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Goodbye Jesus


Guest end3

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If Terry Shiavo had been a headless body, would you they have felt like keeping that alive for 10 years? No? Why not? Does the soul live in the skull?

A-man, you're our Bible geek here. I think the Bible say the soul is in the kidneys, liver or pancreas, is that right?

Actually I believe it says the life is in the blood, so I guess that's where "we" are, coursing through our veins. So this means that when we encounter accident victims, we should collect the spilled blood and try to inject it back in their body so their soul isn't lost. Just one example of what happens when science uses the Bible.

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Actually I believe it says the life is in the blood, so I guess that's where "we" are, coursing through our veins. So this means that when we encounter accident victims, we should collect the spilled blood and try to inject it back in their body so their soul isn't lost. Just one example of what happens when science uses the Bible.

That it says it's in the blood is in Le 17:11, 17:14 and De 12:23. But I think I heard once that it also states somewhere (probably in the psalms) that the soul is in the pancreas or something...

(the sole is not in the pancakes, it's on the shoe... dummy... :HaHa:)

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I would like HanSolo encourage you end3 and for that matter any christian to not be so bound up in seeing the bible literally


It cannot support literalism and christians have to come to deal with this and quit defending literalism to the point of blindness. However, if you will approach it as allegorical and metaphorical then it becomes a work of art and can impart beauty and life to the one reading it. This happened to me about 10 years ago and since then my life has been so enriched by the bible.


What the heck difference can it make in my life right now if Noah really built an ark? Is my christianty built on an ark full of animals thousands of years ago? But if I can look at that story thru allegorical eyes I can grasp some beauty and truth that can actually matter, oh and also some ugliness and grossness that can speak loudly as well. And this will open you up to a whole new realm where this beauty and life is not just in ONE book but all around you, in nature, in other books, movies, people from all walks of life.


Jesus even told them they search the scriptures and wouldnt come to him, He is not a book. The word if you will is a living breathing reality that all kinds of folks get in touch with that have never picked up a bible and dont even label themselves christian uhoh that will really get to ya but its true and its time christians wake up to the fact that this is not contained in one little book nor a certain elitist group of folks. Once you tap in you will begin to recognize the same truths all over the place.


I hope I dont offend anyone that is not christian here with this post as it is to end3 from one that still claims to be some sort of christian to another if you will.



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Actually I believe it says the life is in the blood, so I guess that's where "we" are, coursing through our veins. So this means that when we encounter accident victims, we should collect the spilled blood and try to inject it back in their body so their soul isn't lost. Just one example of what happens when science uses the Bible.

That it says it's in the blood is in Le 17:11, 17:14 and De 12:23. But I think I heard once that it also states somewhere (probably in the psalms) that the soul is in the pancreas or something... (the sole is not in the pancakes, it's on the shoe... dummy... :HaHa:)

I have no idea about that one. The Leviticus one is the one that comes to mind. They actually got that wrong too!! The life is really in the oxygen. They should have been suffocating the sheep they were sacrificing, instead of slitting their throats. But I suppose having Jesus be sacrificed with a garbage bag over his head wouldn't have had the same dramatic effect as sticking him on a cross with spikes in his hands.


I can just see it now, a new church name, "Bag of Glory Christian Fellowship".

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Actually I believe it says the life is in the blood, so I guess that's where "we" are, coursing through our veins. So this means that when we encounter accident victims, we should collect the spilled blood and try to inject it back in their body so their soul isn't lost. Just one example of what happens when science uses the Bible.

That it says it's in the blood is in Le 17:11, 17:14 and De 12:23. But I think I heard once that it also states somewhere (probably in the psalms) that the soul is in the pancreas or something... (the sole is not in the pancakes, it's on the shoe... dummy... :HaHa:)

I have no idea about that one. The Leviticus one is the one that comes to mind. They actually got that wrong too!! The life is really in the oxygen. They should have been suffocating the sheep they were sacrificing, instead of slitting their throats. But I suppose having Jesus be sacrificed with a garbage bag over his head wouldn't have had the same dramatic effect as sticking him on a cross with spikes in his hands.


