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Goodbye Jesus

Any Life After Death?


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I was just curious what some of the posters here think about life after death, and how you feel about what you now believe.


I've thought about this a lot since I bailed from christianity. I think I've come to the conclusion that when the body ceases to function, the brain dies. And when the brain dies, that's it. Your memory, emotions, everything crashes. You return to the state you were in before you were conceived. Nothing. You don't exist.


Is there any evidence worth a damn that would lead to the conclusion that the soul survives death? I've been reading some pretty plausible explanations for "seeing the white tunnel", and other near death stuff that are explained by the way the brain neurons being firing as the brain dies. Muscles even twitch two or three days after death.


Evidently, this annihilation stuff scares the shit outta most people, it's at least half of the reason for all religions (I think) I don't know why, but I kinda like the idea. I didn't want to do anything for all eternity.


I have been assuming that this is what all atheists believe, but then I'm not really sure. And I really don't know what agnostics or pagans believe about an afterlife.

(I know, I know, google is my friend)


If this has already been talked to death (no pun intended) on this forum, we don't have to go far with it. I was just curious what your various thoughts were.

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Goodbye Jesus

I think it's just darkness and oblivion.


Hope I'm wrong and I get to have a harem of naughty, naughty sexy catgirls in the afterlife.

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Naughty, sexy catgirls? You're Moslem?

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I'm still hoping for a life before death, is that so wrong? :smile: oops wrong smiley, it was supposed to be this one: :HaHa:


Well, serious, I don't know, but I'm sure if there is something after life, we're all going there to experience it. No exception. The only rule of life is that there is a death at the end, and no one can escape it. My belief is (my slightly deistic side of my atheism), if there is a heaven, we are all going there, whatsoever. If there is a hell, then God will hear my opinion firsthand, and he will be sorry.


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If there is any, it's not hell. Or heaven. I'm more inclined to believe in reincarnation, but that hasn't really been proven either. I like the idea better, I guess. But hey, even if you take the atheist view that there's nothing and our molecules join the rest of the universe when we decompose, that's not really all bad. To be part of a rose, a rainbow, a star, the moon, another planet somewhere, or even just a greasy hamburger...that, to me, isn't something to be feared. It's just one more reason to enjoy life while you're still alive.

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I have seen no evidence to make me think that my being will continue in some form after death.


So, for now, I live life as though this current life on planet earth is the only time I will have.

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Wormfood. I hope I'll at least be fertilizing a nice, sweetly scented rosebush.

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I, as many others, believe there is nothing after death.


Of course, I hope to cheat death by magnetically freezing myself/transfering my conciousness to a computer or something like that when technology has advanced enough, but I don't hold out much hope for that option.


Personally, it scares the shit outta me, the idea of nothingness. So does reincarnation, 'cause it's just the same, to me. The loss of my memory, what makes me me. I'm still gone, even if some insubstantial "soul" is passed on to something else. See, I love being myself, with my conciousness, my life.


Then again, thinking about the nature of conciousness makes me a little depressed. But then again, the kind of things I think about cannot really be resolved, so I don't think about it, and am happy most of the time.

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Whatever pans out happens.. Got no clue, got few worries, really don't care..


The amount of *brain pressure* that is scheduled to be afraid of dying isn't enuff to puff a birthday candle out..



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I'm comfortable with nada, too. Just like when you go under anesthesia. Nada.


You know, just like in the Bible. No more crying, no more pain. It's scriptural. Just look it up.

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I don't think that immortality is out of the question. In fact, I think human science may be close to being able to offer that option. Humans may soon have the ability to extend life indefinitely or even to reconstruct a dead human using DNA, etc.

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I have seen no evidence to make me think that my being will continue in some form after death.


So, for now, I live life as though this current life on planet earth is the only time I will have.



Couldn't have said it better myself... :thanks:

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I was just curious what some of the posters here think about life after death, and how you feel about what you now believe.




Is there any evidence worth a damn that would lead to the conclusion that the soul survives death?




Evidently, this annihilation stuff scares the shit outta most people, it's at least half of the reason for all religions (I think)  I don't know why, but I kinda like the idea.  I didn't want to do anything for all eternity.

Here's a great paper about your question.





Wormfood. I hope I'll at least be fertilizing a nice, sweetly scented rosebush.

That's what I always say! Happy wormfood. (Well, the worms will be happy.)

