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Goodbye Jesus

Father, Forgive Them; For They Know Not What They Do.


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It's all a matter of perspective, there.


To you, it's horribly wrong that we speak such things against your god.


To us, it's right to do so, because your god is deserving of ill-speech, even though we realize he doesn't exist. Therefore, it becomes cathartic for us to express blasphemy, since many of were pratically terrorized into avoiding such talk or thinking, as well as becomes a sort of method of helping to encourage unbelief in other people.


If blasphemy is so offensive to God, then God should make us simply not blaspheme. Or at least show up, answer our prayers, help us improve our world, and thereby earn our praise and worship.

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- exactly what is it that is so awful as to need divine forgiveness?
Err... here's a sweet one?
Every time you jack off, it pounds another nail into Jesus.


Oh.... darn.... when I first read that I laughed myself silly - does that mean I need forgiveness too?


If so, why?????


Why would the King of Peace be offended by such tripe??????


Why would "God is LOVE" be offended by such nonsense??????


Why would the Alpha and Omega be offended, or the LOGOS?????

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Just curious, i wonder why none of you lot dare spell "Jesus" correctly? Nothing to fear you know. Spell it correctly, words have meanings. If you spell it as jeebus you are nailing the wrong dude.


We know how to spell "Jesus" - we just mispell it on purpose. Again, more of that cathartic, instructive "blasphemy" I was speaking about above.

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Just curious, i wonder why none of you lot dare spell "Jesus" correctly?

I have no problem spelling it correctly.


Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. I even spell Christianity without resorting to X's. Although I must admit that I am tempted to abreviate fundamentalist to fundy.

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I remember when I first came to this site, a fundy named collegekid came on.


He was convinced that there was a reason we used xian and xianity and other names.


Although he didn't state it outright, I think he injected the spiritual dimension (as he believed it to be) into figuring out why we did that. I'm quite sure that he believed us to be under the influence of evil spirits, or demons, or whatever. And, therefore, we were unable to write the name Jesus or God, because we were nothing more than the devil's puppets.


So, here's one for you, Pug. JESUS IS LORD.


See? I didn't foam at the mouth or anything when I wrote it. They're just words. Not magical.

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So, here's one for you, Pug. JESUS IS LORD.


See? I didn't foam at the mouth or anything when I wrote it. They're just words. Not magical.

Ooooh ooooh I wanta try!


Jesus is Lord and Savior. All those who believe will not perish, but have everlasting life!


Wow! What a throwback.

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I remember when I first came to this site, a fundy named collegekid came on.


He was convinced that there was a reason we used xian and xianity and other names.


Although he didn't state it outright, I think he injected the spiritual dimension (as he believed it to be) into figuring out why we did that. I'm quite sure that he believed us to be under the influence of evil spirits, or demons, or whatever. And, therefore, we were unable to write the name Jesus or God, because we were nothing more than the devil's puppets.


So, here's one for you, Pug. JESUS IS LORD.


See? I didn't foam at the mouth or anything when I wrote it. They're just words. Not magical.


Right. We just don't believe in what those words represent. Why should we have to type "Bible" with a capital B, when we don't believe in it? Or Jesus. Or whatever.


They are simply words that some human beings have attributed power to. They have no power, it's all in the mind. It's like typing in Zeus or Zoraster or Osiris or Athena, other ancient deities that are for the most part no longer worshipped, or are worshipped by only a very few. The fact that I don't worship Zeus, Zoraster, Osiris, or Athena does not render me incapable of typing those names or even speaking them out loud. It's only humans who assign power to names, and then go on superstitiously believing in that power. The names have no power on their own.


Eventually Jesus will also go the way of Zeus, Zoraster, Osiris and Athena and be considered a myth by the vast majority of people. It is only a matter of time. People studying ancient history in 2000 years will probably wonder why we were so gullible. That is, if they aren't worshipping aliens by then. :rolleyes:

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I don't know, Amethyst...


You might try it. I noticed just now when I wrote that, I had to really fight off the urge for my eyes to roll into the back of my head....


ahh- ohh... OH SHIT GUYS!




Holy Shit! Where did that come from?

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That is, if they aren't worshipping aliens by then. :rolleyes:

We'll make great pets!

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Wow you are offended I spelled Jesus wrong? What an idiot


I think Christians like you just make me laugh. Now to offend you even more here is what a modern day Cheezus would look like:






:Wendywhatever: So piss off Pug really

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Pug- I am not looking a porn Jeezus

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You mean me jacking off puts a nail in Jeebus


Just curious, i wonder why none of you lot dare spell "Jesus" correctly? Nothing to fear you know. Spell it correctly, words have meanings. If you spell it as jeebus you are nailing the wrong dude.


One other thing to forgive, getting His name wrong.

None of us?

You sure about that?

You really want to claim that no-one here dare spell his name properly?



Well, Pug... YOU don't spell his name properly either.


