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Goodbye Jesus

When Scince Agree With Religion

Guest wolf_13

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You claim the Quran is dictated by God... Einstein was, when last I checked, a man... the Quranic 'science' is weak at best since it's really not what the Arabic meant... You're really just pulling a trick that may impress the feeble minded, the ill educated, or the politically astute Middle Eastern want to be... but from here, it's superstitious rubbish...

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Joseph said unto his father: O my father! Lo! I saw in a dream eleven planets.--12:4

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One moment... you say the Quran is not science, then you start making claims contains 'science'... Then you want a holy book to be treated as a scientific book, then when challenged you say it is not a book of science


I'm not sure how the proverb 'to have one's cake and eat it' translates, but it seems to me that you're trying to claim that the Quran is and is not a scientific book...

What I want to say here that you said that religion is science

I say that science agreed with the statement Science in the Koran for more than 1400 years were discovered only recently unlike other books are completely different with science


Then I'd point you at the work of Sri Yukestwar, who took vedic mathematical and atronomical documents that date before the Buddha and found that it predicted that


1) The solar system is not the centre of the universe, but in a galaxy

2) There are billions of other galaxies

3) Our Galaxy is spiral in form

4) We are in the outer edge of this spiral arm

5) We do not only rotate about the galactic centre, but we spiral in the spiral arm


So, should I take more note of a document which antedates the Quran by nearly 1000 years? After all, it's not religious per se, but the MATHS is there... the ephemera (star maps and positions dating back over 1500 years)


Some how, a book involving angels and flying horses really doesn't work... it's convincing only to small children and the ill educated...

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Guest wolf_13
Go to this web page and have someone translate it to you.



1st it is not a science web site


2nd i will answer

Humans created from a single man


dose u have aney thing eals??


Homosexual acts are condemned as unnatural. (Will ye commit abomination such as no creature ever did before you?) But, in fact, such acts are common in many other species

what is in that

gay is

Forbidden for us like stealing how ever there are thives



Crucifixion is a Roman punishment, unknown in Egypt at the time this story supposedly occurred


Crucifixion is not crossing like +

no the

Link rope to a wooden column or in a place such as high palms of invisible people and afraid

As you read or that it is the pharaoh cutting their hands and feet, which is impossible that the steel was like the Romans


joseph saw in a dream eleven planets. Does this mean that according to the Quran there are eleven planets in our solar system? 12:4




joseph saw in a dream eleven planets and the moon and the sun


eleven planets his brothers from his father

the sun his father

the moon his mother


and it ia said that in quran


The sun rises and sets at particular places on a flat earth. At the westernmost point on earth, the sun sets in a muddy spring. 18:86, 90


that is funny

at 86 to 89

the king say that he will awarded the good and punish bad one (no talking about sun)

at 90 he say that he go to land at the est he say where the sun rise !

what is the flat earth and other things??


may by the wreter ask about 85

when he was in west

and say that he saw the sun particular in Oasis like ahundred of sun set pic http://www.24hourtrading.co.uk/blog/wp-con...land-sunset.jpg

he say he saw the sun set in oasis? what is in that???????????????

do u realy read the quran? i dout of that


Most scholars consider Dhu'l-Qarneyn ("The Two-Horned Lord") to be Alexander the Great, who is here presented as a devout Muslim.


that is funny

Alexander the Great have wear the Horne of power of amoun the moon good for pheros


the king we talk about The Two-Horned Lord"

is an old kink live for 200 years

the word Century has the same leters of Horne in arbic


The Pharaoh threatens to crucify Hebrews on palm tress.

i anser that befor

but it was not the Hebrews threaten it was the egyption who belive in moysa


Allah created all animals. Some with no legs, some with two, and some with four. (Most animals have six legs. Did Allah forget about the insects?) 24:45


animals is not equal insects

thats and The supplement of the state ment that allah creat other createre


The earth is fixed and does not move


and again hahahahahahahaha

it sais that allah makes the land stable for us to live and work in it


the wreter is very bad in arbic


The sun runneth on unto a resting-place for him

the talking about the circling the sun in the galxi


i will talk about that as ascientific topic in quran


We decked the nether heaven with lamps.">

Allah put "lamps" in the lower heaven to serve as lights. These are the stars that we see in the sky at night


i get tired of hahaha thingth


the word used was (masabeh)

and it mean the source of light not lamps


and it was say that allah put sources of light in the sky so when u look at the sky at night u will see it


very funny site


"Who hath created seven heavens ... Canst thou see any rifts?"

