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Goodbye Jesus



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I want to be: knowledgeable but free of pride, spiritual without being pretentious, new born and ancient, audacious but lacking arrogance, ferocious without becoming angry, discerning and able to laugh at myself, still but growing, associated with silence, powerful yet unaware of it, understanding without effort, male and staying to the female, independent and interconnected, free of inner conflict but still seeking, able to look at my own hunger with detachment, loving but firm, catalytic without saying should, rhythmic and not compromise on melody, aware of destinies and not profit from it, able to share and be nameless.

Then you better get real busy real quick, LR. :grin:

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Then you better get real busy real quick, LR. :grin:

I'll get right on it Pitchu. Thanks. :grin:

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Wow Grandpa I love that! It says so much, hes on the threshold at the place of a new beginning. Really cool painting.




And he started a fire and burnt down the entire camp :grin:

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Legion I find you to be quite perspicacious and Effing funny too! :58:

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I can hear Nat King Cole singing to you now: "You're in-ef-uh-bullllll...that's what you arrrrrre..."


I want to be indomitable inscrutable and insouciant.


I don't want to be incontinent impotent ignorant or irrelevant.

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Well then, let's consider..."Unflappable"...

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From Answers.com



  1. Incapable of being expressed; indescribable or unutterable. See synonyms at unspeakable.
  2. Not to be uttered; taboo: the ineffable name of God.



  1. Beyond description; inexpressible: unspeakable happiness.
  2. Inexpressibly bad or objectionable: unspeakable poverty.
  3. Not to be spoken: unspeakable thoughts.

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Well then, let's consider..."Unflappable"...



Persistently calm, whether when facing difficulties or experiencing success; not easily upset or excited.


Now that's a quality I admire in a person.

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