I can just see it now, a new church name, "Bag of Glory Christian Fellowship".

So the Father will be now called BagDad? God must be in Iraq!!!



And by the way, God is not Love, God is Stupidity... that's what I'm constantly get reminded of when debating with Christians...


Perfect Stupidity can't just come about by pure chance, it must have been created by an unintelligent designer. No doubt about it.

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I would like HanSolo encourage you end3 and for that matter any christian to not be so bound up in seeing the bible literally


Thank you Souj.


2 Cor 3:6 comes to mind.

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Perfect Stupidity can't just come about by pure chance, it must have been created by an unintelligent designer. No doubt about it.

"Perfect stupidity driveth out all respect." You know I wonder if you're onto something here. If wisdom comes from God, where does moron come from? Surely there must be an absolute standard of Moron by which all things stupid may be judged. How can we discern dumb from dumber if there is no absolute stupid in the universe? This is solid logical evidence for the existence of Dud, the supreme Stupid, the Divine Unintelligent Designer.

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By the way I finally have come to see thru my research that much of what is said to be god in the bible cannot be the God I believe in. For instance in the ot I will never believe that is God whom killed all the folks over a piece of land. To me the writers had to be writing thru their own ideas of who God was speaking to them. I know a man that just came back from a middle eastern country where he said that a christian baby was kidnapped, barbqued and returned to its mother a charred little corpse all in the name of a god. Evidently, this same view of god that we see in the ot survives in all countries as we speak. Even in America where hardcore fundimentalists will threaten folks with being burned alive forever in a firey put and if they could get away with it as they can in other countries I have no doubt many of them would be helping their god along in the process. Many like Haggee are right now insighting their followers to do horrific things in the name of Jesus Christ calling for america to nuke Iran. Sick Sick Sick. That is the same god seen in the ot but is not the God I believe in.


In fact, I dont know how this all works but Antlerman, I can very much see progression in how God appears as we seem to change. In that I cannot ever again accept a God like I see in the ot and only a God of love at this point in my life. And I am different because of that. You seem to believe that we form our Gods as we progress if you will if I understand you correctly and so to you as Ive grown in love so has my God become a God of love. I cant help to wonder if that is our lot here if you will. To come to see that we indeed create God in our own image if you will.


But beyond that knowing I still cling to a deep hope or faith or belief , not sure, that there is above all this experiance of creating Gods in our own images, a God we just cannot grasp here and perhaps coming to see that is what we are to come here to see?


dont know, just letting you know what Im wondering



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"Perfect stupidity driveth out all respect." You know I wonder if you're onto something here. If wisdom comes from God, where does moron come from? Surely there must be an absolute standard of Moron by which all things stupid may be judged. How can we discern dumb from dumber if there is no absolute stupid in the universe? This is solid logical evidence for the existence of Dud, the supreme Stupid, the Divine Unintelligent Designer.

And the church is called Mormons... oh, sorry, one letter off...

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You guys crack me up, an absolute moron God that judges stupidity. intersting concept lol



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Only the Dummies will go to Heaven. It's filled with XBoxes and big plasma TVs. Chips, Burgers and Soda is overflowing. No books anymore, and not words longer than 5 letters.


And all the Smarties will have their asses kicked to the Hole, hence the word Ass-hole.


People should have listened to the two prophets, Dumb and Dumber. They were sent by Moron to save the world from the Intelligentsia.


A-man, there must be a trinity right? Dud, Moron, Stupid and Duh. Of course they're four in the holy trinity. It's obvious. Who cares about math...

