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You Know You're An Ex-c When...


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115: You realize that to constantly beat yourself up for being sinful and less than perfect may itself be a "sin".

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116. You realize books like this are ominous and very creepy:



That book IS ominous and very creepy. I must be an Ex-C. Oh, wait...yeah, I am. :grin:

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117. You can watch a televangelist on TV with the full understanding that the guy's running a very profitable money making scheme, and not much more.


118. You hear the usual fundie catch phrases like "Jesus died for your sins" and "God has a plan for your life" and quickly react with a chuckle and mutter "BULLSHIT".

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Hail Bobo, the chimp. Praise his name.

Ahhhh...Bobo's. They have lots and lots of fun! :)

That's Bonobo's, and yes they have lots of fun... all day... every day. :wicked:

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Hail Bobo, the chimp. Praise his name.

Ahhhh...Bobo's. They have lots and lots of fun! :)

That's Bonobo's, and yes they have lots of fun... all day... every day. :wicked:

Isn't he the lead singer for U2?

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119. A family member comes out of the closet and admits that he's gay - and your response is "what took your so long?". :)


120. You can have a conversation with a gay or lesbian couple without trying to "save" them.


121. You feel joy for said couple when they announce that they are going to have a marriage celebration.


122. You celebrate with said couple a few years later when they decide to adopt a child.

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I'm adding to you OM.


123. They are thankful that you are not another "fundy" trying to "save" them.


124. You talk to them like you do everyone and don't really think about them being gay.


125. You get offended when your gay friends say things you consider homophobic. (that's happened to me.)

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125. You get offended when your gay friends say things you consider homophobic. (that's happened to me.)



I don't understand - why would gay people say anything homophobic - were they joking around? :scratch:

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My friend Donnie was talking about a mutual friend and said she was an Ex-Gay because she's dating men now. I got upset and told him there was no such thing as Ex-Gay, she is Bisexual!

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My friend Donnie was talking about a mutual friend and said she was an Ex-Gay because she's dating men now. I got upset and told him there was no such thing as Ex-Gay, she is Bisexual!


Guess it goes to show - we're all human and we all have our preconcieved notions about things. ;)


Which brings to mind another indication of being Ex-C


126. You've discovered that human frailities and vulnerabilites are NOT sins - they're just part of being human. :shrug:

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126. You've discovered that human frailities and vulnerabilites are NOT sins - they're just part of being human. :shrug:


That's a good one.

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77. You watch Passion of the Christ and start busting out laughing

lol, i actually did this with a very good friend of mine


Well, at least we're keeping Jesus occupied.


Cause every time Pug has to endure ridicule, Jesus is forced to build another wing on to Pug's mansion in heaven.

Pug, man look on the bright side if there IS a heaven you have the largest house ever made.


101) You realize you feel good about not believing in pink unicorns when the entire world around you does.

Hey, I believe in the IPU and the FSM lol

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In other words, it probably started from the same story but as different cultures grew up around that story, the story changed some over time for each until they became two different but similar monkey gods.


Good try Madame M. Read the stories again, the Chinese story is about the monkey going west to look for Buddha in India = Buddhism. The Indian story started waaay before the monkey story - before even Buddhism was founded - it is Hinduism. So how could they possibly be from the same root?


It's quite ok tho, to Westerners all Asians look alike (and are alike) no matter if they are Koreans, Vietnamese, Thais, Chinese, Japanese... so their monkey god MUST be da same monkey god.


BTW, i did not just worship the monkey god, there's a heaven god, and earth god to pay homage to too, and also praying to my ancestors which is normally classified as Chinese Religion. I dabbled in Buddhism too.

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You Know You're An Ex-C When...


127. ...you are so relieved you won't be saved, whatever that means.


128. ...you don't have to thank God for any thing ever. Ever, ever.


129. ...you watch Passion of Christ over and over becasue you want to learn a new language.

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They find some part of the story that is different and say that the older versions could not have possibly influenced the newer version. Human stories get around and grow and change.
You know, you could be right.


But whatever, go ahead and make it about bigotry against Asians or some other ad hominem not grounded in fact or reality. I have better things to do than waste my time trying to confront your delusion. Have a nice life.

Dear Madam M, ya ok, calm down, no need to get ya knickers in a twist. You have a nice life too. It's 11:34PM and i'm still at da office. Gahhh.

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I post the most on Sundays for some reason, I feel that my best posts come on that day. How did you know that Pug?


Anger....when I am ever angry in debates :grin: Never huh


Anyway back to the post, these are good


130. You get told by a True Christian that once worshipped a monkey to go fly accross the world to Africa and make fun them. Then buys plane tickets to actually try it.


131. Goes to Mecca with the Mohammad cartoons on your shirt


132. Wants Mel Gibson to make the Passion of the Christ II: Judgement Day :grin:


133. Saw Passion of the Christ and when the credits came up you yelled " BLOOPERS WE WANT BLOOPERS!"


134. You met Mel Gibson is jail and asked him why does he hate Jews?


135. Goes to a Franklin Grahmn Crusade thing and takes beer and ciagretts


136. Is angry at Christianity for a while.


137. Goes to a Christian bookstore and asks the lady were the hardcore porn is


138. You eat Pork in front of a Jewish community


139. You go to church and put a package of condems on the offering plate


140. The preacher is preaching and hears you say " SWEET JESUS" and he sees you jerking off to porn


141. You come to church with your gangsta gear on


142. When everyone is speaking in tounges you just throw up on the old man by you

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143. You might be an Ex-C if you have any one of the following bumper stickers on your car:

  • Who would Jesus Bomb?

  • The Righteous were wrong in Jesus' day, too

  • God Bless the whole world, no exceptions.

  • Proud Pagan

  • Darwin Fish w/legs

  • Who would Jesus Bomb

  • One People, One Planet, One Future

  • God is coming, and boy is She pissed!

  • Marriage is a personal decison, not a religious one.

  • Please Curb your Dogma

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[*]Please Curb your Dogma



My Karma just ran over your Dogma.

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[*]Please Curb your Dogma

My Karma just ran over your Dogma.




Please keep your Dogma leashed at all times. :)

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How bout


Your dogma is tolerated here for the most part. Just make sure you pick up after it.

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Or - as a the latest fundy is leaving the board with barely any dignity in tact...


Would you like a Dogma bag for your left-overs? :wicked:

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you know you are an ex-c when you


144. Can go off topic without realising your real mission (seek knowledge?).


145. Do not care anyway.

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you know you are an ex-c when you


144. Can go off topic without realising your real mission (seek knowledge?).


145. Do not care anyway.



146. You laugh at that True Christian who says we are going off topic but if they read the posts, they would understand what is happening.


147. An Ex Christian would reply in a post in "quotes" and contributing to the disscussion by mocking that True Christian. That is stating that they are going off topic. :woohoo: I am not saying you Pug


148. You write in a vary satire form about Christianity and Christians in general


149. ExChristians like snowcones :D ( I have no idea but a valid point)

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