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Rachel Truth Seeker

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What The Fucking Hell?! My Life As A Female Maid



A day in the life. A day in the life it's been. As I've told you guys before, I work as a maid in people's homes. Well let me tell you about a common fucked up scenario in the life of the independent female worker. A man contacts me about working in his home. When it comes time, I give the man a call-back. To see if he is still interested in hiring me, and for a meeting in which we would go over the details of the job. And so I call the man. And his wife answers the phone. Ok, fine. "Hi this is Rachel I'm calling for _______" wife: "RACHEL?? wtfomg?? Rachel who?" "I'm Rachel the maid I am calling to speak with _______ about a possible job at your home" At which point the lady-of-the-house loses her goddamn mind and treats me like some kind of hussy, some kind of prostitute woman hunting down her husband. All because I am a female making a phone call to her husband.


http://youtu.be/xfjV7u012ls "Jake from State Farm commercial" sums up the situation nicely.


I don't even know where to go from there. And not to mention the unspeakable insult to my character. My question is when this situation occurs, where to go from there? What would you do? Walk away from the job offer after having been insulted , or continue to pursue the job and try to explain the situation to the diabolical wife?


I cannot begin to describe how insulting this situation is, both as a female and as a feminist, to be on the receiving end of such disrespect from another woman. For all these women know, I'm a lesbian, or perhaps I would never be attracted to their husband, point is, they don't even know me but they are judging me. I also think it is pathetic for a wife or girlfriend to be so distrusting of their spouse. If they can't trust their spouse enough to let them be on the phone with another woman, there are serious trust problems in that relationship, and I would suggest they don't even love each other, because real love means real trust. I seriously question whether I'd be willing to work in homes that treat me like this, but then I feel bad for the men, because they were innocent in the situation and simply trying to offer me a job.


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Hi, Rach.

I'm sorry you have to go through that type of conflict sometimes. I imagine it is frustrating and insulting. If you're going to continue in that line of work, maybe you could make some adjustments in how you approach job prospects and arrangements to do the work.


The first obvious question is how important is the income from the jobs where that conflict occurs? Also, do you always or usually make the agreement with the man of the house? When you do make the agreement with the man (and there's a wife/woman of the house), how often, or what approximate percentage of those cases, does this type of conflict occur? Could you deal with that issue more up front? Ask the man who else in the household you might be interacting or communicating with when you follow up to make the arrangements, and when you actually go to the house to do the work. This is information you also need to know for your own benefit and perhaps safety, on the job.


I hope that helps.

I wish you all the best, peace, safety, and fulfillment.



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I make job arrangements with whoever it is that contacts me.  Often that is a man.  It seems like women a lot of times don't like me, don't trust me unless they're lesbians.  I don't know why but straight women are usually pretty harsh with me and I tend to keep my distance.  I'm very shy so usually the only person I want to talk to is the one that approached me for the job.  I am a professional and I despise that clients sometimes treat me like a whore just because I am a woman.  I have never, never ever had any sexual anything with a client.  It's strictly business for me.  So perhaps other women are afraid of a strong female. 

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