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Goodbye Jesus

"Gawd can just switch off gravity!"


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recently in a German newsgroup about christianity, some fundie hero readied his verbal blade to fight against the Evil Atheist Paradox™ of the "rock too heavy for gawd to lift". He proposed that because of his Omnipotence™ gawd can just switch off gravity.


Yeah, sure. There isn't such a thing like a difference between weight and mass. :Hmm:


His latest babblings? He's bragging about being "a linux kernel hacker" et cetera ad nauseam. Uh huh. Kernel hacker, but too uneducated to know about mass and weight. :lmao:


Stay tuned for the next episode, when he will gloat "All your base are belong to us" :fdevil:

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Hey God! I DARE you to turn off gravity!



Fellow Scientists, can you speculate about the implications of turning off gravity?

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The whole question is irrelevant. The question is 'do the rules apply to god?' Does a being who can snap the universe into and out of being even have to be non-contradictory?


I mean the bible shows how he is made of love and yet hates things, right? He is by definition a logical impossibility to begin with.


The real question is, if god is so great why do doctors have better rates of healing humans than he does?


The question of what logical impossibilities an imaginary being can or can not do is irrelevant. Much like the question of 'can Santa really fit down every chimney in the world?'


Argue all you want, still doesn't make him exist.

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His latest babblings? He's bragging about being "a linux kernel hacker" et cetera ad nauseam. Uh huh. Kernel hacker, but too uneducated to know about mass and weight.  :lmao:


That seems about just right from the parts of the linux kernel I have read.




{ Sorry... BSD bigot has to get his jabs in. }

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It's the same problem as the question, whether God can create a square triangle. It's not a metaphysical problem. It's an instance of meaningless language. The guy is speaking nonsense - an incoherent collection of words.

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Welcome to the next episode, Ladies and Gentlemen...


...when asked to demonstrate his knowledge of basic physics (in the meantime he claimed to have had an "A" in physics in school), he gave the (by fundie standards) scientifically sound reply:


"You fucker shithead moron faggot (blah blah yadda yadda)..."


I'm sooooooooooo impressed... :fdevil:

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recently in a German newsgroup about christianity, some fundie hero readied his verbal blade to fight against the Evil Atheist Paradox of the "rock too heavy for gawd to lift". He proposed that because of his Omnipotence gawd can just switch off gravity.


Yeah, sure. There isn't such a thing like a difference between weight and mass.  :Hmm:


His latest babblings? He's bragging about being "a linux kernel hacker" et cetera ad nauseam. Uh huh. Kernel hacker, but too uneducated to know about mass and weight.  :lmao:


Stay tuned for the next episode, when he will gloat "All your base are belong to us" :fdevil:




Make my i810 work.


*watches nutjob flee in terror*



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My favorite bash.org linux quote:



linux hacker 1: i'm bored.

linux hacker 2: let's re-write the whole kernel!

linux hacker 1: ok. *hackety-hack*

linux hacker 1: wow, it's 0.00001% faster and takes up 1kb less space!

linux hacker 2: w00t.

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The real question is, if god is so great why do doctors have better rates of healing humans than he does?



Come on, Lloyd; you know in your heart God could kick medical butt if he tried. But if he so clearly manifested his power, it would have the effect of FORCING people to believe, thus taking away the FREE WILL that is so central to his plan. Really, it takes so much more faith to be an atheist. Come to the LIGHT, atheists!



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Heh, Linux kernel hacker, ha. When he moves to a real Unix, like BSD, then he can talk.


*puts away wang of computer use*

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