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I will die, and my atoms will eventually spread around the universe, and I'll become one with everything! :)

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quicksand - many thanks for the link. That looks like it will answer a lot for me. Now all I have to do is find time to read it. I'm hooked on this forum

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I dunno..I think I said that before..


I like to think there is life after death. I've been reading these books by Michael Newton..says he regresses people to their "life between lives". Its interesting stuff..not too sure I buy it, but its fun to think about.

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I dunno..I think I said that before..


I like to think there is life after death.  I've been reading these books by Michael Newton..says he regresses people to their "life between lives".  Its interesting stuff..not too sure I buy it, but its fun to think about.

I am an atheist and I think I will just not exist after I die but I sure hope I do have an afterlife. It will be just like before I was born most likely. If there is an afterlife, reincarnation maybe? we are all going to the same place if there is one.

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I was just curious what some of the posters here think about life after death, and how you feel about what you now believe.


This topic seems to come up fairly often.


Everything we observe tells us that death is final. Do I like it? No, but then again, I don't like any conception of death I've ever heard. Why? Because fear of death is instinctual. We hate the idea no matter how it's decorated.


That said, were the first 15 billion years before you were born an inconvenience for you in any way? If not, why be bothered by however much time may pass once you cease to be conscious?


You will never experience death (dying possibly yes, but not death). Is it better to die and be resurrected, or never to experience death in the first place?


I've thought about this a lot since I bailed from christianity. I think I've come to the conclusion that when the body ceases to function, the brain dies.  And when the brain dies, that's it.  Your memory, emotions, everything crashes.  You return to the state you were in  before you were conceived.  Nothing.  You don't exist.


That's a reasonable conclusion based on what we know (which is a lot).


Is there any evidence worth a damn that would lead to the conclusion that the soul survives death?  I've been reading some pretty plausible explanations for "seeing the white tunnel", and other near death stuff that are explained by the way the brain neurons being firing as the brain dies.  Muscles even twitch two or three days after death.


Ok, so maybe consciousness sort of lingers on a little while after death (assuming no massive brain injury)? No-one knows, but considering that our consciousness ceases even during sleep, it would seem consciousness is fragile. But just in case, you might let all your loved ones know you want to be immediately cremated upon death.


Evidently, this annihilation stuff scares the shit outta most people...


Yah, but most people also think "god created the universe" is a meaningfull statement.

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A thought occurred to me - I don't know the implications of such a thought, but here it is:


If we are wrong (the annihilationists), we will at least have the luxury of realizing that we were wrong after we die. Whether we stand before God, or visit our lost relatives, or whatever; at least we can say, "woops, we fucked up"


If Christians are wrong, they will never know they were wrong. They will spend their whole lives working towards and dreaming about a Heaven that they will never see. All that hope gone up in smoke as the brain dies.


If I'm wrong, I want to eventually find out about it, one way or the other.

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yeah but we still have "experiences" while we sleep...dreams...


Only during parts of sleep. There are parts of sleep where there is no apparent experience of any kind.

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A thought occurred to me - I don't know the implications of such a thought, but here it is:


If we are wrong (the annihilationists), we will at least have the luxury of realizing that we were wrong after we die. Whether we stand before God, or visit our lost relatives, or whatever; at least we can say, "woops, we fucked up"


If Christians are wrong, they will never know they were wrong. They will spend their whole lives working towards and dreaming about a Heaven that they will never see. All that hope gone up in smoke as the brain dies.


If I'm wrong, I want to eventually find out about it, one way or the other.


ha, ha, ha! That's awesome, it's pascal's wager in reverse!


Henceforth I shall refer to this as "Mythra's Wager", that should raise some xtian eyebrows! :wicked:



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Thank you, thank you.




I'll have to let Spooky or Neil work up the apologetics for it. I too stewpid.

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But then I'm a loopy flakey pagan  :wicked:


A Loflagan?




My little $0.02 to after death experience.


If memories are stored in nerves in our brain, how can it be possible to have an experience outside the body, but the body's brain have the memory?


Did the brain get imprinted with the experience while it was happening or after?


If after, how can we know it was accurately recorded in the brain nerves?


Just thoughts... :scratch:

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Because of brain function that goes along with our consciousness we assume that our consciousness IS our brain function.  Maybe it is...or maybe our brain function is just recording and responding to our consciousness.


If that's the case, then how is it possible to impair your consciousness through brain injury or drug usage?

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