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Goodbye Jesus

Progressive Revelation

Asana Bodhitharta

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Many have left Christianity becuse they did not understand the truth.





This instruction will teach those who are Asanas (Gracious ones of God) about the progressive revelation of the Ever-Living Supreme God, Who, has without fail sent divine revelation in successive stages.


All Holy books are sufficient in themselves for the appointed time of the revelation and purpose of the book. There is no book that is cancelling out another. Yet, each progression confirms the preceding revelation and clarifies it’s understanding according to the language of the people who are receiving it.


So from religion to religion and divine revelation to divine revelation you find inconsistency. And those who see, clearly see Truth. Progressive revelation is consistently honest to the inconsistencies that are presented and it is this honesty that upholds the Truth.

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Goodbye Jesus
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There are too many religions, too many images of diffrent gods, to many conflicts.

if a truth was brought to the world then we'd all know it and there wouldn't be diffrent religions, ideas of god, and conflict over whose right and wrong.

There is no revealed religion its all man made inventions nothing more than guessing.

If god ever had enything to do with the world then no body would be asking if there is a god or not.

For something to be a truth it must be proven to be a truth and religion and god cannot be proven to be truth.

I left christianity cause its bullshit look man didn't come from dirt, eve didn't come from a rib, snakes don't talk and people can't walk on water. its a fact. ever religion has similar mythological foolishness.

if you want the truth then don't look at religion or you'll never find it.

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Many have left Christianity becuse they did not understand the truth.....
I understood perfectly; there is no truth in any religion. They are all based on lies. There is no god. Get over it.
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Many have left Christianity becuse they did not understand the truth.

Are you referring to the Bible as "truth"? If so, the Bible is nothing more than a dusty collection of bronze-age mythology written by a band of primitive delusional sheepherders who probably suffered from various stages of dementia and/or psychosis based on the hallucinations they documented therein. If you read the Bible closely you'll see they actually thought snakes and donkeys could talk, horses can fly, zombies can come back to life, angels can have sex with humans, etc.. the list goes on and on and on. We now see these hallucinations are very similar in nature to those reported by members of the Manson family cult (among others) during their ordeal with Charles Manson himself, who coincidentally (or not) also claimed to be Jesus.


Basically, anyone who would mistake these hallucinations for any sort of "truth" probably needs to drive themselves to the nearest mental hospital asap for a complete evaluation by a trained professional.....

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This instruction will teach those who are Asanas (Gracious ones of God) about the progressive revelation of the Ever-Living Supreme God...
...Who has not been proven to exist outside the imagination of believers.


All Holy books are sufficient in themselves for the appointed time of the revelation and purpose of the book.
No. All "holy books" (what an oxymoron that is!) are INsufficient because they all distract from direct observation of the various phenomena in one's life.


Nothing can be "revealed" because nothing is hidden. Life just is. Your reverence of books and "Supreme Gods" over reality clearly reveals you to be a poseur (or poseuse, as the case may be).

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Many have left Christianity becuse they did not understand the truth.





This instruction will teach those who are Asanas (Gracious ones of God) about the progressive revelation of the Ever-Living Supreme God, Who, has without fail sent divine revelation in successive stages.


All Holy books are sufficient in themselves for the appointed time of the revelation and purpose of the book. There is no book that is cancelling out another. Yet, each progression confirms the preceding revelation and clarifies it’s understanding according to the language of the people who are receiving it.


So from religion to religion and divine revelation to divine revelation you find inconsistency. And those who see, clearly see Truth. Progressive revelation is consistently honest to the inconsistencies that are presented and it is this honesty that upholds the Truth.



You are SO right.

I have been blind.

Thank you for showing me the truth.



Is that close to what you were looking for? :shrug:

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You're right, Saviour. I've been thinking a lot lately about wanting to believe again, and lo and behold, God, or whatever is the current appropriate name for it, has sent Asana to us to reveal this truth - no, Truth - to us.


Thank you Saviour, thank you Asana, and thank you God, or Truth, or whatever your most recently divinely revelatorarorliorified name currently is...

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This is a hit and run, I doubt this person will be back to answer some of his/her ridiculous claims.


Many have left Christianity becuse they did not understand the truth.

And you presume, however, to understand the truth. Very good. I suppose with this exceptional understanding, you will bring all sects of Christianity, along with Arian-Christianity.


This instruction will teach those who are Asanas (Gracious ones of God)

Sounds like I've being chosen here. So if I am not chosen, then whose failure if your "instruction" fails to impress upon me?


...about the progressive revelation of the Ever-Living Supreme God, Who, has without fail sent divine revelation in successive stages.

