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Progressive Revelation

Asana Bodhitharta

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However, the Truth of God is self-evident and HIS(HU) signs are manifest everywhere.

After giving this some thought, it seems to me that the only thing which is self evident to me is my own mind. So I see that among the questions that press upon me are: What entails mind? What does mind entail and why? I feel the answers to these questions will likely be completely natural and without the need to invoke the supernatural.

This is why God has made it so that if a person live long enough he will come to know that his mind is not his own. When a man reach a feeble old age or perhaps sooner his mind will slowly diminish. What will you think of your mind then?

At once I am able to see some truth to the statement that my mind is best utilized in the service of things which transcend myself, but I also see some danger to saying that people's minds are not their own. It seems to me that service rendered by a mind must be voluntary.


The problem that I see with many religions is that this service is often coerced.


True Religion knows no plurality. So there are no religions in the truest sense, There is One God and one religion i.e. Submission to God in peace. The most beautiful names belong to God and yet HE(HU) is not what you call HIM(HU) so people call HIM(HU) God, ALLAH, YHWH, and many many more. He is The Compassionate, The Merciful and The Master of Life. He is not any of his creations and yet mankind may receive his "Word". He is not a son of Man nor a Man. God is a Spirit to be Worshiped in Spirit and in Truth.

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True Religion knows no plurality. So there are no religions in the truest sense, There is One God and one religion i.e. Submission to God in peace. The most beautiful names belong to God and yet HE(HU) is not what you call HIM(HU) so people call HIM(HU) God, ALLAH, YHWH, and many many more. He is The Compassionate, The Merciful and The Master of Life. He is not any of his creations and yet mankind may receive his "Word". He is not a son of Man nor a Man. God is a Spirit to be Worshiped in Spirit and in Truth.

I just want to point out that no where here did you say "in my opinion", "the way I see it", "my view is", "I believe", etc. You don't strike me as a seeker. You are one who has already found, in my opinion.

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God is a Spirit to be Worshiped in Spirit and in Truth.

There is no truth in any notion god. Even if a god existed it would not deserve to be worshiped.

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Many have left Christianity becuse they did not understand the truth.


No many left it because they realized what a crock of bullshit it all is and how it.



This instruction will teach those who are Asanas (Gracious ones of God) about the progressive revelation of the Ever-Living Supreme God, Who, has without fail sent divine revelation in successive stages.
You know if there really was a god, particularly a "supreme" god, why bother sending divine revelation? Why not just show up himself? What is he, afraid of humans or something? Oh, or could it be he is nothing more the a figment of your imagination?



All Holy books are sufficient in themselves for the appointed time of the revelation and purpose of the book. There is no book that is cancelling out another. Yet, each progression confirms the preceding revelation and clarifies it’s understanding according to the language of the people who are receiving it.


I don't think you have ever actually read any of these "holy books" (which is why you still believe this rubbish). Even the bible contradicts and cancels itself out, not to mention if you were to throw all the other "holy books" into the mix.


So from religion to religion and divine revelation to divine revelation you find inconsistency. And those who see, clearly see Truth. Progressive revelation is consistently honest to the inconsistencies that are presented and it is this honesty that upholds the Truth.


Jeez, you sound like my bible thumping brother, going on and on about "The Truth". I don't need any revelation, I'd much prefer reality thank you very much.

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True Religion knows no plurality. So there are no religions in the truest sense, There is One God and one religion i.e. Submission to God in peace. The most beautiful names belong to God and yet HE(HU) is not what you call HIM(HU) so people call HIM(HU) God, ALLAH, YHWH, and many many more. He is The Compassionate, The Merciful and The Master of Life. He is not any of his creations and yet mankind may receive his "Word". He is not a son of Man nor a Man. God is a Spirit to be Worshiped in Spirit and in Truth.





You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the loopy ass, please go fishing for souls elsewhere.

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There is only one God and there are no physical images of God. God is a Spirit to be worshiped in Spirit and in Truth.


So basically god is your imaginary friend. You have no evidence for his existence. And why would your god need to be worshiped in the first place? Is he a egomaniac?



There is no revealed religion its all man made inventions nothing more than guessing.
So you are even admitting that you are simply guessing.



If god ever had enything to do with the world then no body would be asking if there is a god or not.


Obviously your god has nothing to do with the world...



For something to be a truth it must be proven to be a truth and religion and god cannot be proven to be truth.
So why are you here preaching that you have "The Truth" then? You just admitted your religion and your god cannot be proven. Why should anyone believe in something when there is no evidence to support it?


For something to be true it simply must be true and it does not have to be proven true.
Actually, it does. If something cannot be proven to be a fact and has no evidence to support it, then in all likelihood it's a bunch of BS.


However, the Truth of God is self-evident and HIS(HU) signs are manifest everywhere. From the transparency of cool drinking water, to the pure white color of Milk and to the Color of red blood when it hits the air(Red is the most visible color in the spectrum) Had your blood been infra-red you would not have been able to see it when you bleed and could easily bleed to death.
:HaHa: This part made me laugh. You seriously think that because drinking water is transparent that it is evidence of your god? No Asana, it is merely evidence of a water filter!



