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Goodbye Jesus

Question: Are You Really A Christian?


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Thanks, Antlerman. I'm glad to see someone took the time to GET IT.


And, don't skip one of the most important parts of the story. The ending.


Over Achan they heaped up a large pile of rocks, which remains to this day. Then the LORD turned from his fierce anger


It was only after ACHAN'S LITTLE KIDS lay in a crumpled, burned up heap that YAHWEH/JESUS/HOLY SPIRIT calmed down and felt better about the whole situation.


Achan's little kids will always be my theme when talking about the atrocities of biblegod.


It just makes me sick to my stomach when I think at one time I worshipped and wrote songs and prayed - to that THING.

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So.... :shrug:


What's the significance of that little fact, other than the Bible was written in a patriarchal culture, by men, 1000s of years ago, (when women were considered little more than slaves)?


The significance of that fact is that Christianity is inherently patriarchical. The entire mindset has nothing to do with feminist qualities in divinity and everything to do with solely the masculine in divinity. The highest place alloted to a female is Mary, and that's just because she was a virgin who gave birth, which can scarcely be said to be celebrating femininity.


On edit, I would just like to add another thing. It wasn't purely what time the Bible was written in. Plenty of other religions existed and originated in times and places where women were treated like crap. However, they share little of the patriarchical delusion that Christianity openly flaunts.

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It was only after ACHAN'S LITTLE KIDS lay in a crumpled, burned up heap that YAHWEH/JESUS/HOLY SPIRIT calmed down and felt better about the whole situation.


Achan's little kids will always be my theme when talking about the atrocities of biblegod.


It just makes me sick to my stomach when I think at one time I worshipped and wrote songs and prayed - to that THING.

:lmao::lmao::lmao: OMG, that's too funny! Unfortunately it because it's so true! :lmao:

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Achan's Kids sounds like a great name for a music group!

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I swear to god if the bible turned out to be true, and I had to stand before the GREAT WHITE THRONE judgment -


If I only have five freakin seconds before the trap door to hell opens up -





I wish I could make a goddamn movie like Mel Gibson did. It would be about Achan. And his kids. The whole two hours would be getting to know this family as people.


Then, helping to understand why Achan decided to pilfer a couple of things.


Then, graphic depictions of the stonings. As graphic as that corded / whip scene with jesus in the Passion.


Then, closeups of the little kids as they breathed their last.


And, finally, the ending scene, with the big words:





god this shit pisses me off.

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I swear to god if the bible turned out to be true, and I had to stand before the GREAT WHITE THRONE judgment -


If I only have five freakin seconds before the trap door to hell opens up -





I wish I could make a goddamn movie like Mel Gibson did. It would be about Achan. And his kids. The whole two hours would be getting to know this family as people.


Then, helping to understand why Achan decided to pilfer a couple of things.


Then, graphic depictions of the stonings. As graphic as that corded / whip scene with jesus in the Passion.


Then, closeups of the little kids as they breathed their last.


And, finally, the ending scene, with the big words:





god this shit pisses me off.



I've been reserving using a full five emoticons until this moment. Damn I will help you with that movie!!!

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Amy marie: Fine, ill give you that, but when have you ever referred to God as Shaddai? I bet your bible doesnt say that. Here's what the Torah says:


(Genisis 49:25): "May your father's God on high become your help, and may Shaddai become your blessing — Blessings of the heavens, from above; blessings of the deep, crouching below — blessings of the breasts [Hebrew: shadai'im] and of the womb."


Here's what your bible says:


(Genesis 49:25): From the God of your father who helps you, And by the Almighty who blesses you With blessings of heaven above *, Blessings of the deep that lies beneath, Blessings of the breasts and of the womb.


Your bible does not say Shaddai, just like it does not say YHWY. If your going to make an argument like this, make sure you are being consistent and are using the Torah. DONT QUOTE FROM OTHER RELIGIONS AND DENOMINATIONS if you yourself dont practice them.


I already addressed your comparisons in my post. Again, just because the examples are metaphorical, that doesnt mean God is female. If someone says, "RHEMtron is like a many breasted woman," that doesnt mean im a female. It means i am able to provide for many of my friends and family members.

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Your bible does not say Shaddai, just like it does not say YHWY. If your going to make an argument like this, make sure you are being consistent and are using the Torah. DONT QUOTE FROM OTHER RELIGIONS AND DENOMINATIONS if you yourself dont practice them.

No, no, no! You should encourage her to do this! Being eclectic in her beleifs would make her a liberal, the very thing she fears most: a world of devoid of black and white answers where you work to figure things out for yourself! :grin:


BTW, I'm still trying to cope with you hating my music so bad :glare:


It was important for me to experience Jesus as both of Mother and a Father because as you already know, my mother comitted suicide and my father was an alcholic.


So that's how I see it.

Seriously Amy, how is this different from others who don't read the Bible literally? You've heard me say many times how everyone creates God in their own image, in ways they need him to be?