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In fact, I dont know how this all works but Antlerman, I can very much see progression in how God appears as we seem to change. In that I cannot ever again accept a God like I see in the ot and only a God of love at this point in my life. And I am different because of that. You seem to believe that we form our Gods as we progress if you will if I understand you correctly and so to you as Ive grown in love so has my God become a God of love. I cant help to wonder if that is our lot here if you will. To come to see that we indeed create God in our own image if you will.

Boy, it seems weird but it’s actually getting harder for me to put my thoughts into words on this. How’s this? God is owned by individuals and by a society, and this God serves them. As an individual and as part of your community who has a vested interest in God, your voice is necessary to help define God. Other’s will tell you don’t have a right to define God because he is defined by a book chiseled into stone tablets by previous believers. But just as those previous believers with their ideas, you too are shaping the face of God to speak to the world today. Is it working better for you? Then it’s working. You’re a product of your society, so you own God and are a good citizen to participate in his essence, so to speak.


I’m tired.


But beyond that knowing I still cling to a deep hope or faith or belief , not sure, that there is above all this experiance of creating Gods in our own images, a God we just cannot grasp here and perhaps coming to see that is what we are to come here to see?


dont know, just letting you know what Im wondering



Well keep looking. I think what you’ll find isn’t despair, but light. It’s already in you.

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Only the Dummies will go to Heaven. It's filled with XBoxes and big plasma TVs. Chips, Burgers and Soda is overflowing. No books anymore, and not words longer than 5 letters.


And all the Smarties will have their asses kicked to the Hole, hence the word Ass-hole.


People should have listened to the two prophets, Dumb and Dumber. They were sent by Moron to save the world from the Intelligentsia.


A-man, there must be a trinity right? Dud, Moron, Stupid and Duh. Of course they're four in the holy trinity. It's obvious. Who cares about math...

It's moron math. There are four in a trinity. duh.


Have you see the movie Idiocrisy? I swear that's my current favorite movie. You have to see it. It's set 500 years in the future where all the smart people quit having babies because of careers, and only dumb ones bred. Now everyone watches their favorite television show called, "Ow!! My Balls!" where the whole show is the guy getting his balls hit with this stupid laugh track going on after each time he gets them hit. That's all it is.


Here that "T.V." show of the future is on you tube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6i4lYURD7ts...feature=related

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Yes, I saw that movie. And it's ... I think it's prophetic. Another one of the holy videos in the Holy Vible of Moron. Since moronists can't read, they have to get the stupidity from videos instead of reading. So they have a Holy Vible instead. And it contains of a whole set of videos, easily comprised into one blue ray disc. I think they also have a game that explains it all, everything about truth, now, future, eternity, existence, all of it... and I think it was called Pong.


And so far I have figured there's at least these three movies:


Dumb and Dumber

Dumb and Dumberer



Any other ones you come to think of?

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Yes, I saw that movie. And it's ... I think it's prophetic. Another one of the holy videos in the Holy Vible of Moron. Since moronists can't read, they have to get the stupidity from videos instead of reading. So they have a Holy Vible instead. And it contains of a whole set of videos, easily comprised into one blue ray disc. I think they also have a game that explains it all, everything about truth, now, future, eternity, existence, all of it... and I think it was called Pong.


And so far I have figured there's at least these three movies:


Dumb and Dumber

Dumb and Dumberer



Any other ones you come to think of?

The Passion of Christ?

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Good one. It has to be enjoyed with a large soda and a bucked of popcorn. Maybe some hotdogs too with lot of ketchup.


Oh, oh, oh... you might not know this, but there's an energy drink called Bawls. That's the holy water for the eucharist... or is it eucaduh?

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Yes, I saw that movie. And it's ... I think it's prophetic. Another one of the holy videos in the Holy Vible of Moron. Since moronists can't read, they have to get the stupidity from videos instead of reading. So they have a Holy Vible instead. And it contains of a whole set of videos, easily comprised into one blue ray disc. I think they also have a game that explains it all, everything about truth, now, future, eternity, existence, all of it... and I think it was called Pong.