Allah asks Muhammed to examine the sky to see if it has any cracks


another haha

allah say that he creat the sky without aney thing holding it up

and we have in arbec what we Call the question of repudiation of the impossibility of what it


Allah made the stars as missiles to throw at devils


tell that man i will give him an arbic lessons for free


it is said that the sky Decorated stars and make it (the sky) missiles sense of the demons that are trying their penetration dies

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Eh. I start suspecting a spoof. R u 4 realz? Wolf13, I suggest you take some English classes and come back in a year or two. You obviously don't know what you're talking about or able to convey it in any sensible matter.

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  • Super Moderator

You are correct, it isn't a science website. Science and observation of nature has made it evident that the Koran and Bible both contain wrong information. You don't need a science website, just common sense and a grade school education. I don't expect any religious book to be a science book, but to call it true it must not disagree with know facts. I think you know that also.


Just like people who say the Bible is the word of God, you twist verses from your book to make them not disagree with science. For example, denying that insects are animals. What are they? Plants? Rocks? They are animals, as are mammals, birds, reptiles, and so on.


If your mission is to make anyone here believe the Koran is true, you are wasting your time. We have moved past ignorant superstition and are trying to live in the 21st Century.

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  • Super Moderator
Eh. I start suspecting a spoof. R u 4 realz? Wolf13, I suggest you take some English classes and come back in a year or two. You obviously don't know what you're talking about or able to convey it in any sensible matter.


I smelled a troll immediately. Bet five bucks on it in the shoutbox!

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Oh heavens, this isn't worth my time.

So I'd just say that Gramps and Hans thoroughly pwned you.


The Quran is equally make believe as the Bible and Torah and millions of other holy books.

So I'm sorry for you, kid.

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1st it is not a science web site

You're correct, and neither is this one. So, basically, you're in the wrong spot. Go to a scientist forum and talk about the Quran and see if they agree with you.


2nd i will answer

Humans created from a single man


dose u have aney thing eals??

Science doesn't say "humans created from a single man". Does Quran claim that?


Homosexual acts are condemned as unnatural. (Will ye commit abomination such as no creature ever did before you?) But, in fact, such acts are common in many other species

what is in that

gay is

Forbidden for us like stealing how ever there are thives

Then the Quran is against scientific facts.


joseph saw in a dream eleven planets. Does this mean that according to the Quran there are eleven planets in our solar system? 12:4




joseph saw in a dream eleven planets and the moon and the sun


eleven planets his brothers from his father

the sun his father

the moon his mother


and it ia said that in quran

So you're saying the Quran say there are 9 planets? Well, unfortunately, they changed their definition of planets, and we actually only have 8 planets in our solar system now. Pluto is not counted anymore. So does the Quran say 8 or 9 planets? Does it count the large asteroids?


Allah created all animals. Some with no legs, some with two, and some with four. (Most animals have six legs. Did Allah forget about the insects?) 24:45


animals is not equal insects

thats and The supplement of the state ment that allah creat other createre

You say insects are not animals??? So what are they? Plants? Humans? Rocks?



Allah made the stars as missiles to throw at devils


tell that man i will give him an arbic lessons for free


it is said that the sky Decorated stars and make it (the sky) missiles sense of the demons that are trying their penetration dies

That doesn't make sense at all. Of course you can avoid the "bad translation" by using an even worse and unintelligible translation...

