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Goodbye Jesus

King of Christianity

Guest aexapo

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Guest aexapo

I think this would be a fun quiz to send around to your Xian friends and family -- to test their real knowledge on religion.


All the fundies will say Jesus, or Father God, or YHWH or El Shaddai or the Risen Savior, etc.


A few progressive Christians might pick Paul or Luther . . . the more Orthodox thinker might say Peter.


But, only a true thinker might choose Constantine -- if it weren't for him pulling a Trump and buying the whole pageant, none of us may have ever knelt on one knee and asked Jesus into our cardiac muscle, or spoke in tongues as the Holy Phantom possessed us and took us over with Pentecostal Voodoo.


Why the rest are wrong: well, #1, we don't even really know of a Jewish rabbi named Jesus actually lived, and if he did, why were none of his apostles capable of creating a massive spiritual movement until a former persecutor converted and took over the movement (after convincing them that he had really had a conversation with their dead leader).


Peter: he's only the leader according to Orthodoxy's list of Popes -- probably written by Constantine himself to legitimize his Imperial Department of Morality (the RCC).


Paul: with his trusty side-kick Peter, he popularized Christianity within the Roman Empire, enough to make it a nuisance.


Luther: wouldn't have existed without Constantines RCC. Irrelevant.

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Goodbye Jesus

Damn! I clicked to fast. I chose Paul, but realized that Constipatedtin was more influential on Chrisinsanity than any other dude in history. Consty is the only one we know for sure did exist. Besides M.Luthor. (he he, superman villain)

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Constantine, only because he is the actual founder from pagan to Xtianity even if it was on his death bed. Same belief system (gods) just all merged into one....... er is that three? :Hmm:

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Paul: with his trusty side-kick Peter, he popularized Christianity within the Roman



I did vote for Constantine, but I was not sure if I should pick him or Paul.

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I was torn between Paul and Constantine. Constantine could have been anyone. He just happened to be the one that launched Christianity. I don't argue this. But Christianity as we know it today should be more properly called, "Paulianity."


That said, I voted for Contantine. :loser:

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Guest aexapo
I picked Paul only because his epistles set up the ammo for the church.  Whether true or not, IMHO, without those writings, there wouldn't have been an excuse for Jesus believers not to obey the teachings of the OT.  True that many new churches obeyed both, but when I was a Christian the BIGGEST most single referenced scriptures for excusing "sin" were Pauls epistles.


Paul is the single most important theologian, IMHO, but Constantine was the single greatest evangelist, if I dare use the word. With Paul, Peter and Co., Christianity would have been a major cult within the Empire (similar to Mormonism or JWism today), but by making it the compulsory religion of the Empire, Constantine ensured its domination throughout the civilized world . . . perhaps until the time we recognize that we no longer need superstition to guide our lives.


Paul was necessary, but Constantine was essential.

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Constantine. Everytime my roommate tries to argue the good points of the religion by saying so much of the world embraces it, I point out that if ol' Conny hadn't forced it on the Roman Empire it would have probably either sputtered out and died, or remained an off-shoot cult of Judaism. Paganism might still be the religion of the day if he hadn't pushed it, and started a marvelous trend of forced conversion against the natives of various countries who probably thought their conquerers not only smelled bad, but were completely mental to boot.

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Guest WhatIsTruth9

I said Constantine, because like other people have mentioned, if he had not made it the main religion of the Roman Empire, it wouldn't be anything now. And a lot of people would be saved alot of heartache...


Thanks Constantine ol buddy ol pal ol jackass.

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And we probably wouldn't have Islam either, because Mohammed got his "revelations" after being upset over how Jews and Christians alike were such pricks and hypocrites. Christianity was really corrupt when Mohammed lived. His anger was the reason to Islam; he wanted a new religion to destroy the old ones.

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I voted for Paul since I think he's responsible for most modern christian doctrine than is the material attributed to Jesus.

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I think this would be a fun quiz to send around to your Xian friends and family -- to test their real knowledge on religion.


All the fundies will say Jesus, or Father God, or YHWH or El Shaddai or the Risen Savior, etc.


A few progressive Christians might pick Paul or Luther . . . the more Orthodox thinker might say Peter.


But, only a true thinker might choose Constantine -- if it weren't for him pulling a Trump and buying the whole pageant, none of us may have ever knelt on one knee and asked Jesus into our cardiac muscle, or spoke in tongues as the Holy Phantom possessed us and took us over with Pentecostal Voodoo.


Why the rest are wrong: well, #1, we don't even really know of a Jewish rabbi named Jesus actually lived, and if he did, why were none of his apostles capable of creating a massive spiritual movement until a former persecutor converted and took over the movement (after convincing them that he had really had a conversation with their dead leader).


Peter: he's only the leader according to Orthodoxy's list of Popes -- probably written by Constantine himself to legitimize his Imperial Department of Morality (the RCC).


Paul: with his trusty side-kick Peter, he popularized Christianity within the Roman Empire, enough to make it a nuisance.


Luther: wouldn't have existed without Constantines RCC.  Irrelevant.

I want to go back in time and knock out all of the 5 choices in the poll, though a couple didn't exist. :lmao: 1 battle in Europe decided what religion we would all be Christians or Muslims, Christians won and that is why my family is Christian. We would have been praising Allah and Muhammad if the Muslims had won.

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Constantine and his lap dog, Eusebius. hands down.


Without this dynamic duo, America would be a nation of born-again Druids.

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