Sounds like your offering a chronology here.


All Holy books are sufficient in themselves for the appointed time of the revelation and purpose of the book.


There is no book that is cancelling out another.

Then you don't know Islam. Islam makes the explicit claim that if you believe Jesus is divine, then your going to hell. But, I forgot, you have perfect insight.


Yet, each progression confirms the preceding revelation and clarifies it’s understanding according to the language of the people who are receiving it.

Other religionists and theists would fight you on that, from Christians to Jews, from Muslims to Christians, etc.


And those who see, clearly see Truth. Progressive revelation is consistently honest to the inconsistencies that are presented and it is this honesty that upholds the Truth.

Of course, the only Truth is the way you see it. If we don't see the Truth your way, and the truth is there is are no divine immaterial spirits or gods, I guess we are just blind eh?


Your a loopy-fundementalist of another stripe.

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All Holy books are sufficient in themselves for the appointed time of the revelation and purpose of the book. There is no book that is cancelling out another. Yet, each progression confirms the preceding revelation and clarifies it’s understanding according to the language of the people who are receiving it.


So did revelation cease with the New Testament? Isn't that the latest collection of "holy books" to be written? If not, then what IS the latest? I must have missed it. Actually, I was taught that "if it ain't in the bible, it ain't true." What brand of christianity are you profering here?


Too bad I'll never find out. Hate these hit and runners.

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Guest simonmaal

OK, I am not saying there is no God. I just need somebody to show me one scrap of evidence that there is one. All I have ever heard at the end of an argument is the last defence of the defeated: 'we can't disprove God's existence'. How can this assertion have any greater validity than the one that we cannot prove God's existence? We ultimately arrive at a destination that cannot distinguish existence from non-existence.


In this way, we cannot say that God exists, because we are unable to give either of the two validity claims any more precedence over the other. Where does this leave us?

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I'm thinking the OP on this thread is a joke...


Not only did it read like some 70's newage gobbledygook, I did a Google search on the poster's name.


Asana: a yoga position

Also: ASANAS is an abbreviation for "Alternative Spiritual and New Age Studies"


Likely we will not hear from this person again.

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Total Hit and Run!


X-tians only like to see their side of things, never the other.



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  • 2 months later...
There are too many religions, too many images of diffrent gods, to many conflicts.

if a truth was brought to the world then we'd all know it and there wouldn't be diffrent religions, ideas of god, and conflict over whose right and wrong.


There is only one God and there are no physical images of God. God is a Spirit to be worshiped in Spirit and in Truth.




There is no revealed religion its all man made inventions nothing more than guessing.

If god ever had enything to do with the world then no body would be asking if there is a god or not.

For something to be a truth it must be proven to be a truth and religion and god cannot be proven to be truth.

For something to be true it simply must be true and it does not have to be proven true. However, the Truth of God is self-evident and HIS(HU) signs are manifest everywhere. From the transparency of cool drinking water, to the pure white color of Milk and to the Color of red blood when it hits the air(Red is the most visible color in the spectrum) Had your blood been infra-red you would not have been able to see it when you bleed and could easily bleed to death.




I left christianity cause its bullshit look man didn't come from dirt, eve didn't come from a rib, snakes don't talk and people can't walk on water. its a fact. ever religion has similar mythological foolishness.

if you want the truth then don't look at religion or you'll never find it.


If you believe in evolution than you do believe that man came from dirt any way. Are you ready for the truth? It's right here!


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Many have left Christianity becuse they did not understand the truth.


Are you referring to the Bible as "truth"? If so, the Bible is nothing more than a dusty collection of bronze-age mythology written by a band of primitive delusional sheepherders who probably suffered from various stages of dementia and/or psychosis based on the hallucinations they documented therein. If you read the Bible closely you'll see they actually thought snakes and donkeys could talk, horses can fly, zombies can come back to life, angels can have sex with humans, etc.. the list goes on and on and on. We now see these hallucinations are very similar in nature to those reported by members of the Manson family cult (among others) during their ordeal with Charles Manson himself, who coincidentally (or not) also claimed to be Jesus.


The truth is you did not understand.



Basically, anyone who would mistake these hallucinations for any sort of "truth" probably needs to drive themselves to the nearest mental hospital asap for a complete evaluation by a trained professional.....


Let's assume someone did have an hallucination would it also be an hallucination when the Bible teaches people how to cook, build ships, take care of their body, explain scientific principles in understandable terms and most strongly would the same Hallucinations be available to each prophet throughout time i.e. Could Moses really hallucinate what Abraham hallucinated and Jesus hallucinate what Moses hallucinated and Mohammad hallucinate what Jesus hallucinated. Is it really possible that Judaism, Christianity and Islam prophets all have the exact hallucination and all the Hindu and Buddhist have also the same hallucination. The truth is yes God is real and it is you that are hallucinating. Wake Up!

