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Goodbye Jesus

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I personally dont base a person's Christianity for memorizing the Bible, cause for one, the Bible wasnt even completed in the time of the apostles. So if the basis for being a Christian or a Believer is reading the Bible. Then the apostles wouldnt be Christians.

But they were, how?

I personally consider 3 things to make them believers.

1 they realize that they are sinners.

2 they realize that God is willing to forgive them if they Repent.

3 they realize that God doesnt want legalism but obedience from the heart. (To love one another). -toughest of all teachings IMO.



Huh. I thought in order to be considered a Christian, one needed to acknowledge and believe in the divinity of Christ and accept his redemptive work on the cross. So, in your world, the only things necessary are to 1. Realize I'm a naughty boy. 2. Ask God to forgive me. 3. Be a good boy.


Did you learn that from a THEOLOGIAN?

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Huh.  I thought in order to be considered a Christian, one needed to acknowledge and believe in the divinity of Christ and accept his redemptive work on the cross.  So, in your world, the only things necessary are to 1.  Realize I'm a naughty boy.  2.  Ask God to forgive me.  3.  Be a good boy. 


Did you learn that from a THEOLOGIAN?

Every Christian have their own theology.

Maybe one will actually get it right and make it heaven?

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Did it sound that way.

Well Jesus himself said that He didnt come for the righteous but to call the sinners to repentance.

In many cases as it may see to me, whenever Jesus spoke to people, He didnt debate with them that they must believe He is God. He did make assertions that He was. But I personally see His ministry more focused on calling people to repentance.


As for believing his divinity to be a requirement.

Thats a good topic.


Moses, Job, Elijah, David, Jacob, Isaac, Joseph the dream interpreter, and so many people back in the old testament will then have a big problem if that is the case.


Zaccheus for example, the tax collector never said JESUS YOU ARE DIVINE- or anything of that sort, but when he repented of his sins after realizing he was a

"naughty boy" Jesus said " salvation has come to this home. Why did he call it salvation if Zaccheus wasnt saved.


I personally consider salvation not simply escaping hell but actually living a live at your full potential (not money earning) but the potential being to be the person God wants you to be.




To simplify it, I would have to say honestly, that you said my beliefs correctly.

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All of you have the same effect on me. A majority of Christians would feel I am on dangerous ground by being actively involved on this site. I disagree. I think it's good to spend time with people who have a different POV than your own. It brings greater understanding and helps to either affirm what you believe or gives you reason to make change.


By being here life has become richer in many ways.


Ha ha! We godless heathens claim another soul for our nefarious plan of world domination! :fdevil:


I'll report this to the Elders Of Zion right away!






Teasing! HanSolo is right - respect and tolerance work both ways. Gotta give it to get it.


Glad to see a believer who isn't threatened by opposing viewpoints.

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