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antlerman, youre right. okay, i take back my post. Amy, continue to study ALL the religions and denominations...


hahahahahahahaha geez mr. sensitive! i was just kidding! i loved your music.

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hahahahahahahaha geez mr. sensitive! i was just kidding! i loved your music.

You do???? I feel alive again!!! Thank you!!!

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Does it really matter if my bible doesn't actually spell out the word "Shaddi." It is still translated the same. You wanted to know why I believed Jesus had both the masculine and feminine in Him.

Then from now on, refer to God as Shaddai, YWHY, Jehovah, etc. etc. etc. And since we're quoting from the original text, since the word "Hell" is not in the original text [OT and NT], then i suggest instead of using the word hell, say Gehenna, Tartarus, Sheol, Hades, etc....

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Thanks, Antlerman. I'm glad to see someone took the time to GET IT.


And, don't skip one of the most important parts of the story. The ending.


Over Achan they heaped up a large pile of rocks, which remains to this day. Then the LORD turned from his fierce anger


It was only after ACHAN'S LITTLE KIDS lay in a crumpled, burned up heap that YAHWEH/JESUS/HOLY SPIRIT calmed down and felt better about the whole situation.


Achan's little kids will always be my theme when talking about the atrocities of biblegod.


It just makes me sick to my stomach when I think at one time I worshipped and wrote songs and prayed - to that THING.


ok, i admit, i had to look it up too. that is to funny, poor little achan's kids. you speak as if you were best friends with them. they stole some devoted things. which at first may seem harsh, until you look at the meaning of it. The Hebrew term refers to the irrevocable giving over of things or persons to the LORD. you can't indian give to the Lord, especially in that culture and time of age. The Lord comanded thier obediance, he wasn't just joking around. Plus, their violation led to the dirrect result of loss of soldiers lives. i won't lose any sleep over achan's kids tonight. and i just ate a muffin and drank a latte, so i don't think i am sick to my stomach after reading it.

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You know what, Freeday?


You can freakin worship Ghenghis Khan for all I care.


My point is made. And don't say THEY stole something. It was Achan who took the stuff.

And, don't put it past yourself to do they very same thing if you were in that place.


Achan's kids were slaughtered for the dad's shoplifting, basically.


Not to mention the poor little donkeys. Think Eeyore. Poor thing. What the hell did the donkeys do to piss off Yahweh/Jesus/Holy Spirit?


And, your ogre-god oversaw the masacre and licked his chops when it was done.


Let me ask you something, freeday. If Jesus told you to throw rocks at Eeyore, would you do it? I bet you would, you good little xian soldier, you.


Happy worshipping, Freeday.

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ok, i admit, i had to look it up too. that is to funny, poor little achan's kids. you speak as if you were best friends with them. they stole some devoted things. which at first may seem harsh, until you look at the meaning of it. The Hebrew term refers to the irrevocable giving over of things or persons to the LORD. you can't indian give to the Lord, especially in that culture and time of age. The Lord comanded thier obediance, he wasn't just joking around. Plus, their violation led to the dirrect result of loss of soldiers lives. i won't lose any sleep over achan's kids tonight. and i just ate a muffin and drank a latte, so i don't think i am sick to my stomach after reading it.


You are a fucking waste of DNA.


You can't feel compassion for someone who isn't your best friend? Especially for a bunch of kids whose Dad committed the crime?


And what the hell do you mean by, "you can't indian give to the Lord, especially in that culture and time of age"? God changed his mind? It's okay to steal holy things now, he won't command anyone to stone you?

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I swear to god if the bible turned out to be true, and I had to stand before the GREAT WHITE THRONE judgment -


If I only have five freakin seconds before the trap door to hell opens up -





I wish I could make a goddamn movie like Mel Gibson did. It would be about Achan. And his kids. The whole two hours would be getting to know this family as people.


Then, helping to understand why Achan decided to pilfer a couple of things.


Then, graphic depictions of the stonings. As graphic as that corded / whip scene with jesus in the Passion.


Then, closeups of the little kids as they breathed their last.


And, finally, the ending scene, with the big words:





god this shit pisses me off.

It is disgusting to me also. Yet, I see this person as being no different than the woman that killed her kids. The delusion has not yet ceased. God (if there is one) has nothing to do with the madness of people...just a bunch of fundamental lunatics that offer their children and animals for penance. Idiots...


It's probably not fair for me to call them idiots. I'm sure, in their mind, they thought they were doing what was right. This is yet another reason why I think Jesus (or the story of) was trying to get the fundies to see how wrong they were with this sort of behavior. He tells them that they can throw stones if they are without sin. He was appalled with the fundy's behavior also, IMO.