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2nd we are not in war we are talking to find the truth with logic and polit

And that's exactly what scientists do. And they found out that evolution is true. And yet, you deny it. So you're not trying to find truth, you're trying to force your beliefs instead of truth.


3rd quran is not a science book it a holly book allah send it to help men to be better so alot of science things is not in it


but no seince theory aginest what in it

So far it's against evolution, and against the scientific facts about homosexuality, and it doesn't count the planets in our solar system correctly.


Just like the Bible, and the old Book of the Dead (Egypt) or many other books. It doesn't make them holy. And some of them older than Quran.

no sir not like thise books

theis books have sceince mestakes about the creation

And so does Quran. You haven't shown that Quran explains big bang or quantum fluctuation or the inflation or Planck time.


the quran dos not

It does not match with science. So far, you have picked some loosey-loosey stuff that can be interpreted any way, and the verses that don't match, you deny being accurately translated. You mix-n-match and bend your book to fit. Just like Christians.






Again, you picked the ones that fit, but any science that doesn't fit Quran, you ignore. Evolution is science.



And now I'm gonna shock you with something very peculiar:


My belief is that science is correct according to science.


You know what that means? I'm 100% correct in my beliefs and their correspondence to science, while you have a book that might have a few quotes that hard-pressed could be compared to scientific facts, my beliefs are 100% in every sense to what science says. Why? Because I believe in science first, then all other books come second. And also, when science change and correct itself, I do too! So I'm not only 100% scientific in my belief, but when corrected, I'm honest to correct myself. That's honesty. If science disprove the Quran, you believe the Quran and don't change your belief, and you even go so far as saying that in the cases when the Quran and Science disagree, then science is wrong... then how the hell is Quran in agreement with science when you decide to remove any science that is in disagreement!?!? How rude!!!

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I don't have a clue to whom wolf13 *is* folks, but his IP address is way the fork out in the ME.


Unless someone has daSkillZ to consistently crack and use this ISP for a proxy, he seems to be real deal "at this time".


Trollkin playing games? As soon as Staff hears or sees proof, Big Red Button of d00m time..


This is a more moderate thread and in a part of the Boards given to kinder and intelligent discussion.

I expect that wolf's stay here will be educational for him.





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This is a more moderate thread and in a part of the Boards given to kinder and intelligent discussion.

I expect that wolf's stay here will be educational for him.

Maybe he/she will learn some English at least...

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This is a more moderate thread and in a part of the Boards given to kinder and intelligent discussion.

I expect that wolf's stay here will be educational for him.

Maybe he/she will learn some English at least...


Gee Hans... Asking poor wolfie to larn engrish frum me iz akin two torture.. ;)


I don't mind letting wolf13 having the "floor" for a bit. Kinda interested in where his thoughts and written actions will head here.



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Gee Hans... Asking poor wolfie to larn engrish frum me iz akin two torture.. ;)

Aaargh! My heed hertz!


I don't mind letting wolf13 having the "floor" for a bit. Kinda interested in where his thoughts and written actions will head here.

Kind'a what I was thinking too. (Admitting I'm not sure I know what he's saying sometimes...)

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it is my 1st writing here


i am from Egypt

the science vs religion head line was strange for me


i used to hear that the modern science agreed with relegion


so i will talk with u about science in Islam


and haw science agreed the holly Koran


our talk will be with scientific evidence


If you're going to try and make a case for islam based on the scientific accuracy of the Quran, there are a few things you must establish. You must establish that the passages in question reflect genuine knowledge rather than simple poetic metaphor, that this knowledge originated from the author/authors of the Quran, and that this knowledge could not have been found through observation (with the technology available at the time), possibly suggesting revelation from some non-human agent. Otherwise, the argument from scientific foreknowledge/accuracy is specious at best.


I don't think you're up to this task.


