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Objective Vs. Subjective Evidence




Objective - Not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.


Subjective - Based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.


Evidence - The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.


Objective evidence is the available body of facts or information that has been collected which are not influenced by personal feelings or opinions. Subjective evidence is the available body of facts or information that IS influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions. If we are trying to determine the truth of something or some event, objective evidence obtained through scientific means which can be reproduced or verified by anyone is the ONLY method we have to determine true cause and effect relationships. Anecdotal evidence, stories, or someone’s personal beliefs or opinions does not prove something is true. In cases where there isn't enough objective scientific evidence to determine the truth of something, those questions remain unanswered until a time when more evidence can be collected which might be able to answer those questions. When you have been convinced of something and there is no objective evidence that can support that belief, then that belief is unfounded. I would not try to argue someone out of their beliefs. I don't really think that is even possible. But, I like to know that my beliefs can be supported by objective evidence. I find it difficult to understand why people are more convinced by subjective evidence (anecdotes and the like), but for a lot of people that seems to be the case.


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I find it difficult to understand why people are more convinced by subjective evidence (anecdotes and the like), but for a lot of people that seems to be the case.


What's worse is that those people vote.

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I find it difficult to understand why people are more convinced by subjective evidence (anecdotes and the like), but for a lot of people that seems to be the case.


Because to demand any cold cut evidence without the frills of woo and superstition, and especially belief based on no proof - just faith, that is what you get. Raised in fear to question the higher authority and accepting of any biblical garbage thrown at you is what you get out of that fear.

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I think your right, Z. I'm really losing hope that any of my friends can ever see reason. They're so caught up in this belief system they can't even consider for a moment that it might be based on a ficticious story, but more towards your point, I think they are afraid to question it.

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Hmmm, believe and spend eternity praising "God" and being bored. Question and spend eternity in hell being tortured by watching those praising "God" and being bored. Easy choice for those who are essentially cowards.

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