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Goodbye Jesus

Jesus Is God - Yes

Guest testjet

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Guest testjet

First, let me re-emphasize my premise :


1.Jesus is God

2.Father is God

3.Holy Spirit is God


But God is NOT Jesus


Since Father is God,does that mean Father is Jesus too ? -NO

Since Holy Spirit is God, does that mean Holy Spirit is Jesus too ? - NO


Thus, God is Jesus is INVALID.

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Either gawd = jebus or gawd != jebus.


If gawd = jebus then jebus = gawd.


I'll leave it to the fundies to try and conjure up some sense into this... :pureevil:

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Guest testjet

Either gawd = jebus or gawd != jebus.


If gawd = jebus then jebus = gawd.


I'll leave it to the fundies to try and conjure up some sense into this... :pureevil:



God is the SET, and the "elements" are Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit.

Yet, can we say - God is Jesus ? No! Thats an invalid statement since God is the SET and Jesus is the "ELEMENT OF THE SET". Thus, I am correct to say that GOD is not JESUS since God and Jesus is not interchangable.

If we say God is Jesus, it means God becomes "THE ELEMENT OF SET" and Jesus becomes " THE SET". Thats self contradictory.

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First, let me re-emphasize my premise :


1.Jesus is God

2.Father is God

3.Holy Spirit is God


But God is NOT Jesus


Since Father is God,does that mean Father is Jesus too ? -NO

Since Holy Spirit is God, does that mean Holy Spirit is Jesus too ? - NO


Thus, God is Jesus is INVALID.


[JB] You make a valid point, to a point:-) Obviously, the "man" Jesus was not God, yet he was God manifest in the flesh (1 Tim. 3:16). God, who is Spirit (John 4:24), and consisting of Father, Son and Spirit, indwelt the human body of Christ. Jesus was (is) the God/man.



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A pig is a hog, but a hog isn't a pig. I get it.



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First, let me re-emphasize my premise :


1.Jesus is God

2.Father is God

3.Holy Spirit is God


But God is NOT Jesus


Since Father is God,does that mean Father is Jesus too ? -NO

Since Holy Spirit is God, does that mean Holy Spirit is Jesus too ? - NO


Thus, God is Jesus is INVALID.

Ah, you mean:


) 1 is 3

) 1 is 3

) 1 is 3

) But yet 3 is not 1


Or did you mean:


) A=3

) B=3

) C=3

) 3<>A


Are you saying God can't be explained with logic? Does it make him illogical?



God is the SET, and the "elements" are Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit.

Yet, can we say - God is Jesus ? No! Thats an invalid statement since God is the SET and Jesus is the "ELEMENT OF THE SET". Thus, I am correct to say that GOD is not JESUS since God and Jesus is not interchangable.

If we say God is Jesus, it means God becomes "THE ELEMENT OF SET" and Jesus becomes " THE SET". Thats self contradictory.

True. That's a way of seeing it. God is like a siamese twin, but in this case it's three heads.


So, each one of the components (elements) of God is an entity. Does each entity still have omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence? Or are these properties only attributed to few of them? So Jesus is not God, but only an element in God. The same goes for the Father and the Holy Spirit. This nullify theology that claims that each one of them are God.


You're just playing with mathematical semantics. Either God is one being, or your religion is a polytheism.


Notice too, that you reversed your argument.


First post:

) J is G

) F is G

) S is G

) G is not J


Second post:

) G = { J, F, S }


J is an element of G, but G is definitely not J in the last formula.


[JB] You make a valid point, to a point:-) Obviously, the "man" Jesus was not God, yet he was God manifest in the flesh (1 Tim. 3:16). God, who is Spirit (John 4:24), and consisting of Father, Son and Spirit, indwelt the human body of Christ. Jesus was (is) the God/man.

And since Jesus was a man, and all men have lied (according to the Bible), it makes Jesus a liar, or he wasn't a true man.

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Here's mine.


1. God is not biblegod.

2. Biblegod is an cruel psychologically unstable psychotic megalomaniac that christianity has convinced ignorant people that they should "love".

3. Jesus the man (likely not even of that name) may have existed, but the version of him that was depicted in the book is no more real than Hercules.

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Oh, I forgot, the Bible say Jesus was God... does it make the Bible wrong or is it just bad math?

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Oh, I forgot, the Bible say Jesus was God... does it make the Bible wrong or is it just bad math?


Hehehe...this thread is hilarious.


On CF.com they say that Jesus is 100% God and 100% Man...on here this dude is saying Jesus isn't 100% God...such consistency.

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First, let me re-emphasize my premise :


1.Jesus is God

2.Father is God

3.Holy Spirit is God


But God is NOT Jesus


Since Father is God,does that mean Father is Jesus too ? -NO

Since Holy Spirit is God, does that mean Holy Spirit is Jesus too ? - NO


Thus, God is Jesus is INVALID.