If you believe in evolution than you do believe that man came from dirt any way. Are you ready for the truth? It's right here!


You don't know very much science do you Asana? There is nothing in the theory of evolution that says we came from dirt. In fact, Darwin's theory of evolution isn't even about the origin of life on Earth, it's about how species adapt and change over time to suit their environment.

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You are right! Nothing is hidden and therefore you have no excuse to deny the manifest Signs of God. God is Real!



You mean like the manifest signs that bottled water is clear? :HaHa:

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So from religion to religion and divine revelation to divine revelation you find inconsistency. And those who see, clearly see Truth.


Very true - and the Truth is that all religions are flawed and man-made, and any so-called "divine" revelations are only the thoughts of humans.


And the greatest Truth of all? No gods exist.

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If you believe in evolution than you do believe that man came from dirt any way. Are you ready for the truth? It's right here!


Ah, cretinist shit.

No one of us "believes in" evolution. Intellectual honesty just makes us accept that which is supported by the most and best evidence.


If you don't even care to correct that pathetic PRATT in your "argumentation" you aren't worth the dirt on the soles of my boots. Get lost.

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The Torah, The New Testament and The Quaran meet this requirement of Evidence.
:lmao: Your standards for "evidence" are extraordinarily low, AB. In my opinion, these books only count as anecdotal evidence that various humans may have existed. Perhaps there was an Abraham who almost sacrificed his son. Then again, Abraham could just as easily be a myth like the global flood and the talking snake and the resurrection of Jesus.


I reject the Torah. I reject the New Testament. I reject the Qur'an. And I have no intention of worshipping your god.


Go away.

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Holy Christ on a Cracker! Did any of you read the attachment he provided?


I just skimmed it and my brain started to bleed and almost exploded!


I think this is who we're all talking about here:


Asana Bodhitharta



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Holy Christ on a Cracker! Did any of you read the attachment he provided?


I just skimmed it and my brain started to bleed and almost exploded!

Looked through it, dumped it in Recycle Bin. IMO, just some very unsurprising quasi-mystic babbling, nothing that hasn't been said a gazillion times better by Blavatsky, Hafiz, Sor Juana Inez de la Cruz or Æ. (I've written better myself, actually.) And (again, IMO) Laozi's Daodejing would blow it out of the water altogether.


AB's little rant is monotheism-centric, androcentric (what's the deal with this "He" crap for a noncorporeal being, anyway?) and is essentially designed as mutual masturbation for those already in his little spiritual family.

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There is only one God and there are no physical images of God. God is a Spirit to be worshiped in Spirit and in Truth.


So basically god is your imaginary friend. You have no evidence for his existence. And why would your god need to be worshiped in the first place? Is he a egomaniac?



There is no revealed religion its all man made inventions nothing more than guessing.
So you are even admitting that you are simply guessing.



If god ever had enything to do with the world then no body would be asking if there is a god or not.


Obviously your god has nothing to do with the world...



For something to be a truth it must be proven to be a truth and religion and god cannot be proven to be truth.
So why are you here preaching that you have "The Truth" then? You just admitted your religion and your god cannot be proven. Why should anyone believe in something when there is no evidence to support it?


For something to be true it simply must be true and it does not have to be proven true.
Actually, it does. If something cannot be proven to be a fact and has no evidence to support it, then in all likelihood it's a bunch of BS.


However, the Truth of God is self-evident and HIS(HU) signs are manifest everywhere. From the transparency of cool drinking water, to the pure white color of Milk and to the Color of red blood when it hits the air(Red is the most visible color in the spectrum) Had your blood been infra-red you would not have been able to see it when you bleed and could easily bleed to death.
:HaHa: This part made me laugh. You seriously think that because drinking water is transparent that it is evidence of your god? No Asana, it is merely evidence of a water filter!



If you believe in evolution than you do believe that man came from dirt any way. Are you ready for the truth? It's right here!


You don't know very much science do you Asana? There is nothing in the theory of evolution that says we came from dirt. In fact, Darwin's theory of evolution isn't even about the origin of life on Earth, it's about how species adapt and change over time to suit their environment.


Note:Many of the quotes above Scarlett attributed to me and are not mine.

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The Torah, The New Testament and The Quaran meet this requirement of Evidence.
:lmao: Your standards for "evidence" are extraordinarily low, AB. In my opinion, these books only count as anecdotal evidence that various humans may have existed. Perhaps there was an Abraham who almost sacrificed his son. Then again, Abraham could just as easily be a myth like the global flood and the talking snake and the resurrection of Jesus.


I reject the Torah. I reject the New Testament. I reject the Qur'an. And I have no intention of worshipping your god.


Go away.


You asked for evidence of God and I gave it to you and this evidence is called evidence of similar facts and it may be introduced where the similarity between the facts is so close that there is practically no difference. This is legal proof of God. This is irrefutable evidence according to the rules of evidence.