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ok, i admit, i had to look it up too. that is to funny, poor little achan's kids. you speak as if you were best friends with them. they stole some devoted things. which at first may seem harsh, until you look at the meaning of it. The Hebrew term refers to the irrevocable giving over of things or persons to the LORD. you can't indian give to the Lord, especially in that culture and time of age. The Lord comanded thier obediance, he wasn't just joking around. Plus, their violation led to the dirrect result of loss of soldiers lives. i won't lose any sleep over achan's kids tonight. and i just ate a muffin and drank a latte, so i don't think i am sick to my stomach after reading it.

:Doh: Oh my god...they didn't give them over to the lord, they gave them over to a bunch of fundamental madmen! They are the ones that commanded his obedience, not god! Jesus probably would have grabbed the kids and ran. Just like anyone of us today would when confronted with lunatic fundamentals that are getting ready to kill their children. Please freeday...think!

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I was watching the National Geographics Channel last week. They tried to retrace the route of Joshua and his "missions". It turns out, the destruction of Ai happened 300-1000 years before Joshua even got there. They got there, saw the ruins, and the mythology was made up. The archaeologists then went to the spot where the bodies were supposed to be found, but nothing.

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ok, i admit, i had to look it up too. that is to funny, poor little achan's kids. you speak as if you were best friends with them. they stole some devoted things. which at first may seem harsh, until you look at the meaning of it. The Hebrew term refers to the irrevocable giving over of things or persons to the LORD. you can't indian give to the Lord, especially in that culture and time of age. The Lord comanded thier obediance, he wasn't just joking around. Plus, their violation led to the dirrect result of loss of soldiers lives. i won't lose any sleep over achan's kids tonight. and i just ate a muffin and drank a latte, so i don't think i am sick to my stomach after reading it.


You are a fucking waste of DNA.


You can't feel compassion for someone who isn't your best friend? Especially for a bunch of kids whose Dad committed the crime?


And what the hell do you mean by, "you can't indian give to the Lord, especially in that culture and time of age"? God changed his mind? It's okay to steal holy things now, he won't command anyone to stone you?


didn't mean to piss anyone off, just a little sarcasm there. i thought it was pretty funny, especially the part about the poor little donkey. reminded me of the time i shot a poor inocent deer in the spine, paralyzing him. then i had to slit his throat to finish him off. gee he tasted good. :eek:

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Pretty lame attempt at shock value. Sounds like you're kind of a piss-poor shot.


Everyone I know hunts deer, elk, and antelope.


And, you're right. Venison ain't bad if prepared properly. But Elk meat is better.


Did Jesus tell you to shoot the deer? What's that got to do with the stoning of Eeyore, anyway?

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Everyone I know hunts deer, elk, and antelope.

No..... no shooting antler-creatures! :lmao:

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Pretty lame attempt at shock value. Sounds like you're kind of a piss-poor shot.


Everyone I know hunts deer, elk, and antelope.


And, you're right. Venison ain't bad if prepared properly. But Elk meat is better.


Did Jesus tell you to shoot the deer? What's that got to do with the stoning of Eeyore, anyway?


you are very right, i am a piss poor shot. but in my defense he was running when i shot him at around 50-70 yrds. it had nothing to do with the stoning, just poking fun at the donkey. :grin:

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Back to it.....


The children of Achan were punished with death for a crime that only Achan committed.


How does one man's theft translate to culpability to his entire family?


Achan's confession doesn't even involve them.


It is unlikely Achan was elderly, so that makes his oldest children teenagers, and his youngest children toddlers or babies (pre-birth control, era where large families were the norm).


ALL of them were stoned and burned. ALL.



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The children of Achan were punished with death for a crime that only Achan committed.



Indeed Freeday.


Quit running away from the facts.

You sure as heck wouldn't accept it if your whole family was killed for your mistake. No matter how big.

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ok, i admit, i had to look it up too. that is to funny, poor little achan's kids. you speak as if you were best friends with them. they stole some devoted things. which at first may seem harsh, until you look at the meaning of it. The Hebrew term refers to the irrevocable giving over of things or persons to the LORD. you can't indian give to the Lord, especially in that culture and time of age. The Lord comanded thier obediance, he wasn't just joking around. Plus, their violation led to the dirrect result of loss of soldiers lives. i won't lose any sleep over achan's kids tonight. and i just ate a muffin and drank a latte, so i don't think i am sick to my stomach after reading it.


You are a fucking waste of DNA.


You can't feel compassion for someone who isn't your best friend? Especially for a bunch of kids whose Dad committed the crime?


And what the hell do you mean by, "you can't indian give to the Lord, especially in that culture and time of age"? God changed his mind? It's okay to steal holy things now, he won't command anyone to stone you?


didn't mean to piss anyone off, just a little sarcasm there. i thought it was pretty funny, especially the part about the poor little donkey. reminded me of the time i shot a poor inocent deer in the spine, paralyzing him. then i had to slit his throat to finish him off. gee he tasted good. :eek:



Deer meat is good, donkey meat is disgusting, and therefore the two are not similar.


You are still a jackass.

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