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You Know You're An Ex-c When...


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you know you are an ex-c when you


150. no idea why they love snow cones but insists it is a valid point, anyway - i'm refering to the snow cone loving man.

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I honestly haven't had snow cones in 8 years. :HappyCry:


151. A ex christian replies to a point by a true Christian about snow cones replying its a valid point and is able to prove Bible God is not real by showing signs to the true Christian by saying this is how you believe the Bible and the snow cone thing is a metaphor for Christianity and the True Christian gets confused by what I mean I have to explain to him then he will question his religon of the snow cone metaphor.


A. I sayed Ex Christians like snow cones because its a valid point

B. The True Christian agrees

C. The True Christian agrees like he agrees with Paulism ( The Bible)



152. No Ex Christian understands my point if they do they are genious's :HaHa:

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You know you're an Ex-C when...


1. You imply you are a Christian...


You are an x when you are motivated by posts here. You look forward to doing what you want on Sunday.


You pass a church and instead of bless yourself you laugh!


If you have to go to catholic mass as I SOMETIMES have to, you play the part, receive with all the" mortal "sins n your soul, walk out after mass and say FUCK IT ALL to yourself and find that the world continues exactly as it always had.


You stop praying, worshipping, donating and live guilt free knowing what was drummed into you as a child was all brainwashing and myth making!


Live life to the fullest you and your family and fellow man's being the real gods and enjoy life!

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153. You know you're an ex-C when you can come up with "dogma" puns like: :)

  • Will you shut that Dogma up.
  • Is your Dogma trained?
  • I'm not a Dogma person.
  • Dogma is a fundy's best friend. :wicked:

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If you have to go to catholic mass as I SOMETIMES have to, you play the part, receive with all the" mortal "sins n your soul, walk out after mass and say FUCK IT ALL to yourself and find that the world continues exactly as it always had.




You know you are Ex-Protestant when you no longer think a piece of cracker and some grape juice will kill you if taken in an "unworthy" manner.


I used to have this pastor who would say that if we took communion in an unworthy manner it would bring death. Since nobody was keeling over in the pews on the spot, he revised his teaching and claimed that the death might come at a later time; like an unworthy person might get cancer or get in a car accident. :lmao:



When the last pastor I sat under started preaching that, I started spending communion service in the restroom.


154. You know you're an Ex-Christian when the following is your desktop background:


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I honestly haven't had snow cones in 8 years. :HappyCry:


155. You can remember the last snow cone you had like it was yesterday and it was several years ago.


It was at the MN Renaissance Festival. Blue raspberry, IIRC. :D


156. You understand Ramen's point about straw men.


Hmm, straw men and snow cones...interesting thought there.

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153. You know you're an ex-C when you can come up with "dogma" puns like: :)
  • Will you shut that Dogma up.
  • Is your Dogma trained?
  • I'm not a Dogma person.
  • Dogma is a fundy's best friend. :wicked:

Oh goodness these are great OM. Would you like a Dogma bag for your left-overs? Fantastic!


There's nothing like the smell of a wet Dogma.

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There's nothing like the smell of a wet Dogma.


Don't you hate those little yippy dogma's the worst? :wicked:

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Sorry this may be stupid but straw man? I know this is an inside joke because Peagusess brought it up (the one who had a fit and left the boards) Can I be informed what straw man is?



UPDATE: I get it now its a type of argument




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Can I be informed what straw man is?

Ramen, I believe a strawman is when you cast your opponent as taking a position which they haven't and then attacking that false position. You are addressing a strawman of your opponent's arguments rather than the opponent's arguments themselves.


Edit: Oh, I see that found out on your own Ramen. Nevermind then.

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What's a rabbit hole and what's a red herring?



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What's a rabbit hole and what's a red herring?




Rabbit Hole – the reference is to Alice in Wonderland, where she follows a white rabbit down a hole and finds herself in a very strange place. Now, the term is used in alternate reality games to describe the initial page or clue that brings the player into the fictional world of the game and has also come to signify any event which triggers a completely unexpected, bizarre situation or paradigm.


Red Herring – something irrelevant to the issue or discussion at hand that is thrown in merely as a distraction, that is, to send people in the wrong direction.

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You know you are Ex-Protestant when you no longer think a piece of cracker and some grape juice will kill you if taken in an "unworthy" manner.


I used to have this pastor who would say that if we took communion in an unworthy manner it would bring death. Since nobody was keeling over in the pews on the spot, he revised his teaching and claimed that the death might come at a later time; like an unworthy person might get cancer or get in a car accident. :lmao:

157. When another Ex-Christian posts something that causes a horrible flash-back! Yikes!


(That is why I quit taking the little cracker and juice...I was not worthy!) :barf:

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