Also, you're giving the Quran much more credit than it deserves. If any ancient culture deserves recognition for 'scientific' insights, it is the greeks (atomism, anyone?). Logical reasoning: 1 Divine revelation: 0

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Guest wolf_13

hi again

Maybe he/she will learn some English at least...

that is a very good Utility and i am a man 23 years old


my dear friends


i am not hear Because u leave ur Religion


i am here to talk about my religion




Was what I said before

Quran is the greatest miracle in Islam


And speak with all

And you love the science so I came here spokesperson on science in the Koran


Koran has not demonstrated so far by scientists from the largest found it opposes any scientific theory fixed


I came out certificates for scientists embryos was one of the things that say



You find in Christianity scientific errors


This is the reason for the entry of many scientists in the religious evangelized


The scientific miracle in the Koran is the biggest reason for people to enter this period of Islam



I have to defect i am bad in translation


Therefore, I ask colleagues to wait for the full write what Koran and demonstrated science


Initiated the subject of embryos, it was absolutely improper in every previous books Pig


And carefully focused in the Koran

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Guest wolf_13

Let science speak


First stage sperm




Image that reflects the 1st stage of fertilization or "fertilization process", which shows the penetration of sperm or animals intended for the oocyte or egg. And this operation is carried out in the Fallopian tube "fallopian tube" fertilization process takes 24 hours. And the first is the composition of a cell containing 46 or chromosome Alsegot






The other, which clarified the picture below

They are division Almitozi "mitotic division"

It is the first cell division to give cells with 46 each chromosome, called each cell resulting Bal blastomere




, Which turns the stage Altute or "morula," which is almost Weston cell cavity of the uterus utrus happen to him laying in the wall of the uterus "implantation" in the fourth phase, which occurs after four days of the impregnation process




Phase IV

At this stage is laying cells in the wall of the uterus, and this is after six days of impregnation




scientific investigation of the text:



Our meanings that contained in the Holy Quran in art talk about this stage and summarized below them. Stick sperm full composition - which called at this stage Anatomy germ (BLASTOCYST) - uterine wall on the sixth day at the beginning of the process of tilling (implantation) (IMPLANTATION) until completely planted. The process takes more than a week to stick Humans primitive sperm by way connected to subsequently become the umbilical cord. During the process of tilling lose sperm shape for preparing to take the new format is: Rabies, which begins regard to the fetus Chromium, and the Koran describe this attachment Balalgah




This is consistent with (the attachment do), which is one of the meanings (the word suspended). But if we take on the literal suspended (worm pending) form (3) we find that the fetus loses its roundwood and Isttil even take the form of a worm (4). Then begin feeding from the blood of the mother, as do the worm outstanding; as feeding from the blood of other organisms, and informed the fetus miles Mucous completely, as the worm surrounded by water. The word Quran (suspended) on this clearly According to the appearance and features of the fetus at this stage.




According to the meaning of (blood rigid or harsh) to eliminate the term, the outward appearance of Jenin and sacks with similar blood sour thick rigid, because the first heart and placental sack and a cardiovascular appear at this stage. The blood confined in blood vessels - even if the liquid - not begin blood circulation until the end of the third week, and this takes the appearance of fetal blood or thick rigid with a wet blood.












This is the science right


So how will this totally agree with the Koran?


It was stated in the Koran 1400 years ago!!!



Here science is not incompatible with the Koran while contrary to all books, which they claimed sacred


Do you grade on the stages of embryo formation, or is it a single text, which was approved because the Fino


Wait your comments and wish to write clear sentences and without shortcuts


You scholars and wish to learn the language, even if you did not agree

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Pardon? After careful reading and with due consideration... you're making no sense at all... Try getting some friend who speaks English to type for you or take it somewhere else...


Can some one give me an IP on this ass please?

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The study of embryo development goes back hundreds of years prior to the date the Quran was written, and was pioneered mostly by greek physicians such as Galen and Hippocrates.


You didn't think they had physicians back then?


They might even have had some primitive, purely speculative ideas as to fertilization as well. I'll have to look that up.

