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Diary Of A Food Addict - Entry 10 - Mondays Are The Weigh In Day




Well, helloooo again everyone! It's been another fantabulous week! The weather has been lovely. The personal life has leveled out. I even threw a birthday in there with a couple vacation trips now planned to finish it all off.


Damn, I'm really happy.


I know the last few entries were rather down in the dumps, but I know that whenever there is a change to my routine, it really messes with me, so thanks to everyone that hung in there with my couple weeks of bad attitude. This past week was sooooo much better. I'm really excited this week simply because I worked more greens back in to my diet. My garden has had several rows of romaine, kale, and collards ready to pick already so I haven't had the aggravation of hurrying out to the store if I start to get low. LOVE IT! Tomatoes are putting on fruit now too so I am really looking forward to the rest of my summer and the ease of sticking to my meal plans. Not that they are really plans.


I keep my meals simple. I try to keep greens as the larger portion of what I am eating. A 1/4 cup of starch, few ounces of meat. Sticking to my sugar free drinks for now too. Seems to help a lot with the coffee in the morning. Though, my soda intake has creeped up quite a bit. I'm still under 1800 cals a day. I did fall off the wagon on taking my vitamin regularly, but I think it had a lot to do with my kids being off school now so the morning routine is off kilter. I should have that remedied by the end of the week.


Anyways, I'm still at 190 lbs. I know I have to start doing cardio, but I've really been procrastinating. I HATE CARDIO. If I could just get away with core exercises, I would be a very happy girl. I think it's all the coordination with the cardio that really intimidates me, or if I am on my bike, I don't last more than 20 minutes because of the absolute searing burn in my knees. I must be cycling wrong. I'd tried several different cardio routines, but I get so aggravated with the motions. I know I don't have to keep up at first because I'm learning the moves, but I'm not graceful enough or coordinated enough. If anyone has some good suggestions for effective cardio workouts, please send me a line. I'm really frustrated here. The hikes are not enough because I HAVE to take my dogs along otherwise I catch flack for not doing enough with my doggies. Need a solution to the whole cardio deal. My core exercises, while they have full range of motion involved, I don't think they hit the range high enough to be considered a workout on a cardio routine.


I seriously might consider jogging, though the idea of jolting my joints sounds atrocious. I just know the walks aren't cutting it anymore, not even on the hill. I guess one could say I like effective cardio, meaning an intense workout, even if in short bursts, instead of a 40 minute routine that seems to drag out torture forever. :P


Later this week I am heading out West so I will try to hit the pools and beaches and get in some good swimming hours. I always lose weight on vacation. I'll be gone for 10 days and am looking forward to the rewards of being out and distracted. It's been a minute since I've had some serious get away time and I can't wait!!!!!


Some of you sent me emails asking if I've given up due to my last few weeks of frustration, and the answer is a resounding NO!!! This is typical for me when my routine gets messed with and I am hitting my "wall" weight. 190 has always been a tough number to slide under for me, but I am still keeping at it. I like how I am looking. My ass is a little curvier again instead of a slab, and for me, that is nice! Now to bust my arms and thighs a bit, and cardio is the only answer..... Wish me luck!!


My 36th Birthday's Cake I Made


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start Of week B6c

Pants I couldn't wear and a shirt that used to be skin tight.



Blubber Battle Week 2 Weigh In

Blubber Battle Week 1


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Guest Theta


I had that same problem with bicycling till I found out your supposed to have the seat equal or higher then the height of your handlebars.

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Hey! Good for you! Are you using the iPhone app "MyFitnessPal"? It's awesome! It will be so worth it. I too have an unhealthy relationship with food, and I really have to count calories to stay trim. I could eat literally non stop! I wonder what the source of that issue is.

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I had that same problem with bicycling till I found out your supposed to have the seat equal or higher then the height of your handlebars.

I NEVER knew that. I am going to check on that as soon as I get back! Thanks for the tip!

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Hey! Good for you! Are you using the iPhone app "MyFitnessPal"? It's awesome! It will be so worth it. I too have an unhealthy relationship with food, and I really have to count calories to stay trim. I could eat literally non stop! I wonder what the source of that issue is.

For me, it is an outright addiction to food. I LOVE food. I get pleaure from consumption. And like you, I could eat forever. ;)  I don't do Apple products. I find them rather frustrating and invasive like Xbox products. I keep a journal though.

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Have you done 23 and Me yet? It is genes testing via the web and it showed me many reasons I am a FA, too. 


I can't process some nutrients and can't process toxins, so I have  a hell of a time. 


PS Longer walks many help! With me, it's two hrs a day.  If you take music or a book, the time zips by!

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