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You asked for evidence of God and I gave it to you...
No, you did not give us evidence. You gave us something that we have (many, many times) rejected as being inadequate for use as evidence.


Get this through your head right now. You cannot prove the existence of a god by pointing at a book. And it does not matter what book you like to point to. A god might be convincing if it manifested in the physical world and performed feats that cannot be duplicated by known science.


We see no signs of your god doing anything in this world; therefore, we tend to make the perfectly reasonable assumption that your god exists only in the imagination of believers.

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Note:Many of the quotes above Scarlett attributed to me and are not mine.



Actually every single one of them are your's, I just couldn't be bothered typing out "Asana Bodhitharta" on each one when I was picking apart your post. I figured everyone could tell who I was quoting since I left your name on the top quote. You really don't have a good memory do you? You need to go back and look at your own post and read what you said. It's post # 13 and was made on Jan 7 2007, 11:26.


I find it amusing that instead of actually responding to my comments and questions you try to disown your own comments claiming I made them up. :HaHa:

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Note:Many of the quotes above Scarlett attributed to me and are not mine.



Actually every single one of them are your's, I just couldn't be bothered typing out "Asana Bodhitharta" on each one when I was picking apart your post. I figured everyone could tell who I was quoting since I left your name on the top quote. You really don't have a good memory do you? You need to go back and look at your own post and read what you said. It's post # 13 and was made on Jan 7 2007, 11:26.


I find it amusing that instead of actually responding to my comments and questions you try to disown your own comments claiming I made them up. :HaHa:


You attributed these words to me and these are not my words


QUOTE(willybilly30 @ Oct 24 2006, 09:49 PM)

There are too many religions, too many images of diffrent gods, to many conflicts.

if a truth was brought to the world then we'd all know it and there wouldn't be diffrent religions, ideas of god, and conflict over whose right and wrong.


There is no revealed religion its all man made inventions nothing more than guessing.

If god ever had enything to do with the world then no body would be asking if there is a god or not.

For something to be a truth it must be proven to be a truth and religion and god cannot be proven to be truth.

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You asked for evidence of God and I gave it to you and this evidence is called evidence of similar facts and it may be introduced where the similarity between the facts is so close that there is practically no difference. This is legal proof of God. This is irrefutable evidence according to the rules of evidence


You could legally and irrefutably prove Santa Claus this way too.

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Well, it seems Asinine Bodhitharta is a liar as well as an ignoramus who doesn't know the first thing about Xianity or any other religion.


Can't complain on one hand - people like that only help us to show the damage that taking Xianity seriously can do to one's intelligence and critical thinking skills, as well as help highlight why we oppose Xianity in the first place.


Thanks for the help, Asinine :wave:

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You asked for evidence of God and I gave it to you and this evidence is called evidence of similar facts and it may be introduced where the similarity between the facts is so close that there is practically no difference. This is legal proof of God. This is irrefutable evidence according to the rules of evidence


You could legally and irrefutably prove Santa Claus this way too.



No, You really can't.

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Well, it seems Asinine Bodhitharta is a liar as well as an ignoramus who doesn't know the first thing about Xianity or any other religion.


Can't complain on one hand - people like that only help us to show the damage that taking Xianity seriously can do to one's intelligence and critical thinking skills, as well as help highlight why we oppose Xianity in the first place.


Thanks for the help, Asinine :wave:



What did I lie about? And why is there so much hate here?

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You attributed these words to me and these are not my words


Well, I didn't mean to mis-quote you. I hit quote and thought I had removed Willbilly's comments that you had quoted and went about replying to the post (all of which I thought was yours). Why did you wait to now though to say anything? Can't edit that post now.

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What did I lie about? And why is there so much hate here?


Maybe because this is an Ex-Christian forum and you are trying to peddle Christianity on us?

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What did I lie about? And why is there so much hate here?


I just re-read the topic, and you are lying about this "Asanas" crap and how Is-lame is somehow the last in a long stage of divine revelation that leads to it. Do you even know anything about the religions you speak of?


There is hate because we have an asshole (ie, you) telling us a bunch of bullshit that we can clearly see through. You have the audacity to tell us how to think and believe, and ignore our arguments and consistently refuse to prove your god is even real.


Basically, you're acting like a jerk, so you're being treated like one. If the treatment doesn't appeal to you, then leave. Get out of the kitchen if you can't stand the heat.

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What did I lie about? And why is there so much hate here?


Maybe because this is an Ex-Christian forum and you are trying to peddle Christianity on us?


I read your profile and the main thing you wanted to escape from was the hate you had in your heart and yet you didn't get rid of it you just redirected it. If you had read the bible in the way I am relaying it to you, you would have read it in a progressive way. Don't you remember Jesus protecting the lady from being stoned? So if you read that why would you go back before that and read about people being stoned and agree with that. The main problem with people reading the Bible is that they read to many things out of context and it appears that with you your emotions got knocked out of context and they still are. Try showing love.

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