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Guest wolf_13
he study of embryo development goes back hundreds of years prior to the date the Quran was written, and was pioneered mostly by greek physicians such as Galen and Hippocrates.


You didn't think they had physicians back then?


They might even have had some primitive, and purely speculative ideas as to fertilization as well. I'll have to look that up.


First Allah sent Mohammed in the Arabian peninsula, which was very far from science autopsy

However, it is not able to read or write, which it is impossible to form a Koran Arabic language deficits every people to write like


You can be aware of embryos used Google to know when the start

Koran was almost a year before 1400

At a time when all people believe that the solder creates bone before relying on visual viewing only


I wish to know the objections now

Is it possible to be transferred from an earlier book


Please revealed to you that this book if

Because it is unequivocal evidence that the first book the Koran little embryo stages of development in utero

And strictly scientific utter



I hope that was not convinced that says why

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Guest wolf_13
he study of embryo development goes back hundreds of years prior to the date the Quran was written, and was pioneered mostly by greek physicians such as Galen and Hippocrates.


You didn't think they had physicians back then?


They might even have had some primitive, and purely speculative ideas as to fertilization as well. I'll have to look that up.


First Allah sent Mohammed in the Arabian peninsula, which was very far from science autopsy

However, it is not able to read or write, which it is impossible to form a Koran Arabic language deficits every people to write like


You can be aware of embryos used Google to know when the start

Koran was almost a year before 1400

At a time when all people believe that the solder creates bone before relying on visual viewing only


I wish to know the objections now

Is it possible to be transferred from an earlier book


Please revealed to you that this book if

Because it is unequivocal evidence that the first book the Koran little embryo stages of development in utero

And strictly scientific utter



I hope that was not convinced that says why?

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Guest wolf_13
he study of embryo development goes back hundreds of years prior to the date the Quran was written, and was pioneered mostly by greek physicians such as Galen and Hippocrates.


You didn't think they had physicians back then?


They might even have had some primitive, and purely speculative ideas as to fertilization as well. I'll have to look that up.


First Allah sent Mohammed in the Arabian peninsula, which was very far from science autopsy

However, it is not able to read or write, which it is impossible to form a Koran Arabic language deficits every people to write like


You can be aware of embryos used Google to know when the start

Koran was almost a year before 1400

At a time when all people believe that the solder creates bone before relying on visual viewing only


I wish to know the objections now

Is it possible to be transferred from an earlier book


Please revealed to you that this book if

Because it is unequivocal evidence that the first book the Koran little embryo stages of development in utero

And strictly scientific utter



I hope that was not convinced that says why?

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he study of embryo development goes back hundreds of years prior to the date the Quran was written, and was pioneered mostly by greek physicians such as Galen and Hippocrates.


You didn't think they had physicians back then?


They might even have had some primitive, and purely speculative ideas as to fertilization as well. I'll have to look that up.

You can be aware of embryos used Google to know when the start

Koran was almost a year before 1400

At a time when all people believe that the solder creates bone before relying on visual viewing only

Hippocrates' death predates Mohhamed's birth by more than 900 years. Rest assured people had been looking at fetal development by then.

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Without having to weed through all this same old stuff, of someone reading the Koran to see science in it, let's have a True Muslim™ speak for the Flatness of the Earth as it plainly reads it in the Koran:


Now lets listen to an ExMuslim who speaks and reads Arabic (the language of the Koran) show how this person's reading of the Koran is false, that it says it's round, and that it does in fact teach that the earth is flat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psQc-_i44yA


And here this Arabic speaking ExMuslim totally takes apart the claim that the Koran talks about the Big Bang. In fact it shows how it doesn't understand how astronomy actually works at all: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKmDo4ftfG0...feature=related


And here's a glorious one on the baby thing in the Koran, where it talks about how "We made the sperm into a clot of congealed blood, then of that clot we made a (fetus) lump; then of that lump We made bones...." Sura 23:14. Yeah... that's sounds scientific all right! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ea5BPwUzsmc...feature=related



Ah, that's enough for now.

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