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Goodbye Jesus

Top 10 Xtian Things That Piss Me Off


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The girl in my class always has to challenge the teachers. And so far this is the second science class we've had together. She's made it quite clear that she doesn't believe in science, yet she's in honors science classes, the idiot. I'm ready to tell her to shut up and just accept that she, a 16 year old fundie, will not change anything. And fortunately despite living in North Crapolina, I haven't met a single creationist science teacher.

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Goodbye Jesus
I could go on and on about all the things that xians do that piss me off, but I'm just going to talk about one right now.

Hypocrisy. An example. Just a few minute ago my father was making fun of professional wrestling fans. He was having a laugh about how gullible they are and even says at one point "just goes to show you the level of intelligence of some people". While I do agree that anyone who would buy into that are rather gullible, but he is definitely THE LAST person to be calling anyone gullible. Needless to say, he's a bible readin' christian.

That reminds me of how my dad will bash my interest in fantasy and science fiction. He doesn't think it's a sin or anything for me to like it, so I don't have that problem, but he annoys me when he goes out of the way to make fun of my interest in it because fantasy "isn't real." I don't care that he doesn't like fantasy or science fiction. But it's his double standard that pisses me off, that science fiction and fantasy suck because they "aren't real", but he'll believe in a literal interpretation of the bible and defend it to the death. At least I have the common sense to recongize that the stories I like are just fictional and I don't actually believe in any of them, but suddenly it's not childish for him to believe in invisible sky daddies who grant wishes or flying zombie messiahs who walk on water and turn water into wine. And when I try to call him out on his double standards, he'll justify it by saying the absurdities in the bible are "miracles", as if miracles are somehow different from magic. Besides, it's not like the bible even makes good fiction. What people find in the bible that's so "deep" and "inspirational" I'll never understand.
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It gets me going when I happen to land on the Trinity Broadcasting Network. I should deprogram it from my TV. Virtually any program on there is going to rile me. Yesterday it was old Hal Lindsey on the tube. This is the man who said the rapture was going to occur in the 1980s. Anything to do with the rapture, armageddon, "end times" stuff heats me up.


There is another program with this creationist fool on there talking from his set of artificial trees. Don't know his name but I think he was one of the cretins that organized that creationist museum in Kentucky. Then there is the guy with his program on soul winning. Talking to people on the street and trying to scare them with hell and make them believe they have sinned. I just wish someone like that would try it with me. Oddly enough none of the people on the street just tell him to FOAD. At least not the ones they are filming.

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I could go on and on about all the things that xians do that piss me off, but I'm just going to talk about one right now.

Hypocrisy. An example. Just a few minute ago my father was making fun of professional wrestling fans. He was having a laugh about how gullible they are and even says at one point "just goes to show you the level of intelligence of some people". While I do agree that anyone who would buy into that are rather gullible, but he is definitely THE LAST person to be calling anyone gullible. Needless to say, he's a bible readin' christian.

That reminds me of how my dad will bash my interest in fantasy and science fiction. He doesn't think it's a sin or anything for me to like it, so I don't have that problem, but he annoys me when he goes out of the way to make fun of my interest in it because fantasy "isn't real." I don't care that he doesn't like fantasy or science fiction. But it's his double standard that pisses me off, that science fiction and fantasy suck because they "aren't real", but he'll believe in a literal interpretation of the bible and defend it to the death. At least I have the common sense to recongize that the stories I like are just fictional and I don't actually believe in any of them, but suddenly it's not childish for him to believe in invisible sky daddies who grant wishes or flying zombie messiahs who walk on water and turn water into wine. And when I try to call him out on his double standards, he'll justify it by saying the absurdities in the bible are "miracles", as if miracles are somehow different from magic. Besides, it's not like the bible even makes good fiction. What people find in the bible that's so "deep" and "inspirational" I'll never understand.