Ok, here's mine.


1. Jesus is god? -YES

2. Jesus exists? -NO


Thus, god does not exist.

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heres mine.

1.who cares

2.who cares

3.who cares

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1.) Your point?


2.) Your logic is tainted beyond redemption.


3.) You seem to miss the point of Equivalence Relations.


4.) 2 is IN the set of Real Numbers, but 2 is NOT the set of Real Numbers.

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That's all very interesting stuff, but I doubt that the confusion of the trinity is fundamental to anyone's ex-Christian status, so you're probably wasting your time.

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Okay, it's like I'm a US citizen by birth and my heritage is Swedish/Finnish, so it's like Jesus is 100 percent man 'cause he was born human, but his heritage is God 'cause he's God's son.


Who exactly is the Holy Spirit? We have the Dad, the Son, then the HS. Who is separate and the same. Is the Dad gay? Instead of "Heather has two Mommies!" it could be "Jesus has two Daddies!"



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1. Jesus refers to Jewish God as "father".

2. Jews traditionally refer to God as "father".

3. Jesus does NOT proclaim himself to be God.

4. Paul says Jesus is special "Son of God".

5. Paul says Jesus IS God.


So, we can deduce:


1. Jesus is Jewish.

2. Paul eats pills he finds on the floor.

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God is the SET, and the "elements" are Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit.


In other words, christians are polytheists with at least three deities (four if you count saaataaan too, and you should, considering all the terrible powers christians commonly ascribe to him). Good that we cleared that one up. :wicked:

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u gize think u all smart with u book learnins and u word paprs so just keep on playin u littel gams and when you look up from the farry pit and wana a lil sip of watr then u aint gonna get none cause u thot u were so samart

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u gize think u all smart with u book learnins and u word paprs so just keep on playin u littel gams and when you look up from the farry pit and wana a lil sip of watr then u aint gonna get none cause u thot u were so samart

We samartar dan dat man! We bring or own watr. Supli of iterniti of Dasani. Hah!


U no, de farry pit don exits man! U bonkers in da head man. Gon cookoo. Fryd de brain. U need 2 lit go of da farrytals of Jesbus cult.dood. !!1!

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First, let me re-emphasize my premise :


1.Jesus is God

2.Father is God

3.Holy Spirit is God


But God is NOT Jesus


Since Father is God,does that mean Father is Jesus too ? -NO

Since Holy Spirit is God, does that mean Holy Spirit is Jesus too ? - NO


Thus, God is Jesus is INVALID.


and that brings up another problem we mentioned in another thread. by the same logic, god is the holy spirit is invalid as well. that means jesus is not the son of god, but the son of the holy spirit.

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u gize think u all smart with u book learnins and u word paprs so just keep on playin u littel gams and when you look up from the farry pit and wana a lil sip of watr then u aint gonna get none cause u thot u were so samart



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u gize think u all smart with u book learnins and u word paprs so just keep on playin u littel gams and when you look up from the farry pit and wana a lil sip of watr then u aint gonna get none cause u thot u were so samart


It once was thought folks in and around Nashville kept booger flickers like you in the nervuZZ Hozpital. Guess even a mankee gets a day's break and time at the net cafe whilst sucking down his medicated milkshakes.


Begone, they miss you at the evening feces tossing and "Lets try and walk on two hind feet" contests.


Don't try the proxy trick slick. I'm old, slow and born at night, but not last night...





u gize think u all smart with u book learnins and u word paprs so just keep on playin u littel gams and when you look up from the farry pit and wana a lil sip of watr then u aint gonna get none cause u thot u were so samart




Sheeze Red, y'all Gotsta be abul toe reede RedneKKin' Sprecche stuff. Ewe aint tue schmarrt'n iffn y'all kan't reed thiss stuf! :)


Hurt in the testikals wif foniks wurked fer Mie!


k, rednekkin, L

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u gize think u all smart with u book learnins and u word paprs so just keep on playin u littel gams and when you look up from the farry pit and wana a lil sip of watr then u aint gonna get none cause u thot u were so samart



Aaaaand bullseye! A real life example that christians not only take pride in ignorance, but also that inbreeding is a BAD idea!

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u gize think u all smart with u book learnins and u word paprs so just keep on playin u littel gams and when you look up from the farry pit and wana a lil sip of watr then u aint gonna get none cause u thot u were so samart



Aaaaand bullseye! A real life example that christians not only take pride in ignorance, but also that inbreeding is a BAD idea!


hey theyre just following their ancestors of the old testament!! everyone back then was doin their sister and cousin! look at adam... he was weird... he had sex with his rib :grin:

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