and claiming that prayer helps people, and even quoted that xtian cliche, "God helps those who help themselves." When I linked them to articles where research was done that showed there is no difference between people being prayed for and people not being prayed for and that knowing they were being prayed for actually caused more complications than before, this one guy just brushed it aside with a "whatever" and acted all offended when I asked why God didn't heal amputees if God heals those who help themselves, even though he claims to be open minded and accepting.


I just get annoyed that liberal xtians claim to be accepting but half of the time, it feels like I'm being treated like a second-class citizen and my opinions don't deserve the same consideration as their baseless claims. If they're going to be open minded, then they should actually be open minded, don't do it half-assed. It's like it's ok for me to be an atheist and fundies are always open season, but suddenly it's a big sin if I say anything bad about God directly yet liberal xtians can say bad things about fundies and be as judgmental as they want towards fundies. It's like fundies are the ultimate punching bag for everyone but God is off-limits. Of course, not all liberal xtians are like this and there are some I can have a good debate with as I said before even if we still disagree, but they're just so unpredictable it makes it more frustrating to discuss religion with them because I can never tell how they're going to react to something I say in spite of their claims of open mindedness.

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Yeah, the liberal christians have gone out of their way to be accomodating and bend into the prevailing cultural winds. The fundies on the other hand have been stubbornly sticking up their middle finger at everyone else, consequences be damned.

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Other: Faith movement (Word of Faith)


Livets ord? *shudder* I'm with you Hans.

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