Looks like my old man and your old man should get together sometime and go bowling(yeah, that's from The Breakfast Club). I have to bite my tongue whenever he makes fun of mormons or scientologists for having "kooky" beliefs. I honestly believe that the things xians believe are far more "kooky" than what scientologists believe. And we all know how fucking crazy Tom Cruise has appeared lately.

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4.) "Were praying for you."- Translation: Were gossiping about you and justifying it by calling it prayer.


LOL! If I had a nickle for every gossip session that started out with, "I have a prayer concern for..." and continued with, "Oh I didn't want to say anything and I am just concerned but...."




I sooooo hear you guys!

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You know, ADD does not make one unintelligent. Out of curiosity are you a good tactile learner? I think some people with ADD learn best when they are hands on. Unfortunately, the school systems often cater to aural (listening) and visual (seeing) learners. And the tactile learners end up feeling like dummies, when they are not in the slightest.


THANK YOU! Put me in a classroom and expect me to look at the teacher, listen to the teacher, grasp everything coming out of the teacher's mouth, and you might as well just fail me now and fill the seat with a proper studious student. Put something in my hands, show me what I'm supposed to do, and next week I'll be teaching the class. I am SOOO more easily taught by hands-on doing. And yeah, my dr. back 2000 or 2001 determined I had some ADD issues. I wish I'd known that when I was in school -- wasn't hyperactive, just easily distracted, couldn't listen-and-learn, daydreamed and lost track of group discussions (still do).

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The one about gawd told me this and that struck a chord with me. No wonder the world is so fucked up. His spookfulness is so busy talking to these nutbags that he doesn't have time to do anything else. :talkalot:

Great post.

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Besides, it's not like the bible even makes good fiction. What people find in the bible that's so "deep" and "inspirational" I'll never understand.


Right there with ya! I find it funny when ppl say that reading the bible is comforting...death, destruction and eternal damnation...yeah that's real comforting. Also, I wish I could remember who it was, david maybe, who hamstrug his enemies horses for good measure after a battle. Yeah, abuse of innocent animals is sooo righteous. Being a horse lover, that pisses me off to this day but thankfully I do not read that freaky book anymore. <_<


PS: Also, I am obviously having trouble with the quote thing...how do you get the quote to be separate from the comment?

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Aaaaaannd... she tries to "disprove" evolution with...wait for it....wait...drumroll please! THE BIBLE! And various "scientists" who say the world is only 6-10,000 years old. Yeah, sure, oh-kay. and then says "shut up, Vendredie, you have no clue what you're talking about, cuz you're an atheist with ADD"


You might want to remind her that one of her hero creationists *gag* "scientists" *ack* (sorry have hard time saying scientist when referring to a creationist) is in jail for tax evasion. Yes, Kent Hovind is a criminal. LOL!


You know, ADD does not make one unintelligent. Out of curiosity are you a good tactile learner? I think some people with ADD learn best when they are hands on. Unfortunately, the school systems often cater to aural (listening) and visual (seeing) learners. And the tactile learners end up feeling like dummies, when they are not in the slightest.

Oh my gosh, yes I am a good tactile learner, I need to actually do things rather than just watching and listening. Though visual learning does help a little... listening however, no way, I can't learn by just listening.


There are also some people who think ADD is a form of autism... haven't heard anything about that connection, but it could be why some people treat me like I'm autistic. Assholes.


Funnily enough, this girl's name happens to be Emily Rose. :o

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You know, ADD does not make one unintelligent. Out of curiosity are you a good tactile learner? I think some people with ADD learn best when they are hands on. Unfortunately, the school systems often cater to aural (listening) and visual (seeing) learners. And the tactile learners end up feeling like dummies, when they are not in the slightest.


THANK YOU! Put me in a classroom and expect me to look at the teacher, listen to the teacher, grasp everything coming out of the teacher's mouth, and you might as well just fail me now and fill the seat with a proper studious student. Put something in my hands, show me what I'm supposed to do, and next week I'll be teaching the class. I am SOOO more easily taught by hands-on doing. And yeah, my dr. back 2000 or 2001 determined I had some ADD issues. I wish I'd known that when I was in school -- wasn't hyperactive, just easily distracted, couldn't listen-and-learn, daydreamed and lost track of group discussions (still do).