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I'm thinking the OP on this thread is a joke...


Not only did it read like some 70's newage gobbledygook, I did a Google search on the poster's name.


Asana: a yoga position

Also: ASANAS is an abbreviation for "Alternative Spiritual and New Age Studies"


Likely we will not hear from this person again.


and yet here I am again for the second time. You just never know.

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This instruction will teach those who are Asanas (Gracious ones of God) about the progressive revelation of the Ever-Living Supreme God...
...Who has not been proven to exist outside the imagination of believers.


All Holy books are sufficient in themselves for the appointed time of the revelation and purpose of the book.
No. All "holy books" (what an oxymoron that is!) are INsufficient because they all distract from direct observation of the various phenomena in one's life.


Nothing can be "revealed" because nothing is hidden. Life just is. Your reverence of books and "Supreme Gods" over reality clearly reveals you to be a poseur (or poseuse, as the case may be).


You are right! Nothing is hidden and therefore you have no excuse to deny the manifest Signs of God. God is Real!

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I'm thinking the OP on this thread is a joke...


Not only did it read like some 70's newage gobbledygook, I did a Google search on the poster's name.


Asana: a yoga position

Also: ASANAS is an abbreviation for "Alternative Spiritual and New Age Studies"


Likely we will not hear from this person again.


and yet here I am again for the second time. You just never know.

(Took you long enough)

Yes, you are here again. But still posting gobbledygook.

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This is a hit and run, I doubt this person will be back to answer some of his/her ridiculous claims.


Many have left Christianity becuse they did not understand the truth.

And you presume, however, to understand the truth. Very good. I suppose with this exceptional understanding, you will bring all sects of Christianity, along with Arian-Christianity.


This instruction will teach those who are Asanas (Gracious ones of God)
Sounds like I've being chosen here. So if I am not chosen, then whose failure if your "instruction" fails to impress upon me?


...about the progressive revelation of the Ever-Living Supreme God, Who, has without fail sent divine revelation in successive stages.

Sounds like your offering a chronology here.


All Holy books are sufficient in themselves for the appointed time of the revelation and purpose of the book.


There is no book that is cancelling out another.

Then you don't know Islam. Islam makes the explicit claim that if you believe Jesus is divine, then your going to hell. But, I forgot, you have perfect insight.


Yet, each progression confirms the preceding revelation and clarifies it’s understanding according to the language of the people who are receiving it.

Other religionists and theists would fight you on that, from Christians to Jews, from Muslims to Christians, etc.


And those who see, clearly see Truth. Progressive revelation is consistently honest to the inconsistencies that are presented and it is this honesty that upholds the Truth.
Of course, the only Truth is the way you see it. If we don't see the Truth your way, and the truth is there is are no divine immaterial spirits or gods, I guess we are just blind eh?


Your a loopy-fundementalist of another stripe.


Can you prove to anyone that you dream?

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All Holy books are sufficient in themselves for the appointed time of the revelation and purpose of the book. There is no book that is cancelling out another. Yet, each progression confirms the preceding revelation and clarifies it’s understanding according to the language of the people who are receiving it.


So did revelation cease with the New Testament? Isn't that the latest collection of "holy books" to be written? If not, then what IS the latest? I must have missed it. Actually, I was taught that "if it ain't in the bible, it ain't true." What brand of christianity are you profering here?


Too bad I'll never find out. Hate these hit and runners.


The last of the Major revelations was Islam and now comes the stage of Asanas. There are no religions there is only religion and Bodhitharta is a Witness to this.

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However, the Truth of God is self-evident and HIS(HU) signs are manifest everywhere.

After giving this some thought, it seems to me that the only thing which is self evident to me is my own mind. So I see that among the questions that press upon me are: What entails mind? What does mind entail and why? I feel the answers to these questions will likely be completely natural and without the need to invoke the supernatural.

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I'm thinking the OP on this thread is a joke...


Not only did it read like some 70's newage gobbledygook, I did a Google search on the poster's name.


Asana: a yoga position

Also: ASANAS is an abbreviation for "Alternative Spiritual and New Age Studies"


Likely we will not hear from this person again.


and yet here I am again for the second time. You just never know.

(Took you long enough)

Yes, you are here again. But still posting gobbledygook.


Don't just make claims, explain yourself!

