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It's Not About Blame



What is the purpose of blame? If someone done something wrong, is it more important to fix it or to find out who did it? I had a boss who was notorious for finding who was to blame for even the most trivial of things. Someone had to be blamed and it drove him crazy when he couldn't find a person to blame. Then, there's the case where there was a miscommunication between people and something went wrong and instead of fixing the problem first guess what happens? All people involved are focusing in finding the person to blame as a priority before moving on and everyone tries very hard to deny any blame whilst projecting it onto someone else.


A large portion of mistakes, accidents and so forth are trivial and not characteristic of an individual's actions. Finding who to blame isn't important because the need of "corrective discipline" isn't required. The important thing is fixing the problem. Likewise, even in a serious situation the most important first step is fixing the problem then when you're in the clear find out who made the mistake and why so you can take whatever appropriate action is required. Yet, most people lunge towards finding someone to blame before doing anything else. It's almost like a bloodlust.


Likewise, this bloodlust is found in the justice system in the West. People are very much concerned about whether or not they can blame someone for the crime they committed. The problem with this is the more we find out about human sociology and neurology the less we can argue that a human is responsible for their actions and thus blameworthy. People are a product of their environment and genetics. It's a fact that men commit more crimes than women, that those who grow up in shitty homes will more than likely commit crimes and so on.


More pertinently, if someone has a mental disorder, a tumor or something else messing with their brain it will effect their behavior. We have many cases where someone with a tumor or some kind of brain damage acting in ways that their friends and family would describe quite unlike themselves. One man got a gun and started shooting people from a tower. In his suicide letter he noted how he felt so unlike himself and how he had this uncontrollable anger that came from nowhere. He was found with a tumor. Another man started watching child pornography. It was removed and he stopped. When he started up again it was found that the tumor regrown.


Further, we are also aware of many cases of people with schizophrenia who commit awful crimes but once on medication become "normal" again. Now, if you don't realize where I am heading with this yet lemme tell you: The more we find out about sociology and neurology the more we realize that people are essentially not morally responsible for their actions. The more we study criminals, the more we find abnormalities in their mental and physical states. Our current justice system will be useless when the inevitable proof is shown that unsocial behavior is at its root a biological cause beyond the control of the perpetrator in question.


So, the focus on blame should be shifted. We need to focus on whether or not this person in question is able to be rehabilitated and if not they need to be kept away from society to protect it. This will ensure that the justice system remains fair and consistent no matter what the progress is in the above fields mentioned.

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I have thought this a lot, too.  It's just how do we find out before they go on a killing spree? We know after, but it's too late to save those victims. 


But what then of rapists and child molesters? I do agree with this article a lot but I feel like really big crimes, people do need to be held accountable for (be great if we could prevent them in the first place).  I don't know, just rambling. I am curious to hear more on it. I find this topic pretty fascinating. 

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