My fourth grade teacher hated me for constantly fidgeting, never staying on topic, never beng ale to focus, and daydreaming in class. That was the same year I was diagnosed with ADD.

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There are also some people who think ADD is a form of autism... haven't heard anything about that connection, but it could be why some people treat me like I'm autistic. Assholes.


Yes, that is a theory at the moment, that ADD/ADHD are part of the "autism spectrum". My daughter is actually high functioning autistic and severely ADHD. My husband was (is) ADHD as a child, and he is in no way autistic. He is also a tactile learner. School learning is not his thing, but once he gets into the workplace or gets his hands on the computers, he excels. He thought himself kind of dumb when I met him, but I actually think he is highly intelligent. Had schools been kinder to tactile learners, he would probably have been honors. Unfortunately, it seems whomever sets up the system is the one who sets the rules. I think schools should recognize that there are many ways to learn and many different kinds of "intelligences".


Ah, that's why. I've had doctors think I was a tad on the autistic side. Oh well, I know I'm very intelligent, I just can't listen/watch and pick everything up. I have to do it myself to learn it.

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Besides, it's not like the bible even makes good fiction. What people find in the bible that's so "deep" and "inspirational" I'll never understand.


I could not agree more. Even during the short time I was a ‘believer’ I could not get anything but a headache from reading the bible. No matter how hard I tried I would always find my eyes at the bottom of a page and realizing I did not understand a word I just read. I have a book collection of Bloom County comics from the 1980s in the bathroom and I read one panel per dump, and to be quite honest I have garnered more life-lessons from it than I ever did from the babble. :close:

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3.) "God told me to tell you... blah blah blah": projecting, anyone?



I'm loving number 3.


Beware of anyone who believes that they can talk to any mysterious invisible sky entity from a two way radio. BEWARE!


But hello anyways... :)

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There are also some people who think ADD is a form of autism... haven't heard anything about that connection, but it could be why some people treat me like I'm autistic. Assholes.


Yes, that is a theory at the moment, that ADD/ADHD are part of the "autism spectrum". My daughter is actually high functioning autistic and severely ADHD. My husband was (is) ADHD as a child, and he is in no way autistic. He is also a tactile learner. School learning is not his thing, but once he gets into the workplace or gets his hands on the computers, he excels. He thought himself kind of dumb when I met him, but I actually think he is highly intelligent. Had schools been kinder to tactile learners, he would probably have been honors. Unfortunately, it seems whomever sets up the system is the one who sets the rules. I think schools should recognize that there are many ways to learn and many different kinds of "intelligences".


Ah, that's why. I've had doctors think I was a tad on the autistic side. Oh well, I know I'm very intelligent, I just can't listen/watch and pick everything up. I have to do it myself to learn it.



Ohmahgawd.... y'all have no idea how creepy it is to be reading this from other people. It's like y'all are watching my life over my shoulder or something because I've often wondered about a possible connection between ADD/ADHD and the Autism/Asperger's spectrum of things. it's never been brought up to me, but the tactile learning, and my own recognition of not function well in crowds and groups, and other situations. I've always been a loner, anyway, and do best when nobody's hanging over me "supervising" or whatever. "Problem with authority figures" is an issue! LOL

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Another big one when it comes to xian things that piss me off is their sheer arrogance. I know I'm not alone when I say that xians can be some the most arrogant pricks ever. Especially their morally superiority complex. Just today my sister mentioned a friend of hers who happens to be an (gasp) atheist . She says "I don't get how atheists can be so optimistic when they don't even believe in God. *friend's name* thinks that people are genuinely good that the world will become a better place...." and as she's talking about the things he believes in she talking in a sarcastic tone of voice so then I just cut her off and asked her "so are you saying that a person can't believe in good just because they don't believe in a god?" "Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying". Me: "that's just so damn narrow-minded". Her: "No it's not, God is good". Me: "well not everybody has the same idea of what God is or what good is as you." Her: "Nope. God is good". AAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! That shit pisses me off to no end! Why is she even friends with this guy if she pretty much thinks he isn't a good person because he's just a mean ol' atheist? I just wanted to yell at her "get over yourself, you self-righteous twat!" Yeah, that's right, I just referred to my sister as a twat, and I don't even care. She pissed me off that bad.

