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Goodbye Jesus

Jesus Is Never Coming Back !


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You seem like an all-around unpleasant person and you demonstrate a considerable lack of intelligence.


And a seriously arrogant fuck on top of it :loser:

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Do you see the problem?


I don't see any of this as problematic. It seems rather simple to me, and suspect it does to all those in exercising logic and reason.


Lucas, I had been going to try responding in some way to your last post here. I don't know why I thought you believed in Jesus' second coming but I'm sure you gave me good reason to get that impression. HOWEVER, I see here that you infer that white raven does not "excercise logic and reason." No newbie comes on here telling white raven she's stupid and get away with it. You seem like an all-around unpleasant person and you demonstrate a considerable lack of intelligence.

:)Ruby Sera, I think Lucas Fox was agreeing with White Raven in that he was supportive of her assertion of where the burden of proof lies. It seems the only thing he was saying is that no one knows if Jesus existed or not, nor does he care.


Perhaps it is all a misunderstanding, as written communication between unknown people often get one's intentions mistaken. That is why I preface my post to you with a smiley face to indicate the friendliness and respect I have for you, rather you care to reciprocate it or not.


BTW, IMO, White Raven does extremely well with seasoned debaters on this site, so I doubt any newbie could ruffle her feathers (not that I think it was Lucas’ intentions to do so).


You seem like an all-around unpleasant person and you demonstrate a considerable lack of intelligence.


And a seriously arrogant fuck on top of it :loser:


:)Varokhar, I've seen many of your posts and have always found them very interesting and informative, and have always respected your contributions on these forums. I'm now curious as to why you find Lucas' posts arrogant? :scratch:


Gosh, this poster, Lucas Fox, comes on this site supporting your positions. He's certainly NOT inclined to my position... so maybe I should be thanking you all? :) I am the one that thinks there was a person, probably not named Jesus though, that a multitude of myths and other figures have been superimposed upon him. However, it is my opinion that even the story of the bible says that Jesus, the man, is never coming back... so I would say the members on here are absolutely right either way we look at it... if he was real or not. :wicked:

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I missed the bold claim. Can you highlight it?


Sure, below is a bold claim highlighted -- from the opening post of the thread.


He never came in the first place !


Not a bold claim at all. Just an observation based on common sense that such a person according to biblical claims could not have possibly existed - ever. It is nothing more than a fairy tale character no different than past pagan savior godmen.

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:)Varokhar, I've seen many of your posts and have always found them very interesting and informative, and have always respected your contributions on these forums. I'm now curious as to why you find Lucas' posts arrogant? :scratch:


He has a tone of superiority to most of his posts. I think that betrays him as being rather arrogant. I'm sure not going to waste time fishing through all his posts to cite quotations.

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"Hermetic Philosophy" is a very vague term. Are we talking Hermeticism? the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor? Hermetic Kabbalah? Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn?



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Not a bold claim at all. Just an observation based on common sense that such a person according to biblical claims could not have possibly existed - ever. It is nothing more than a fairy tale character no different than past pagan savior godmen.

:) Edward Abbey, I agree with you that the popular notion of "Jesus" that has come to be considered as real today could not have possibly existed. Of course. IMO, no one here is debating that aspect. It seems almost like saying Santa Claus does not exist! However, there was once a very real person named St. Nicholas that certainly did exist, and from him the figure we now have of Santa Claus has evolved. Would anyone here claim that St. Nicholas is the Santa Claus of today? :HaHa:


Also, there is Imhotep, thousands of years before "Jesus", everyone thought he was just a mythological figure and never an actual person, yet recently we have made discoveries that he was a very real person indeed. There was never a persecution against Imhotep, yet I suppose evidence was not clear and abundant about his actual existence either, until recently. More found on him here. It is also believed that he was also intermingled with the "Jesus" figure in the repeated story telling, as probably other real and mythololgical figures too.


How can anyone say there was not just a common, pure human man, we now refer to as "Jesus," that is at the core of this evolving story that grew into embellished unrealistic proportions? History has proven that these biblical stories and teachings have been hijacked into confusion and taken more twists and turns than any 'house of mirrors'. Run-away claims upon a figure has happened before and since this figure "Jesus". No one can prove the claim right now that a real person isn't at the core of "Jesus" or they would be on every channel on TV and every front page of every newspaper, on the cover of every magazine, and not just debating it on our beloved site here, would they?


Just in closing this post, IMO, you are right about the popular notion of "Jesus" today, it easy to make a bold claim he does not and did not exist. However, the historical origination of the current popularized "Jesus" may have evolved from a very real human being. Is that actual person coming back as him again? I think not.

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