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Goodbye Jesus

The Bluegrass Skeptic

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J Is For Jesus Fucking Christ




Jesus didn't approve homosexuality.
Jesus Saves!
Jesus take the wheel.
Jesus is Lord!
Y'all need Jesus!




Jesus on stationery.
Jesus on itty bitty gold crosses dangling from your mom's neck.
Jesus on billboards.
Jesus in politics.
Jesus on South Park.
Jesus on toast.


Jesus fucking Christ! I get it already.


Every time I hear someone tell another,"I'm praying for your healing." Saying this while standing next to a friend, bedridden with cancer. Every time someone lets me know that I am loved by the ever-watching Him of the divine invisible planes of Woo. Every time I turn to friends for advice, and I am offered scripture for consolation.


Seriously, I fucking get it.


All the way down to your Jesus fish with the shiny fake chrome finish that you put on the rear of your car, just below your stick figure family decals on your back windshield.


Yeah. Jesus makes your world go round in countless ways. But unfortunately for millions of us around you, we'd appreciate less Jesus pep rallies. When we cry, what is more consoling? The motivational examples of blessings in the lives of others, like that of your aunt finally conceiving that long awaited child? Or would some of us just prefer a hug while we deal with the devastating trauma of loved ones suddenly vanishing from our lives?


The world's suffering doesn't need Jesus. It needs you.


Is it so hard to admit you are at a loss when you see me suffering? I know you are uncomfortable and pained, but don't pass your anxiety of my pain off to a very obviously absent deity. Do something. Admit something. Acknowledge the helplessness you feel, and find a way to help. Ask me what will truly make a difference in my situation. This works across the world on a daily basis in more visible ways than an invisible comforter.




Hold a hand.
Help someone eat.
Donate a few bucks to research.


Being part of humanity, we see situations every day that we sometimes cannot READ MORE HERE at my blog The Bluegrass Skeptic http://thebluegrassskeptic.com/2015/08/02/j-is-for-jesus-fucking-christ/


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Sounds like someone needs to feed their inner Jesus, (sorry I couldn't pass that one up)

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