And so far I have figured there's at least these three movies:


Dumb and Dumber

Dumb and Dumberer



Any other ones you come to think of?

The Passion of Christ?


I thought about editing POC and sticking in laugh tracks at inappropriate times lol but that would have been a bit over the top...

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I think the "always look at the bright side of life" track from Life of Brian would have been appropriate.

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I'm not sure which of these two Passion's I liked better:


This one:





Or this one:




I think the last one was cooler.

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I'm not sure which of these two Passion's I liked better:


I think the last one was cooler.




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So where's the three-headed beast who started this thread?


sojourner said:


But beyond that knowing I still cling to a deep hope or faith or belief , not sure, that there is above all this experiance of creating Gods in our own images, a God we just cannot grasp here and perhaps coming to see that is what we are to come here to see?


Just pushing you a bit here, Soj. Why do you cling to this "deep hope or faith or belief"? Why do you feel a need for a "God" you "just cannot grasp"? Surely you realize that it is a natural human trait to have:

  • a hope deep enough to withstand the adversities of life,
  • a faith strong enough to keep going despite enormous difficulties in the face of severe health issues, with
  • the belief that so long as we give it our best we will feel content with ourselves.

Perhaps you don't know it, but there are people on these forums whose health condition is such that they do not expect to see old age. Yet one would not know it from their posts unless they mentioned it. They are living life to the fullest despite this knowledge. It is the only life they expect ever to get and they mean to enjoy it while they have it.


Enjoy it how?







Whatever makes life meaningful and enjoyable for the individual. I see them helping people on here, giving good advice regarding life issues, etc. If this is not hope, faith, and belief in human potential and ability to live life to the fullest then I don't know what it is. One does not need God for this--not in any shape, form, or color, either now or in the future. This being the case, why do you cling to "God" at all?

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You wont like my comment in answer and I hesitate to offer it because my way of seeing things turns many ex-christian folks way off but since you have offered Im going to take the chance that you will just hear me and see beyond my words to my heart


I believe what you are describing is the good God in action thru folks that dont believe in him. I dont believe God is involved in a certain little elitist group of folks that only speak Jesusism but that the Spirit is poured out on all flesh and right now as I speak all men are experiancing God.

To experiance God to me is to experiance a common place of love, unity and well its unnamable I suppose. But its felt in a meaningful hug, a kind word when its desperately needed and such.


I am sorry that demeans your experiances to you all, I truly am, I hesitate to share my heart at times because I do not want to ever be taken that way because in reality for me it elevates your experiances and not demeans them. To me it is seeing love, goodness and God in you all which is no different then I see in my fellow believers except they acknowledge it coming from a God/man union and you strictly man.


I hang on to God because thru out my life so far He is real to me and constant. When my husband had his heart attack I felt His presence and I was comforted. When I look at my daughters face and in her eyes, I see Him looking back along with her. I hear Him speaking to me in my everyday experiances and it gives me courage to face this life that sometimes can be overwhelming. I believe there is a resurrection and I hope Im right and will see you all on the other side of this life but if not I dont feel my life is wasted believing but rather it is enhanced.


The fact that you all feel fulfilled without a God in your life, are kind and loving to each other and have formed a wonderfully alive union together to me further proves to me what I believe rather than takes away from my beliefs and further proves to you that you are believing correctly.


If you all were unfulfilled, miserable and unloving then I would definately be questioning my beliefs Ruby because to me they would be false proved by your lives and I would have to concede God is not working thru ALL men as we speak.


Because God is not some ogre in the sky waiting to fry me or others and because I see Him as good I see no reason to deny the hope and these experiances.



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'Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian'. You truly have a beautiful spirit.

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Hey Antlerman oh and back at cha






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I think the "always look on the bright side of life" track from Life of Brian would have been appropriate.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, here is the Youtube link:



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