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Goodbye Jesus

Progressive Revelation

Asana Bodhitharta

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What did I lie about? And why is there so much hate here?


I just re-read the topic, and you are lying about this "Asanas" crap and how Is-lame is somehow the last in a long stage of divine revelation that leads to it. Do you even know anything about the religions you speak of?


There is hate because we have an asshole (ie, you) telling us a bunch of bullshit that we can clearly see through. You have the audacity to tell us how to think and believe, and ignore our arguments and consistently refuse to prove your god is even real.


Basically, you're acting like a jerk, so you're being treated like one. If the treatment doesn't appeal to you, then leave. Get out of the kitchen if you can't stand the heat.


I didn't say that your hatred was bothering "me", I just wanted to know when you were going to show how life without God has made you happy when it clearly hasn't. I know you want to be happy but carrying hate in your heart just isn't going to get it, it will eat up every part of your life.

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I read your profile and the main thing you wanted to escape from was the hate you had in your heart and yet you didn't get rid of it you just redirected it. If you had read the bible in the way I am relaying it to you, you would have read it in a progressive way. Don't you remember Jesus protecting the lady from being stoned? So if you read that why would you go back before that and read about people being stoned and agree with that. The main problem with people reading the Bible is that they read to many things out of context and it appears that with you your emotions got knocked out of context and they still are. Try showing love.


Do I hate you? No, I find you rather amusing if a bit dense. Do I hate Christianity? Yes, and with good reason. I hate all the time I wasted on the crap and the type of person it was making me. Your point? Now, you do not know me, yet you are making a lot of assumptions about me. I don't believe any god exists, and even if I did I wouldn't pick yours! You don't seem to get that part; I do not like your god. I think he is immoral, sadistic, hateful, and an egomaniac.


I don't believe in loving everyone and everything, I think it is impossible and unhealthy. I have no tolerance for stupidity.

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I didn't say that your hatred was bothering "me", I just wanted to know when you were going to show how life without God has made you happy when it clearly hasn't. I know you want to be happy but carrying hate in your heart just isn't going to get it, it will eat up every part of your life.


Ok - but first you have to show me that believing in God has made you wise, when clearly it hasn't.


Well, I won't wait for you to prove to me that you're intelligent, since that is hardly the case. Now, as to your ignorant assumptions about me, how do you know my life isn't better now than when I believed in God?


Let's recap my life now and then...


As a Xian, I was worried about going to Hell all the time, and wasted much time trying to stop doing or condoning things that my religion said were "evil" but my heart and mind both said were not. I was a severely arrogant asshole, always looking down my nose at people who weren't my sect of Xian, because I was sooo sure I had The Truth™. I also believed that some people deserved eternal torture for simply not having the same religion as I did or committing non-crimes, such as homosexual activity or drug use.


As a Pagan Atheist, I am much happier without all that, as well as more loving toward others who are different than I am. I still have no patience for assholes, like you, but I've learned that people of different religions, sexual orientations, habits, or races aren't inherently "bad" or worse than I just because of our differences. I've learned to loosen up and lighten up and not make a big deal out of how often I prayed or how much time I spent "defending Da Lard and Da Faith" and learned to simply enjoy life when I can. I also learned that, no matter how much I think I know, there's always more to learn, so an open mind is always best. I learned to think for myself instead of trust blind faith and emotionalism, and learned the value of questions and critical thought.


I'm also married to a wonderful and equally anti-xian woman, who is a huge step up from the neurotic, judgemental, hateful Xian nutjob I was previously engaged to. God belief did nothing for her hatred, sonny.


One thing hasn't improved, and that's my depressive condition, however that was brought on fifteen years ago, when I was still a very trusting Xian, and it endured throughout every sect of Xianity I delved into. I realize now that positive thinking, positive lifestyle changes, and the proper medication are the ways to overcome depression, not pipe-dreams about some crazy god and lying to myself that this god somehow "loves" me even though he's ready to torture me if I'm not good enough.


And you deserve only hatred and scorn because that's how you behave towards us. You make arrogant assumptions, prejudicial remarks, and parade a bunch of bullshit around like it's the truth. Bing-bong, morning bells are ringing! When you act like an arrogant know-it-all, people aren't going to be pleased with you. Expect more of the same if you persist, Jebus freak.


So, keep your arrogant assumptions about the personal lives of people you do not know to yourself. You may be so puffed-up as to think that you have it all figured out just because you believe in (your version) of Jebus, but I can assure you, you don't know a thing.


Now, either show us your god or get your worthless ass off this forum and somewhere where you can get some education. Clearly, you won't listen to wiser people here (as evidence by your inability to understand and assimilate a single point anyone here has brought up), so either go away and keep your opinions to yourself or else give us real proof that your god exists beyond a shadow of a doubt.


Thanks for helping us highlight how stupid any literal interpretation of Abrahamic religion is :wave:


Show us or blow us.

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