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Goodbye Jesus

Great Atheist "testimony" From Nate Phelps (Son Of Westboro Baptist Church Founder Fred Phelps)


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Check this out if you haven't seen it.  I found it inspiring.  He talks about how he was raised in and incredibly abusive environment before becoming a "regular Christian."  Later, he becomes an atheist. 


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Wow. Full-on atheist. Very articulate and great story-teller. Horrific to hear the details of the child abuse, and some of the ways it affected his own ideas about having children. 


Made it clear that living in an environment of abject violence and terror, it took great courage to run away. And all that coming from your own father, how on earth you make sense of that and are able to have any normal trusting human relationships afterwards is beyond me. Sounds like he's doing remarkably well considering.


Underlines the importance and power of good critical thinking above all. I agree with him that it should be the tool used to confront dangerous ideas wherever they come from.


Wish him all the best. Thanks for sharing.

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That was really moving.  Thank you for sharing.

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Thanks for posting this.  I have seen a few similar presentations by Nathan Phelps and heard him on TTA podcast, but this one is definitely worth watching.  Very timely, considering his father's death.   

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that was a good talk. Thanks for sharing.

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