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Goodbye Jesus

Did Jesus Die On The Cross?


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You can watch the documentary here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vl3dIPMcq50...d%20jesus%20die


What happened to Jesus 2,000 years ago? Amazing Historical Facts regarding Jesus' surviving crucifixion and migrating to Kashmir. Video Clips from "BBC FOUR" research documentary


I don't know if this has been posted before but I found this information very interesting. It basically says that jesus didn't die on the cross and explains the theory behind it. I know those that view all of the bible as a myth probably won't find this interesting but I think it's a good theory.



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Have heard about that idea before. Kind of interesting, if one assumes that a historical role model for the godman really existed.

Quite compatible with the type of christianity I was once part of, although the fundies will (as usual) get stark raving mad at the idea :fdevil:

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I didn't watch it, but I assume it's some kind of swoon theory?


I don't understand why people make up all these crazy theories about Jesus instead of just proposing the simplest one - none of that crap actually happened.

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What's a "swoon theory"?


Anyway it's still interesting to watch!

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What's a "swoon theory"?


The gist of it is that Jesus just passed out on the cross and was revived and recovered later. I can't get the video to load, so I can't comment on it specifically.

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Yeah it basically says that he either had a coma or was drugged into a death like state (they say this because after drinks spounge he supposedly dies). So basically he was dead but not clinically dead. He was then recovered which to people back then would be a resurrection.


so yeah it a swoon theory. It then says more stuff about going to india and being a buddhist and stuff like that.

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I don't understand why people make up all these crazy theories about Jesus instead of just proposing the simplest one - none of that crap actually happened.


To a degree I do understand that.

Hey, if you aren't aware of all the sick shit in the wholly babble then it's not too surprising that you'd like to think "it can be true". You know, forgiving all sins and the rest of that junk - who would not like to think that at least the supreme power of the universe (if not all those minor powers like the law, your friends and family, et cetera... :Hmm: ) has mercy on you?


If you're of that mindset, of course you'll appreciate every explanation making the legend somewhat more plausible. "Could have been" is much better than "probably never was" if the story is a good one.

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I don't understand why people make up all these crazy theories about Jesus instead of just proposing the simplest one - none of that crap actually happened.


Ramen to that!


Like Thurisaz said, people are desparate for any explanation that seems bulletproof so they can go on rationalizing going to church and believing in their fading deathcult despite the mountains of evidence against it. It's either that, or shake up their entire world by rejecting Xianity, which is likely the foundation for their very sanity.

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I don't understand why people make up all these crazy theories about Jesus instead of just proposing the simplest one - none of that crap actually happened.

Yeah, the story is just a copy of older stories that came before it

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