The Anglified spelling of his name is Yeshua ha-Notzri, not Jesus Christ. So you're praying to the wrong dude... :HaHa:


So, that's testing God when you shouldn't, praying in public, not being humble, showing bad fruits, breaking laws that are given by God, (says in the Bible, all laws made by Man are by the grace of God... you break the parking laws, you break Gods laws) making false claims and praying to the wrong guy...

Fuck, but you're really steeped in Sin there Pug... maybe you'd better start cleaning up your own act before taking us to task about ours.

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here is what a modern day Cheezus would look like:







Hell, if Jebus did exist, that's probably what he'd have looked like back then, too.

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here is what a modern day Cheezus would look like:







Hell, if Jebus did exist, that's probably what he'd have looked like back then, too.



You are right that is probably what he looked like back then to. No wonder Jeezus never got laid.

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Pug- I am not looking a porn Jeezus


Bwahahaha! :lmao:


Goddamn if life ain't just one big comedy...


Very good, Ramen666.



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Pug I want my questions answered which you still have not answered find the post yourself. Instead you change the topic because I misspelled your lawd.

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Just curious, i wonder why none of you lot dare spell "Jesus" correctly? Nothing to fear you know. Spell it correctly, words have meanings. If you spell it as jeebus you are nailing the wrong dude.


That is a generalization as many here, including myself, spell Jesus.


One other thing to forgive, getting His name wrong.


Yeah, well, start prayin' yourself there SmugPug as Jesus is wrong as well...Y'shua is the name of the Jewish Messiah, not Jesus.

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Good point which I missed, Jubilant.


Most people here spell "Jesus" correctly, I've noticed. How odd that pug is passing judgement while demonstrating that he doesn't really know how things are here :scratch:

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OT, but that dog is really cute.

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I would have never imagined me of all people spelling Jesus wrong would cause such a controversy. :shrug: I really don't get that.

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...shouldn't go round blasting and condemning a religion they used to believe in but now don't... it only shows up your upbringing, disrespect, not to mention tarnishing the other people who are really basically good.


I think you know who you are.


Oh I guess you are talking to me also besides the whole Jeezus controversy :Wendywhatever: . Yeah I honestly don't care if I disrespect any religion for that matter. People like you get offended to easy and it just doesn't bother me. Boo Hoo you feel persucuted because we don't like Christianity and we do blashampy against your God. Notice when I type to you I say "Your" God because he is just a version you have created for yourself, not what the Bible actually says. Anyway back on topic, its ok Christians treat us ExChristians like dirt then and think of us inhuman :scratch: . Talk about hypocracy.


Now Pug has disapeared once again when a major disscussion comes up. Or he is looking at porn, who knows. Anyway us ExChristians have every right to say how we feel. Religon is a joke to me and I can not take you serious especially since you have became so arrgoant and jerkish to people.


Did I also mention God hasn't answered any prayer YOU ASKED FOR US.



So where do you go from here Pug? Since we are either of your religion or not of any religion or another religion. What do you think of those verses quite disturbing for an all lovng God. Since after all anyone who opposes God he wants dead. Sounds a lot like good ole Hitler. Anyway why should we you listen to you. What makes your Christianityism better than us when the Bible itself speaks crap like this.


Death to Followers of Other Religions


Whoever sacrifices to any god, except the Lord alone, shall be doomed. (Exodus 22:19 NAB)


Kill Nonbelievers


They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul; and everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman. (2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB)

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Now Pug has disapeared once again when a major disscussion comes up. Or he is looking at porn, who knows. Anyway us ExChristians have every right to say how we feel. Religon is a joke to me and I can not take you serious especially since you have became so arrgoant and jerkish to people.
Yes, Crazy Tiger's deadline has come and gone and Pug is nowhere to be found. :scratch:


In addition - many questions await Pug in this thread as well. :scratch:


So.... where do you suppose he is?

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Good point, Open Minded


Could Pug of known the prayer wasn't going to be answered...? :scratch:

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I'm sure he's begging God for answers, or searching the Babble for some, and perhaps actually thought that his god would come through and make fools of us all. After all, he's been getting awfully worked up lately, and probably was certain God would answer his prayers, just to win us over.


Now he's off figuring out some excuses to stutter out to explain it all... :jerkit:

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So, here's one for you, Pug. JESUS IS LORD.
What i'm badly trying to say is when you wish to offend-badmouth Jesus, do spell it correctly (or at least spell it the way most people spell it) - wouldn't that make it the more meaningful? Why spell it right only when you wish to say "nice" things like Jesus is Lord?


Fuck, but you're really steeped in Sin there Pug... maybe you'd better start cleaning up your own act before taking us to task about ours.

Yep i'm steeped in sin. You, on the other hand, are not. I'm not, not asking you to clean up your act - there's nothing to clean - you are sinless and blameless; perfect. What i'm curious about is: why not spell it correctly when you curse Him? Gives it more bite don't you think? When you mis-spell it i do not connect it as being Him - you know retard that i am.

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