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Just out of curiosity, were you a late talker as a child?


Hmmm.... I wouldn't know, and there's nobody left for me to ask. O'course nowadays, I get so little company or local contact (due to my location and isolation from social activities) that when someone shows up I don't STOP talking! LOL

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Ohmahgawd.... y'all have no idea how creepy it is to be reading this from other people. It's like y'all are watching my life over my shoulder or something because I've often wondered about a possible connection between ADD/ADHD and the Autism/Asperger's spectrum of things. it's never been brought up to me, but the tactile learning, and my own recognition of not function well in crowds and groups, and other situations. I've always been a loner, anyway, and do best when nobody's hanging over me "supervising" or whatever. "Problem with authority figures" is an issue! LOL


ADD/ADHD is quite a prevalant co-morbid with people on the autism spectrum. I read a long while back that having ADD/ADHD in the family is common in autistics.


You may want to read up on Aspergers and maybe even Sensory Integration Disorder. See what you think. Sensory Integration Disorder is pretty common in people on the autism spectrum too. Just out of curiosity, were you a late talker as a child?

I was also a late talker... didn't start talking till about 3 or 4. I can't work with people looking over my shoulder either... sucks when you're an aspiring novelist and a band geek. I don't mind people looking at the finished product, I don't want them to see the unfinished product.

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Didn't Einstein have ADD too? He was still brilliant. It's just annoying, you know, when people try to make me feel inferior just for having a neurological condition. Einstein had the same thing, was he a retard? Hardly.


doesn't matter if I have a learning disability or autism spectrum or whatever. I'm still intelligent. and according to fastweb.com, there are plenty of scholarships waiting for me, just because I have a learning disability. :D

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About the Bible. I have tons of Bibles and I have read portions of it, but I have never read it all the way through, so this year I have undertaken that endeavour. I am only into Numbers now, but... well... um... for one thing - as a female, I fail to be inspired, quite the opposite. *sigh* More like depressed. And I have to laugh because the fundies would never stand for these stories in other contexts! They wouldn't countenance the amount of sex going on in Genesis, for instance! So, I find it interesting - well, not even entirely, because the pages and pages of details about animal sacrifices are tedious, to be honest. No, it's interesting because I'm glad to read for myself what is in there, and it... hasn't exactly caused me to hit my knees... :Hmm: Biblical literalism I'm sure makes a lot of ex-Christians...


So, anyway. #10, 9, 8: THANK YOU. :thanks:


# 3 That is so cool (the tattoo part), the octopus is an awesome animal!! :thanks:

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After barely escaping death they say "The good Lord was watching over me"


For instance, I was watching "Amazing Videos" or one of those type programs and this rodeo star was thrown off his bull and as the animal was jumping up and down one of it's hooves came right down on his head. Then they show the guy later after he recovered saying that if the bull's hoof was just a couple of inches over he would have suffered severe brain injuries(which I thinks it safe to say that he already has brain damage thinking that straddling a 2,000 pound very pissed off beast is a good idea) or possibly been killed. He then says: "The good Lord was watching over me". Um, no dipshit. If the "good Lord" was really watching over you, you would not have been thrown off of the bull to begin with. What is wrong with these people? If I was babysitting a toddler and just stood back and watched as he/she fell down the first couple flights of stairs and THEN decided to catch them before they tumble down the final flight, I highly doubt his/her parents would say "good thing you were watching over my baby". No. They would probably press charges against me if not kill me.

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