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OK, I am not saying there is no God. I just need somebody to show me one scrap of evidence that there is one. All I have ever heard at the end of an argument is the last defence of the defeated: 'we can't disprove God's existence'. How can this assertion have any greater validity than the one that we cannot prove God's existence? We ultimately arrive at a destination that cannot distinguish existence from non-existence.


In this way, we cannot say that God exists, because we are unable to give either of the two validity claims any more precedence over the other. Where does this leave us?




I really do hope you realize there is evidence of God for instance the evidence of similar facts:



Evidence of similar facts maybe introduced where the similarity between the facts is so close that there is practically no difference. For example, if a man is apprehended for speeding, the fact that he had been speeding on the same day a mile away would be inadmissible evidence. But evidence that he was driving at 60 miles per hour a moment before at a point very close to where he was apprehended would be admissible, because there is reasonable probability that his speed was maintained. Similarly, in a case involving drunkenness, it may be shown that the accused had been drinking shortly before the time specified, but a statement that the accused often was drunk in the past would not be admissible. http://www.tpub.com/maa/37.htm


The Torah, The New Testament and The Quaran meet this requirement of Evidence.

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However, the Truth of God is self-evident and HIS(HU) signs are manifest everywhere.

After giving this some thought, it seems to me that the only thing which is self evident to me is my own mind. So I see that among the questions that press upon me are: What entails mind? What does mind entail and why? I feel the answers to these questions will likely be completely natural and without the need to invoke the supernatural.



This is why God has made it so that if a person live long enough he will come to know that his mind is not his own. When a man reach a feeble old age or perhaps sooner his mind will slowly diminish. What will you think of your mind then?

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However, the Truth of God is self-evident and HIS(HU) signs are manifest everywhere.

After giving this some thought, it seems to me that the only thing which is self evident to me is my own mind. So I see that among the questions that press upon me are: What entails mind? What does mind entail and why? I feel the answers to these questions will likely be completely natural and without the need to invoke the supernatural.

This is why God has made it so that if a person live long enough he will come to know that his mind is not his own. When a man reach a feeble old age or perhaps sooner his mind will slowly diminish. What will you think of your mind then?

At once I am able to see some truth to the statement that my mind is best utilized in the service of things which transcend myself, but I also see some danger to saying that people's minds are not their own. It seems to me that service rendered by a mind must be voluntary.


The problem that I see with many religions is that this service is often coerced.

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Okay, Asana...

[so from religion to religion and divine revelation to divine revelation you find inconsistency. And those who see, clearly see Truth. Progressive revelation is consistently honest to the inconsistencies that are presented and it is this honesty that upholds the Truth.

/quote]This is about as clear as mud.

For something to be true it simply must be true and it does not have to be proven true. However, the Truth of God is self-evident and HIS(HU) signs are manifest everywhere. From the transparency of cool drinking water, to the pure white color of Milk and to the Color of red blood when it hits the air(Red is the most visible color in the spectrum) Had your blood been infra-red you would not have been able to see it when you bleed and could easily bleed to death.

Then how do you know what you think is true, actually is?

Water is transparent because that is its nature. Milk is white because it is a colloid. Blood is red because red is the color of ferrous-based oxyhemoglobin. Infrared is not a color, it describes a portion of the visible light spectrum. Blood cannot be infrared. How are these things evidence for a god?

Let's assume someone did have an hallucination would it also be an hallucination when the Bible teaches people how to cook, build ships, take care of their body, explain scientific principles in understandable terms and most strongly would the same Hallucinations be available to each prophet throughout time i.e. Could Moses really hallucinate what Abraham hallucinated and Jesus hallucinate what Moses hallucinated and Mohammad hallucinate what Jesus hallucinated. Is it really possible that Judaism, Christianity and Islam prophets all have the exact hallucination and all the Hindu and Buddhist have also the same hallucination. The truth is yes God is real and it is you that are hallucinating. Wake Up!

Moses and Abraham are likely folk-heroes who never existed, and Jesus almost certainly didn't. Yet you talk about commonly shared hallucinations and don't even specify what you're talking about. Then you conclude by saying God is real? Then tell us to wake up? You make no sense.
You are right! Nothing is hidden and therefore you have no excuse to deny the manifest Signs of God. God is Real!

Based on what? The only thing "hidden" here is whatever sent your mind reeling off into deep space.

Can you prove to anyone that you dream?

Why should I? Unlike God, dreams are known and are knowable.
This is why God has made it so that if a person live long enough he will come to know that his mind is not his own. When a man reach a feeble old age or perhaps sooner his mind will slowly diminish. What will you think of your mind then?

I will think it the natural consequence of the aging process or a disease entity.


Overall, it sounds like you're trying to launch another "revealed" religion. Be my guest. You're not the first, and likely won't be the last.

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